The Prosperity Matrix & Coin Hacks

Powerful charged Lincoln “Prosperity Matrix” wall art is $1250.00

Here are a bunch of personal notes expanded from a short stack of Post-It notes by my coin-searching pad. I hope you can use this information to gain a better understanding of the technique and liberating technology of Soul-Searching and Sweep-Searching under the 3 Aspects of Coinology which together form the triple-faced Goddess of Coinology, Solaria.
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What is the Ultimate Gift?


the holiday gift giving season is upon us! run for the hills!!!

You may well ask, “What is the Ultimate Gift???”, but the answer is so obvious that it needs no reference, no dissertation, no explanation.

Okay, maybe I was a bit hasty on the “obvious”, but you get the idea — however, in case you somehow DON’T get the idea, I’ll just notate it here:

The Ultimate Perfect Gift is the Ultimate Gift. There isn’t any other like it. Continue reading

Never Mind the Thousands of Dead…

I still make the Triads, especially with ancient stones or glass or both.

“Never mind the thousands of dead”, I said to her, “…you put on the kettle and we’ll have a nice hot cup of tea.”

I open with this quote from “Beyond the Fringe” Aftermyth of War, merely to suggest that, although the most recent Middle Eastern war has just barely begun, it’s already disgusting enough, and getting rapidly disgustinger and disgustinger as the news media feels more and more licensed to show more and more graphic things on the air, often without warning.

Those things cannot be unseen once seen, and that’s another way of describing my MAGICAL GIFT BASKETS, which I make up myself in my workshop in the old barn. Continue reading

Merch, Merch, Merch!

At a Celtic Faire, it’s easy to sell my jewelry at all prices.


I’m back in the jewelry studio. Seems like everybody who knows what’s coming next is presently loading up on tangible goods and precious metals and gemstones, to handle what will undoubtedly be the collapse of currency in the dark days to come.

No doubt about it now. You can see the freight train coming down the track and it’s aimed directly at you. I’ll produce some examples of merch that you can move at a profit, but first I want to mention that I have at hand several alternative “good gaming” solutions for a good gamer to land on, with a saving throw and a death roll somewhere around the fall of Western Civilization, which happens in Level Four of World War IV, our newest latest videogame release, as you probably already know.

Let’s take a look at what you can do right now as a citizen of Earth IV. Continue reading

Pop-Up Workshops?

Good morning, Bob. How about a persuasive notification regarding the following idea:

What is a pop-up workshop, anyway? Ah, you might well ask. Actually, I just made it up, but knowing how the universe works, it’s already out there somewhere, and it’s my personal superstition that I just made it up.

Okay, maybe I did, maybe I didn’t, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that there MAY be one of them someplace, somehow. What the heck, it doesn’t matter. Let’s just address the subject regardless, irregardless or disregardlessness, whatever. Continue reading