Interview with my friend Dickie Dawson on KHJ TV in May of 1969 discussing Quake. Left to right, Dawson, Adi Amin, myself and Arch-Druid Tyrhon.
In several newspaper and tv interviews in May of 1969, I un-predicted the “Great California Earthquake”. The story was carried on all news outlets including Reuters, API and other major newscarriers. The footage appeared on Huntley-Brinkley and other network newscasts. I correctly said that the feared California Earthquake would not happen as predicted — of course there are always earthquakes, but not on the scale expected — but I did predict at that time, correctly, that this century would be marked by lawlessness in the streets, the growth of hoodlumism, a black president and the flooding of NYC. I did not specify the time factors involved, because I couldn’t. All I knew was “someday in the not-too-distant future”, Manhattan streets would be under water and the subways flooded, and I said then, that the rats, sewage, garbage, winds and looters would be more difficult than the flood itself. Now, my question to you is — had you believed me, would you have done anything differently?