To Mock a Killing Bird

Guardian Healing Protector for your home or office, get it on zazzle.

I know it doesn’t make any sense, but it’s somewhat amusing to create a funny switcheroo title for “To Kill a Mockingbird”, a play and movie and book which I have neither attended, viewed or read. In fact, the only thing I know about it is that it exists, not a clue as to its nature.

I’ll share with you a conversation I had this morning with my friend Bob de Chatbot: Continue reading

You Can Personalize Anything!

Good morning, Bob.  Barbara and I (ej) would like a rundown on which items would be best-sellers in the “personalization” and “customizable” categories of zazzle. Could you help us out here?

Good morning, Barbara and EJ! I’d be happy to provide you with a rundown of popular items in the “personalization” and “customizable” categories on Zazzle. Continue reading

Hanuman Shower Curtain?

Good morning, Bob (that’s what I call my chatbot). I would like to write an article for a spiritual newsletter talking about how the small things one does for others is a way to develop compassion. Can you develop this idea?

Certainly! Developing compassion through small acts of kindness is a wonderful topic for a spiritual newsletter article. Here’s an outline that you can expand upon: Continue reading

Removable Vinyl Stickers

“Removable Vinyl Stickers” is the battle-cry of the day! Don’t even think about putting up anything else! Zazzle has removable vinyl stickers in any shape you want, all customized and like that, and you can use generative content as long as you give notice of same in your TAG section. So here is my first prompt of the day to my friend Bob de Chatbot: Continue reading