I’ve just spent the entire night creating 15 second #shorts videos for youtube, and I’m hoping you’ll be able to use them for your work.
What I have in mind is that you see something you like — in the way of #shorts — somewhere on my channels, and you order a related video, one which somewhat resembles the other, but is different enough to qualify for youtube publication.
You should select things that really go with the central theme of your channel and, yes, your channel should have a definite theme. Continue reading →
I’m blasting off into outer space with my ejgoldguru youtube channel, and I have a possibly useful strategy, if you make as many short films in one work session as I do — I make typically anywhere from a half-dozen to a dozen videos, but we are cautioned by the experts not to spam these up there, so I have, as I mentioned, a possible solution.
Wait until the last-uploaded video has gotten stuck — meaning no activity in at least twenty minutes, maybe wait an hour if you are unsure — until you upload the next one.
So only upload when there’s no other action on your channel, and watch carefully to see that the videos are catching on. If not, you can blame your title — that’s what’s usually the cause of little or no views. Continue reading →
I’ve been posting a bunch of videos on my ejgoldguru channel on youtube. go take a look and see how it’s done. I’ve steadily built my channel and it’s growing fast!
You might already know that I’m testing out my incredible and fascinating Animated Greenscreens that I use for my youtube videos.
Using youtube was, for me, the easiest route to achieving a viewable result, and it would be for me the simplest to actualize in a continuing way, meaning workshops and talks.
What I wanted was a way to create excitement in the viewer, animating the viewer into following the hotlink to some downloading type website, where we could monitor the traffic and try to anticipate its source. Continue reading →
Here’s a bunch of stuff you need to know if you’re going to use youtube as a work path. If you’d rather just laugh a lot, look through some previous postings.
My Bug-Eyed Monsters are available or you can make your own.
Well, here it is, time to go hunting for some terrific videos that don’t collapse in the middle and stay interesting right to the end. Try it sometime. The hunting, I mean. It’s not as easy as you’d think, without getting repetitious and dependent on several reliable channels to provide easy targets. It ain’t that easy. There’s the audience to consider, and the timing of the humor relative to public sentiment and pressures. In short, it ain’t easy.
The idea is, you like the experience and decide to share my blog link with a number of people who are listed as “friends” or “followers” or “disciples” or whatever passes for a group in active association.
this is one of the places at which I intend to dance for a video.
I guess I was having too much fun to jolt over to my blog — wait til you see what I’ve cooked up in Second Life.
Of course, you’re welcome to use it, too, as long as I’m not there shooting a video, and keeping in mind that I’ll probably tear down the whole set in a few days to build something else, unless …
Unless I decide to keep the subway station up all the time, doing subway busker dances and other performances.
Hmmmm. There’s plenty of room to keep it up and do other things, too, I believe. I’ll check later to see how many prims I have remaining in that domain.
Meanwhile, here’s something from which you might benefit.
Connecting others up with my blog helps them, too, especially if they need a little lift before they tackle the sheer horror of the human world. Continue reading →
The book says, “too rare to price.” I found this coin in my spare change.
It’s not just a question of fun. Anyone can have fun. The thing is, making videos can be fun, if you will allow it to be fun.
Actually, I made a conscious decision to have fun when making videos, and this helps me maintain a good attitude toward the effort.
Making and posting youtube videos is rewarding enough as just plain fun, but it’s also a way of achieving something that modern day folks are very much in need of.
I know. Ending a sentence with “of” is almost as bad as ending a sentence in “for”.
That thing that people lack today is a sense of accomplishment, purpose, meaning. It’s always lacking in advanced civilizations, and even in civilizations like this one.
The absolute remedy for depression and misery is to have fun.
There is no bigger thrill than to actually have an effect and see the result with your own eyes. That’s what happens when you see your stats chart go through the roof on youtube.
When I actually SEE the effects that my actions on youtube are having, it’s as much a thrill for me as it would be for any five year old kid who just won bigly at the local game arcade.