The World Next Door

fishtank photo by “Dok” © 2012.

If I were to tell you that there’s a world right in front of your eyes, a world that you cannot see and know nothing about, what would be your reaction?

(a) No reaction, not interested in anything outside the basic survival cattle-path.

(b) You’d say “bull-pucky” or some familiar equivalent.

(c) “Prove it,” would be your reaction.

(d) “Everyone knows that,” you’d reply, “the only real question is, how far is it from midtown?” to paraphrase a comment by Woody Allen related to the Afterlife.

(e) None of the Above.

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Sandy As Predicted on 5/26/69

Interview with my friend Dickie Dawson on KHJ TV in May of 1969 discussing Quake. Left to right, Dawson, Adi Amin, myself and Arch-Druid Tyrhon.

In several newspaper and tv interviews in May of 1969, I un-predicted the “Great California Earthquake”. The story was carried on all news outlets including Reuters, API and other major newscarriers. The footage appeared on Huntley-Brinkley and other network newscasts. I correctly said that the feared California Earthquake would not happen as predicted — of course there are always earthquakes, but not on the scale expected — but I did predict at that time, correctly, that this century would be marked by lawlessness in the streets, the growth of hoodlumism, a black president and the flooding of NYC. I did not specify the time factors involved, because I couldn’t. All I knew was “someday in the not-too-distant future”, Manhattan streets would be under water and the subways flooded, and I said then, that the rats, sewage, garbage, winds and looters would be more difficult than the flood itself. Now, my question to you is — had you believed me, would you have done anything differently?

SlabWay to Heaven

Yeh, it’s true. All that glitters is gold. Forget the glittery stuff, and go for the iron lamp, dude. Listen to Shameless O’Riley when he says you can USE those coin-loaded slabs to Time Travel, Space Travel and as an added attraction, apply them to an electronic wizard such as “SlabWay to Heaven”, my latest offering in Orbs. I’ll be making a video on how to use the slabs in meditation, ritual and healing. Stay tuned for more.

See You At The Top!!!



Making Spiritual Work Pay

Sounds funny, right? But the government here and in most places around the world are not interested in subsidizing the spiritual lives of those renunciates who reject all material things including making a livelihood. There are some circumstances which allow individuals to retire from the world and engage fully and completely in spiritual activities. Those circumstances generally involve a lot of money raised by others to allow this to happen. The only way to make your way anymore is to somehow make your spiritual work pay off both in spirit and by putting food on the table, roof over head. Sure, you can be a bum, but there’s an honest “Hobo” way to do it — chop wood, carry water. I’ll be talking about this at the ICW.

Time Travel Made Easy

Back in the 1950s, my dad Horace, who was then the editor of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine, one of the “Big 3” sci-fi mags of the time, wrote a story for an 800-word gap in the issue, with no time to beg a story from one of his stable of writers…it had to be written overnight. It was exactly 800 words. Short-shorts are very hard to write — trick is to hold the punchline ’til the very, very last moment, without “telegraphing” the ending. In a longer story, the ending doesn’t generally matter much.

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Introducing “Quantum Contact Coin” Sets

Most folks don’t have coins minted in their honor. I wanted to offer an opportunity to acquire coins of interest to spirit mediums and anyone using the Prosperity Path Oracles or Seances. These coins are associated magically with the individuals by a variety of connections and coupling factors, the most obvious of which is the date of the coin.

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Go Ahead, Make Me Rong!!!

Humans of Planet Earth. People. You know I love ’em. The fact is that they’re not really very calm or gentle, but that’s not my point at all. My point is that you wouldn’t expect a wild animal such as a lion or a tiger — even one that has been tamed — to not react with instant savage unthinking aggression, from time to time. Moreover, you couldn’t be certain what might or might not trigger the big cat off. This is where I part company with the psychologists and other micro-managers of the human brain. I quote from the Trans-Universe Beddikker’s Guide, to wit:

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Emotional Education

We’ve got Physical Education. Phys Ed is everywhere. Brain education is in university. But where is our post-sandbox Emotional Education? You don’t have to believe me; it takes a moment’s glance to see that Emotional Education is sadly — and perhaps dangerously — lacking in our society. Is there a cure? Yes, there is. Watch the ICW this coming weekend.

See You At The Top!!!
