There really isn’t any other way to survive the Age of Trump — you’ll need money, lots of it, unless you want to be rounded up like all the middle and lower class people will be rounded up and put to work on the infrastructure, which means “road repair”, breaking rocks like a hard-time prisoner.
The only pleasure Trump gets out of life is to torment people with his very presence. You don’t have to take that or any of his bullshit crap, not now, not ever. But if you want that choice, want the power to remain outside his grasp, you’ll need money, lots of it.
Have a home? Have a job? Have a family? These little “Alternate Facts” of your personal freedom and First Amendment Rights will be totally ignored in the Big Roundup, and that ends forever your chances of escaping the misery of living in an Amerikan dictatorship under the Rule of Trump.
Not only that, but there’s a whole dynasty waiting to take power once he leaves the stage, and he’s still got six, almost seven, years more of unrelenting power, with a string of outrages that gets more and more absurd until the day he announces the dissolution of Congress.
Right after that, it gets very sticky — you don’t have to believe me, you’ve been here before your own self — examine your Past Life Surveys to get the details. Same old cards, read ’em and weep.
Only one answer — Get Rich Quick.
There’s only one way to do that, really — start with a large amount of cash, invest it wisely in a business of your own, and develop it over a period of years.
Too bad — there’s no time for that, now.
The ONLY solution for Trump’s Aggressions against your personal freedoms is to get rich super-quick, and there are damn few options that YOU, sitting in Middle-Class Poverty, can take to make that happen.
You’re not starting out with ANY amount of capital, let alone with a decent bankroll. Continue reading →