You probably feel like you want to scream nonstop, just scream at the top of your lungs or louder, “STOP IT! JUST STOP IT! GODDAM IT, I SAID F*CKING STOP IT!!!!!!!!” Continue reading
You probably feel like you want to scream nonstop, just scream at the top of your lungs or louder, “STOP IT! JUST STOP IT! GODDAM IT, I SAID F*CKING STOP IT!!!!!!!!” Continue reading
That’s the start of a pop ballad called “Are you miserable tonight?”, a country song with a twist of blues.
I’m writing songs again, mostly now about paranoia and knocks at the door and fascists smashing down all the socio-political gains we’ve made over the past 50 years since the Civil Rights Movement got some wind in its sail.
Now it’s time for activists to once again take to the streets and to the voting booths, although they will be turned away from the polls if past Republican history is anything to go by, and it is.
So we’ll be watching this all on the news. Too bad none of this wonderful 21st century history manages to survive the Second Holocaust, and even if it did, nothing got past the Third Holocaust, nothing. Continue reading
Isn’t that truly amazing? I’ll be making more things along this line, just now discovered the clipboard among other stuff I wouldn’t ordinarily even think about putting up, but gosh, there are so many wonderful products and some of them are just positively work-oriented and naturals for the total feng-shui of your planetary existence. Continue reading
Naturally, you’re going to want to know exactly what your Operating Level might be, so you have a clear idea of what armor you are able to wear, what weapons you can bear, what magical items you are able to use … so I’ve devised a short test that will help you sort all that out and come up with a composite number that will reflect your Cloak-Wearing Capacity. Continue reading
What is HTK, anyway? HTK is a game programmer term referring to the number of hits it takes to kill something in a game. It comes from D&D, which is “Dungeons & Dragons”, invented by two friends in the sci-fi fantasy realm, Dave Arnesson and Gary Gygax, both of whom became millionaires just prior to passing to the Next Realm in the Sky.