Babylonian Radio Discovered


Claude and I are currently examining and testing a Babylonian Radio. Technically speaking, it’s roughly equivalent to the GI Foxhole Radio of WW II. We’re thinking there’s a matching spark-gap transmitter, although this was clearly built as an interdimensional religious artifact, used for alpha/theta wave induction and Schumann Harmonics effects, similar to a Brane-Power amulet. Potentially, there’s no reason why we should not someday find an ancient SuperBeacon somewhere in the ancient ruins of Babylon.

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Stop da Presses!!!

In newspaper parlance, “Stop da Presses!!!” means that the reporter is running to his or her desk with a “scooop” —  a news story that no other newspaper has got hold of yet. Well, that’s what this is. I’ll leave it to your imagination; dark, dank, cool subway tunnels with Old Gorby at your side, giving you kind, helpful instructions, such as “Watch it, meathead!” and “Is typing on a keyboard Kryptonite to your species???” and “Move it, Maggot, I haven’t got all darn day!!!”. Gives ya the willies to hear them drill sergeant commands, eh? “Gimme ten on the floor, mister!” There’s much more to this story…

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Incredible New Breakthrough

Oh, yeah!!! This is the movement and Character Point of View for which I’ve been waiting two and a half decades! Thank you VAL and KRU!!! It totally alters the experience of running in one of my orbs. You see yourself in a way you’ve never seen. What it is, actually, is a method of movement combined with a very important Point of View (POV) traveling camera, in effect. The viewpoint is taken from about one (scale) meter behind the head of the player’s character, and slightly above it — this height is variable, set by the level designer. This view represents how the average Transcended Being or Ascended Master will see the Einsteinian Universe, from this viewpoint exactly.

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