Custom ChatBot Develepurs

Yes, you got it, you heard me right. It’s March 7, 2023, so us “Chat Bott Develepurs” are also on the march — get it? — and, by the way, I didn’t even use ChatGPT to compoze this blogg.

Nossir. I did it all myself and didn’t even have to use the spelling thing or translate it into modern social media gibberish, although I could probably use a few dozen emogees right here, if I only knew how to put them in here somewhere.

By the way, I’m back on GODD levels again, after a nasty bout with pollen that lasted for months. Pollen is real bad this time of year, and the Republicans aren’t making it any easier, but that gets us no closer to the real deal …

So let’s suppose you’ve already solved PROBLEM #1. Continue reading

Unveiling the Greatest Secret of the Universe

The Unseen Force

The universe is full of mysteries, but one of its greatest secrets is the unseen force that binds all things together. It is a power that is felt, but not seen. It is an energy that links us all, no matter where we are.

This unseen force is the source of all life and the ultimate source of power. It is the power that enables us to create, to manifest our dreams, and to live our lives with purpose and joy. It is the power of the universe that connects us all. Continue reading

Helping Others Achieve a Higher Bardo Passage

None of the things are real.

This was generated by ai bot, and cannot be trusted to be accurate or true — however, there are some easy clues in here, mostly the repetitious nature of the text and the mindless prattle.

Unfortunately, you can’t eliminate the prattle in cattle.

The Bardo

The Bardo is a realm between life and death, a place where souls linger and wait for their final destination. It is a place of transformation, where souls can find peace and understanding before entering the afterlife.

Crossing over into the Bardo is a process of transformation, as souls learn to accept the life they have lived and the death they will soon face. It is a journey of acceptance and healing, and those who traverse the Bardo can find peace and understanding in the afterlife. Continue reading

ESCAPE! Videos #52

EJ Gold at Fort Ord, Vietnam Era Training Battalion, 1963.

It’s all about vibration. Everything is connected. Everything is in vibration.

I hope that gives you enough clues to get out of the vacuum bag of rotational existence. If not, we can delve a little deeper, by observing the ticking of a clock.

If that didn’t work out, we could use the analogy of trying to get ketchup out of the bottle and actually onto our cheeseburger with extra sauce, just to make our point.


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ESCAPE! Videos #51

Everything is nothing. What any scientist will tell you: When you get right down to it, there’s really nothing here.

The thing is, you don’t actually need to be told this and it doesn’t have to be explained or demonstrated — it’s right in front of you.

It’s also behind you and within you and without you. It’s the universe, and it’s made up of stars, but then again, so are you.

Quote from Wikipedia, the 100% reliable science-source since the Fall of Rome: Continue reading

ESCAPE! Videos #49

I’ve run down the absolute Best Times to post #shorts on #youtube, and here they are:

  • SUNDAY — 12 PM to 3 PM
  • MONDAY — 2 PM – 4 PM
  • TUESDAY — 2 PM – 4 PM
  • WEDNESDAY — 2 PM – 4 PM
  • THURSDAY — 12 PM – 3 PM
  • FRIDAY — 12 PM – 9 PM
  • SATURDAY — 3 PM – 6 PM

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ESCAPE! Videos #47

The question has popped up several times in the past two days on my youtube channels, “Is this a joke?”, to which I replied yes, it is a joke, and it’s also a challenge.

My standup fans will appreciate how bizarre the situation is, when you can monetize #shorts, monetize your own music whether you use it or someone else does — songs are tracked by their electronic fingerprints and users are charged accordingly — and use other people’s music to create things for which you don’t get paid, but which bring your subscribers in by the thousands.

You’ll need to more or less instantly develop the complete and unshakable confidence that people LOVE what you’re doing and really appreciate deeply what you’re offering in the way of entertaining channel-building videos on youtube.

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ESCAPE! Videos #46

I’ve just spent the entire night creating 15 second #shorts videos for youtube, and I’m hoping you’ll be able to use them for your work.

What I have in mind is that you see something you like — in the way of #shorts — somewhere on my channels, and you order a related video, one which somewhat resembles the other, but is different enough to qualify for youtube publication.

You should select things that really go with the central theme of your channel and, yes, your channel should have a definite theme. Continue reading