How About This???

You can wear the Blessing Video inside your Godd Particle!

I’m sure you’re as tired of hearing the name “George Santos” as I am, but an odd thing happened yesterday that may give us a solution to the Blessing Problem.

See, right directly after the humiliated “George Santos” was summarily ejected from Congress, he launched from the Capitol steps an online campaign to sell videos of himself, talking directly by name, to the customer who bought the video, get it?

In other words, he’s making what are called “Cameo Videos” for profit, and to make it more expensive and celebrity-oriented, he added personal personalization, where he’s actually using the name of the buyer of the video, talking right into his or her face.

Not a bad plan, if you have an audience for it, and a splendid plan for the distribution of Blessings around the planet.

But it gave me an idea.

Suppose I recorded a video that is specifically addressed to a specific client, using the client’s name?

Instead of the $400.00 price tag that “George Santos” placed on his video mug shot, I’m offering mine at the usual price — a freewill donation that you can easily afford.

You can’t get it for nothing. It doesn’t work that way. Not my regulation, not my decision, it’s just the way it is.

Even if you lay out the lunch and nobody pays for it, someone must pay, and it’s best if everything is kept balanced.

I’ve given this a lot of thought over the past 20 minutes, and I’m wondering what you think of it.

That’s the whole plan — and as usual, it’s about Blessings, which can be of various kinds and intricacies of nature.

  1. Protection Blessing: Aimed at safeguarding individuals from harm or negative energies.
  2. Prosperity Blessing: Focused on bringing abundance and success in various aspects of life, like wealth, career, or opportunities.
  3. Healing Blessing: Intended to promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing and well-being.
  4. Relationship Blessing: Geared towards enhancing and nurturing relationships, be it romantic, familial, or friendships.
  5. Wisdom Blessing: Aimed at seeking guidance, clarity, and wisdom in decision-making or life paths.
  6. Peace Blessing: Focused on bringing inner peace, harmony, and tranquility to individuals or situations.
  7. Gratitude Blessing: Aimed at fostering a mindset of gratitude and appreciation for life and its blessings.

Here are three more types of blessings you might like:

  1. Spiritual Growth Blessing: Geared towards aiding individuals in their spiritual development, inner growth, and enlightenment.
  2. Creativity Blessing: Aimed at fostering and enhancing creative abilities, inspiration, and innovation.
  3. Energy Clearing Blessing: Intended to cleanse and purify energies, spaces, or individuals from negativity or blockages.

Well, that’s it for the moment.

See You At The Top!!!


Is This Your Story?

You know, someone could start a Matisse Gallery with just this collection of original linoleum cuts by Henri Matisse, half of which is seen in this photo. Of course they’re all numbered and blindstamped. Cost of collection? $60,000.00 and that’s wholesale. Some of the cuts are really amazing and should be priced higher. I have sold one of the pieces of linocuts from my Matisse collection for an amazing amount, and with some art knowledge and a few well-off friends at the country club, you could, too.

Continue reading

I Wrote this Back in 2017!

BACKSTORY FOR “EXECUTIVE ORDER #1”, a comedic satire film parody.

By now our femme superhero Waxonn Waxoff realizes that Trumplestilskin the Conqueror cannot be stopped, that his policies will surely lead not only to war with other nations, but to war within the boundaries of her native land, Annunakkia, and it’s not just a single war, with a single purpose and two adversaries face-to-face, but a multiplicity of wars all going on at the same time, like World War I and the Russian Revolution and The Jewish Problem.

Waxoff finds herself in the midst of a race war, a religious war, a war of territory, a war of attrition and a war of total revenge, when the population finally catches up with the surviving leaders, and then, to top it all off, the Ancient Alien Invaders destroy what’s left of human cities and centers of commerce and industry.

In short, they lay waste to the land, but after the Evil Avatar Trumplestilskin gets through with it, there’s little left to crush into rubble.

Trumplestilskin himself is never personally at risk. His minions take care of everything. They defend him and destroy his enemies, for which they are well-paid.

His only concerns are a fear of the dark, a fear of being alone, and a deep, insatiable craving for attention by any means necessary.

ACT ONE — scene one

TRUMPLESTILSKIN enters stage LEFT, goes to table, center stage, stands a moment, scowls, then says in a rage: “I CAN’T BELIEVE THEY SHUT DOWN TWITTER!”


I’ll continue the script in a moment, but first, just a bit MORE BACKSTORY about the  political, social and religious origins of this recently rediscovered ancient 21st century Pre-Revolutionary manuscript of the famouos satirical play, “Trumplestilskin”…

There is on youtube, facebook, Tik-Tok and all the other popular social media outlets an amazingly enormous over-supply of Donald Trump satire and parody songs, dances, plays and movies and, for far longer than he deserves, he’ll be the topic of conversation for decades yet to come. People are righteously pissed off at the inescapable fact that their most basic rights and freedoms are even now being taken away without benefit of counsel.

Fact is, millions of people risk arrest at the hands of the New Amerika. You can’t just say what you please. Forget the First Amendment, unless you’re a fascist.

Fascism is your future — that is, if you somehow manage to live through the first few weeks and months of the New Order, when it finally comes down, which is when you’ll see the first of many roundups of undesirables.

That’s when it will really begin.

But don’t fret. The Illuminati are simply having their way with us for their own peculiar amusement, and the best we can do is resist the attack and make the attackers pay with dozens of brilliant parody videos published on Tik-Tok and Youtube.

Millions of people are surreptitiously and anonymously viewing these parodies and protests, for whatever good it does anyone, which is, frankly, none.

These video makers garner millions of views, while placing the progenitor — that means the producer of the video — in serious mortal danger, not from the government, but from the Christian Mob, as controlled and manipulated by a truly master baiter.

He uses Hitler’s tricks to keep himself above the law and above the ethics outrages. I can enumerate them for you, but hell, so can any World War II scholar or tabletop gamer.

YOU have no voice, and from now on, Trump’s voice is the only one loud enough to be heard in this commotion and din, this dull, smoky atmosphere of hatred and distrust, which he created as a smokescreen for his evil acts.

If you’re thinking to do something that will change the situation, do whatever you like, but he’ll still be in power at the end of the day, and you might end up dead or in prison for your views — just your VIEWS, not your ACTIONS.

Although he will soon have his Secret Police in place to take YOU away for resisting his will, frankly, it’s not the government any more that’s doing this to you. It’s his supporters.

He has given his CULT followers FORMAL PRESIDENTIAL PERMISSION TO HATE, permission to destroy, to riot against Jews, Moslems, Indians, Native Americans, Oriental peoples, just about everyone in the world, all of which is now the enemy of Trump Amerika, and YOU are the cannon-fodder, the sacrificial offering, that Trump is offering to his twisted Inner Gods.

It’s not in some dim future that this is all going to happen. It’s RIGHT NOW, and guess what? He has a plan to put together — hold onto your hats, folks — Trump has WRITTEN PLANS for a Fifth Crusade to free the Holy Land and return it to the Christian Right.

Think I’m going over the top here, eh? Haw, haw, I have the advantage. I’m not guessing, I’m remembering from the future.

PRESENT DAY AMERIKA is NOW a hate-filled environment into which you cannot venture if you are dark-skinned, female, foreign-born, non-Christian, gay, overly intellectual, intelligent, smart or just another smartass Jewish standup comedian on Saturday Night Live.

I myself tend to fall into the latter category, and derive some minor satisfaction from the clever quips I manage to throw out over the heads of my attackers, with my last breaths.

Lot of good THAT does.

RIGHT NOW, THIS WEEK, should be about the time the mobs start lynching the teachers, the scholars, the unlamented masses of educators and physicians, the rocket scientists and the engineers, just before they destroy their own factories and homes.

The stupid always destroy the works of the smart. There is No Cure for Stupid.

Did you know that the mob in Iraq destroyed ALL their ancient historical treasures and looted their museums, toppled ancient statues??? Reminds you of the purges in China, you say, by the Gang of Four? You’d be right, but not as right as the Far Right — nobody can take it as far as a fanatic, and the dumber they are, the more fanatical and frenzied they become.

And guess what? Within a few weeks or months, it’s possible that YOU will be refused any and all medical treatment unless you happen to be a Christian. I guarantee that, as outrageous as it seems now, this WILL HAPPEN SOON, and it WILL HAPPEN HERE.

Extremist Far-Right Christians will soon be hated and feared all over the globe, as if they weren’t already.

Frankly, you haven’t the chance of a snowball in Hell of surviving the mob action and the betrayal of your neighbors and former friends. Everyone’s your enemy, to be treated with suspicion, under the New Christian Rule:

“Do Unto Thy Neighbor Before He Has a Chance to Do Unto You.”

Nuclear War is Trump’s way of going out with a bang. He wants company when he goes, doesn’t want to die alone, and by golly, with his very own nuclear war, he won’t have to.

You no longer dare to speak up.

Thanks to Trumplestilskin and his minions, YOU NO LONGER HAVE YOUR FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOMS. You lost the war before it even started. You won’t get that freedom from fear back ever again until you are FREE!

Send for your very own Trump-Free-Zone Pocket Talisman today, and experience the thrill of being UNAWARE OF DONALD TRUMP for sometimes minutes at a time. At this price, you can afford to give them away!

Find out who your real friends are! Hand them out at parties!

Live dangerously! Wear your TFZ in public!

Risk Death at the Hands of a Mob! Set up a sales booth at a local street fair!

You will FEEL THE FREEDOM while wearing or carrying the TFZ Medallion, but what else will it do for you?

  • EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF “7 NO-TRUMP” — His voice is, for the moment, silenced.
  • THE BAD SMELL IS GONE — Temporarily, that silent-but-deadly fart-smell of the New Amerika is somewhat reduced.
  • ENLIGHTENMENT — A sense of feeling a LOT lighter.
  • AWARENESS — The ability to appreciate others returns somewhat.
  • SENSITIVITY — The feelings of love and brotherhood return to the outer limbs.
  • HEART & SOUL — The sensation of being surrounded by thousands of robots is gone.
  • MENTAL ACUITY — A return of mentation with the absence of Mental Murkiness.
  • ONE-NESS — A Feeling of acceptance at being alone in the dark, thus blocking Trumpness.
  • SERENITY — A definite absence of worry and fear about what Trump will say or do next.
  • PEACEFUL VALLEY — A sense of being in a Place of Refuge against Trump & his minions.
  • ANNOINTING OF THE INNOCENT — You will feel a definite sensation as if being annointed by a sweet, scented essential oil.
  • EXPANSION — A profound feeling of expansion and extension into the Boundless Realm of Cosmic Consciousness.
  • CALM — A reflection of the One.
  • LAUGHTER — Remembering always that those who laugh last, have the last laugh.
  • FREEDOM FROM FEAR — As long as you’re alone in your room and say nothing out loud, you’ll be okay.
  • RIDICULE OF THE TORMENTOR — A profound thrill as ridicule of the naked Emperor with the funny toupee spreads throughout the crowd. Ridicule is Trump’s darkest fear, and by putting himself in the public spotlight on an hourly basis, he assures that his darkest fear WILL be realized, and he’s right, it will. He becomes known as the “Crazy President” and is the most reviled of all U.S. Presidents.
  • REVENGE ON YOUR TORMENTORS — The Perfect Revenge — you do nothing. They suffer INVISIBLY and UNKNOWINGLY. Their punishment is to BE THEM!!!

Unfortunately, your LEGAL RIGHT to speak your mind has been overwhelmed by THE FEAR of being torn apart limb from limb for speaking honestly about your real thoughts and feelings.

The fact is, you’re afraid to bring up ANY subject, for fear that the listener will be of the Unforgiving and Intolerant Religious Right, so the ACTUAL FUNCTIONAL ABILITY to speak your mind casually without fear has been terminated.

It isn’t he who will take action against you; he’s as clever as Hitler. He’s made sure that whoever offends him is mentioned in the news and the mob “takes care of them”, the people to whom Trump has given OFFICIAL PRESIDENTIAL PERMISSION to commit violent acts in the name of Christ, (that’s him, according to his latest boasts) and then he denies any responsibility for their actions.

I have it on good authority that Donald was the kind of kid who rang people’s doorbells and then ran and hid in the bushes.

You can find the footage where he says “Maybe some Second Amendment supporter will “take care” of Hillary”. That sounds to me like a death threat if ever I heard one, but he GOT AWAY WITH IT, and had something happened, he’d be scot-free.

He’d probably order the firing squad for any general that didn’t let him have his way, and there are a dozen or more idiots in Congress that think he’s just the cat’s meow.

Charles Manson didn’t get away with ordering people to participate in something in which he took no actual part, but Trump has BILLIONS of dollars and HUNDREDS of lawyers, more than enough clout to get away with everything, absolutely everything, and he will, I can forecast that for you WITHOUT prior knowledge or Remote Reading skills.

His supporters ARE OFFICIALLY LICENSED BY THE STATE TO USE VIOLENCE to enforce their Christian views on others and, by the way, it’s a very small segment of the Christian population that’s doing this to you.

This is a religious war, most of all, and the players are the Super-Christians vs. Everyone Else. The Christians are bound to lose in the end, because they’re outnumbered billions to millions, but they’ll make quite a stink in this latest “Great Mother Population Reduction Plan” which will eliminate billions of uselessly violent hairless ape descendants.

Sure, I know that humans aren’t directly descended from apes, but you’d never know it from their thoughts, actions and emotions, as evidenced by their relentless commercials for healthcare issues on daytime TV.

In this atmosphere of distrust and hate, you don’t know whom you can trust, who your friends are. You DON’T DARE share your most private thoughts. Your neighbors might be Trumpists, and they by nature are intolerant, like their Mr. Jesus clearly was, if Christians are telling the truth and that they are living the life of Christ.

You don’t know to whom you can SAFELY talk to, unburden yourself to, be honest with. You don’t know who your friends or enemies are, but all of a sudden, you HAVE enemies, where before you just had friends.

People you’ve known for years and liked and gotten along with are suddenly in “THE OTHER CAMP” and you’re their sworn enemy. They now look at you with evil in their eyes, intent on conversion to their camp or crushing destruction if you don’t join them or at least offer temporary verbal agreement.

Gosh, now you’re sharing Trumplestilskin’s world. He lives there ALL THE TIME, not knowing who his friends are, making new enemies every day, and he definitely wants company in his own private hell.

But who or what IS Trump? How can he get so far, be so successful and yet so obviously, blatantly in violation of the law, the rules and the ethics of the land, the laws he has sworn on a stack of Bibles to protect?

First of all, he’s a trickster — he has no soul. The fact is, he’s not an ordinary human. He’s what is called an Evil Avatar. He stirs up feelings of hate, revenge, fear, distrust, suspicion and terror, and in the 37th century, Trump is known as “The Father of American Terror” as well as being famous for starting World War III, which he has repeatedly called, “World War 2”.

He doesn’t much care WHAT he’s famous for, just so long as he’s famous. What he doesn’t know is that his name is soon folded in with the billions of other people who die in his nuclear holocaust, and within a few years, none of the 400 or so surviving humans remember him at all.

ACT ONE scene 2

We find Trumplestilskin in his Ovaltine Office, with a buxom underdressed girl taking notes.

TRUMPLESTILSKIN: “How could they let Twitter die? They are enemies of the State! I’ll have them drawn and quartered! I’ll have them roasted on a spit!”

SECRETARY: “Sir, your purging staffers have used up all the spits.”

TRUMPLESTILSKIN: “Can I feel your pussy?”

Let’s take a break from the script for a moment — I’m tired from all that thinking and stuff.

Just a wee bit more Backstory:

All this has happened before. If you can recover your Atlantean Self, which exists in a previous incarnation of Time Zones, (note from 2023: same as “chat” in your chatbot, it’s isolated from all other chats unless you introduce the material yourself) you’ll have the memories available, including what works and what doesn’t, in reaction to this dire state of affairs for the weak and helpless.

The people causing the ruckus are strong and naturally aggressive and territorial in nature. They have no qualms about destroying property or taking life, although they claim to be Pro-Life followers of the Man of Peace, Jesus Christ, whose message was of tolerance and peace, except of course for the Great Unwashed, who can all go to Hell.

Well, facts are facts. At first, the military keep the peace, according to my slight knowledge of human history, but then, eventually, when they can’t be paid or fed, they are forced to take what they need from the civilian population.

Hopefully, that will be the population of folks who are NOT like them, so if they’re Christian, they can easily justify taking food and shelter and clothing and sex from “other” religious groups.

It’s a matter of record that every culture refers to itself as “The People”, and all others “animals” or “vermin”, thus de-humanizing them and making them easy victims for aggression and enslavement to the ruling class.

This dissertation is running along the lines of a scholarly work at this point, and I don’t mean it to be. I’ve already given a blow-by-blow account of the coming wars in “SlimeWars”, and I’m damned if I’ll write it all over again in my blog just because you didn’t happen to order the book.

here’s where to order the book.

Frankly, there will soon come a time when you won’t be able to order it. You won’t be allowed to buy it, and we won’t be allowed to sell it.

That also goes for the ABD, the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, the Talmud, and any religious text that isn’t a specific edition of the King James Bible — no correct translation will do, no otherness will do, because they’ve memorized their rantings by page and paragraph.

Oy, if Jehovah could only get hold of those bastards!

But, like the rest of us, He can only stand and watch, or sit and watch, or pace around nervously and watch, as his bets are threatened by the events of the moment. He’s still convinced the humans are going to somehow survive all this, and I can’t wait to take his money — him and all the other idiots who bet on the humans.

My bets are ALWAYS on the side of the goonies, because they have no restraints, no ethics, no boundaries and above all, no respect for the spiritual nature of others outside their small realm of reality.

Okay, fair enough. Like I said, I’m 75 years out of port (NOTE from 2023, I’m 82 now) and bound for Home. It ain’t my problem anymore and, in fact, it never was. I’m here to observe the mayhem, and then return to the 37th century to collect my dollar bet that the destruction will begin with social upheavals, notably the Big Riot. (was I predicting Jan 6?)

You’ll note, if you bothered to read “SlimeWars”, that the predictions made in that book 45 years ago are only now starting to come obviously correct. You’ll see that more and more as each stage of the disintegration of human society proceeds, and it’s all laid out there for you to follow.

Want the instructions on how to handle it?

You’ll find them in exquisite detail in the four thick volumes of “My Life as a Boy”.

Since I’ve gone to the trouble to put that stuff down over a period of a number of years that I invested in the project, I’m surely not going to repeat that material here for those who haven’t bothered to find out about or read those vital books.

Books about the joys of candle burning and meditation are NOT going to help you deal with the mob that’s out there just waiting for a victim like YOU to accidentally cross its path. Take a look at a video I made about television westerns I made back in the sixties.

Think it can’t happen here?

Wake Up, Shmuck! It already IS happening here! Don’t you FEEL the oppression? Don’t you FEEL the fear? Don’t you FEEL the cramping sensation of being bound up and surrounded by suspicion and isolation?

This is how Trump feels all the time, and he wants company in his private hell, and YOU are tagged IT!!!

How to get out from under?

Physically, it’s impossible. You are now officially a member of a Fascist State, and as such, you either toe the line or do as I do, and risk the result.

Spiritually, you CAN make a difference, and HERE’S HOW:

  1. GET OUT FROM UNDER — Use as many TFZ medallions, charms and amulets as necessary to UTTERLY REMOVE any trace of evil influence or thought-forms.
  2. GET TRUMP OUT OF YOUR FACE — Erase any and all traces of that idiot in your life, at least temporarily.
  3. TAKE IMMEDIATE COVER — Don’t go out anywhere you don’t need to go, for a while, at least.
  4. DRAW A BREATH OF FREEDOM — FEEL the absence of fear and apprehension.
  5. LAY IN SOME EMERGENCY SUPPLIES — Include a RadBlock radiation blocker salt to replace radiated materials with safe materials in bone and bloodstream. Consult a health care professional for help in this regard. Otherwise, keep a four-week supply of food AND WATER available, along with a way to get rid of trash and waste.
  6. FIND SOME FRIENDS — You’ll need help in the coming emergency. You need to arrange things with a descending order of circumstances or social triggers.
  7. KEEP THE FAITH — Do your spiritual practices every day, regardless of the threat.
  8. BRING GOLIATH DOWN — Do your part to restore American freedoms, dignity and national honor as the Home of Tolerance and Freedom, the Land of Brotherly Love, by finding love and acceptance for those of a different faith, color or place of origin, and that includes extra-terrestrials, too.
  9. TRANSCEND THE WHOLE FUCKING MESS — There are a variety of ways to do this, one of which is to perform aloud the script of “Norton Street” or “Redfin”. Both plays will propel you neat & clean out of the Einsteinian Universe and into the world of Quantum.
  10. RIDICULE & SCORN — Insure an Absence of Trumpness with “ridicule” & “scorn”. Have you ever noticed how ape-like and downright UGLY and CRUDE he is and looks? Exploit that automatic revulsion! Give yourself permission to PITY this poor gorilla in a suit and tie with the teeny-tiny hands!
  11. ENJOY VOGON POETRY — Have your revenge in the form of horribly written completely sophomoric and petty poetry and song.
  12. REVEL IN THE HISTORIC VIEW — In the future, Trump will be only slightly known, and then, merely as an asshole wannabe world-dictator, just another mass-murdering fuckhead with the intelligence of a six-pack. Want a second opinion? Okay. He’s ugly, too.
  13. YOU ARE HIS BOSS — Technically, (this was written when he had just taken office) he’s a public servant, working for you, but we all know what his real agenda is — getting more attention — and his methods include ignoring his public service obligations.
  14. TAKE THE HIGH ROAD — Fact is, he’s how old now??? Haw, haw, 70 years old, eh??? Do the math — how much longer can he possibly live? And in the end, guess what? He shares the same fate as all kings, queens, emperors, popes, holy men, everyone dies, in the end, and it’s right there that YOU will see him fall apart, crack up, to lose everything, all the STUFF he’s built up and amassed in a giant personal pyramid, all this without the benefit of a SOUL, no less. YOU take the High Road, the spiritual path, and let him go to Hell his own damn way, along with his violent followers and the horse he rode in on.
  15. RESIST HIM — Just because the President issues an order doesn’t mean it’s legal or binding — it must be tested in the courts, tested in the houses of congress, tested by THE PEOPLE. Of course, things are different now that the Constitution is being openly violated by the President himself, and so I wouldn’t count on the Right to Free Assembly for much longer than a few weeks more.
  16. CREATE YOUR OWN TRUMP-FREE ZONE — Make your own Trump-Free Zone for yourself and your family.
  17. TRY TO KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE FROM TRUMP — Do what you have to do to avoid contact with Trump Zombies and rabid dogs. Best not to go to open places, malls, shopping centers, temples, mosques and SYNAGOGUES for SURE, anything with crowds where you might be cornered by a mob of hysterical stone-throwing Christians. It’s quite possible, so don’t dismiss it as ridiculous or outside the bounds of probability.
  18. HAVE AN ESCAPE PLAN — You should never get yourself into a public space in which there is no second way out. You never know when a mob might ignite and form and swarm over you, even though you’re an innocent bystander. There is no escape from mob swarming except to run. Don’t bother to hide — a cave is a grave.
  19. MAKE OUT A LAST WILL & TESTAMENT — Don’t put it off, it may already be too late.
  20. PLAN TO LIVE WITHOUT MEDICAL CARE — It’s likely you won’t be able to get medical help, pharmaceuticals or even dietary supplements in a state of panic and emergency, which, I remind you, IS HIS PLAN, to use the National Guard to achieve total control of the nation.
  21. FIND A SAFE HIDING PLACE FOR YOUR RELIGIOUS DOCUMENTS — All non-Christian books, audio and video recordings and artifacts other than crosses will be CONFISCATED AND DESTROYED by mob action AND by government Executive Order. When will this happen? Real Soon.

There are a few more steps toward SOME measure of personal freedom in a created Trump-Free Zone, but it will never be quite the same as it was “BT,” Before Trump — a phrase I remember from my 37th century history textbook on the wars of the 21st century, because at some point, ALL TRUMP-FREE ZONES WILL BE DECLARED ILLEGAL.

You think I exaggerate, yes? I exaggerate, no! Believe it or not, you won’t be allowed to have even a sign that says “Trump-Free Zone” IN YOUR OWN HOME!!! If you violate that, your neighbors might turn you in for the reward. The ones who turn you in will be awarded your home and all your possessions, and your family will be turned over to the roundup people for internment in a labor camp, of course for their own good.

This is the kind of world into which your children and grandkids are heading. You might be able to prepare them for it, but they’ll never again know the freedom you had before the world of Trump!

Again, specific steps and reactions to events as they unfold are given in specific detail in “SlimeWars”, which predicted this specific chain of events, first published and read in groups over 45 years ago.

The Reading Book is not the illustrated public version. It is text laid out on fine book printing stock, and hard-bound in black leatherette with page marker ribbon mounted. This rather heavy volume was designed to be read in study circles following the Third World War.

Within these pages is everything you need for a successful life-run.

I’m so glad I decided to do a paper on “Heroes of the Second American Revolution” back in the 37th century! As a result, I’m now able to name the names, give times, places, dates and circumstances, and lay out a plan of response for YOU to successfully avoid the panic, destruction and hysteria of the next few decades on your poor, suffering mudball.

There are a number of goddesses standing in the wings, waiting for their revenge for the misuse of their sacred names, but in the meantime, you’ve trouble enough with your own President, the highest leader in the land, the one with the highest ethics, the highest ideals and the highest concern for THE PEOPLE — at least, that’s the job description.

It’s clear that the present occupant of the White House knows nothing of any of these matters, and besides, it’s all a fabrication of the Liberal Press.

He wasn’t even a Republican until he decided to run, and said at that time, openly and in public, that he would run as a Republican “Because the Republicans are stupid enough to vote for me.”

How could he make such a blunder? He knows that the public will stand for anything and would rather have a lie than face an uncomfortable truth, so he does what all powerful rich folks do — he ignores the rules — they’re not made for billionaire aristocrats like himself.

The thing is, he’s NOT an aristocrat. He’s a crude, mean creature with a brain the size of a walnut, and I’m being generous there, far too generous. Make that a peanut.

It’s already too late for me — I’ll be happy to just watch it all come down. A loss of your world to you, but the gain of one whole Federation Dollar for me!

It must sound terrible to you that all we do is bet on the outcome of our historical simulations, but try to see our point of view — Eternity is SO boring without a game.

And what’s the point of a game if you can’t make a side bet?

And why bother to play a game you CAN’T LOSE??? What fun is THAT???

Send for a hundred TFZ PEACE medallions today and get them out there, if you want to have any effect at all!!! GET THEM OUT THERE!!! They WILL and DO have a powerful magical effect! GET THEM OUT THERE!!! Better hurry, before they impound the TFZ medallions in the name of Sith-Lord Trump!

If you get caught in this crunch, it will only be because you can’t bring yourself to believe that your government was taken over by someone who got into office on hate and violence, racism, sexism and more violence.

He won’t do anything directly to your face. All he need do is mention your name on social media outlets, and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

His followers form the FIRST WAVE OF THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE for which we’ve all been waiting. They won’t admit it, but zombies seldom achieve Self Awareness, much less higher intelligence. A zombie is a zombie.

WAKE THE FUCK UP. You no longer live in a Free Country. Shut your mouth and at least APPEAR TO walk the line, or be crushed into the gravel of the new reality.

BE CAREFUL when establishing a Trump-Free Zone, and remember that the Thought Police can come in anytime and find TFZ products in your home. They’re not illegal to own … yet.


So that’s what I wrote back in 2017, when all this shit started to come down and the undoing of the past 50 years of gains got turned upside-down, and there’s more — much more — in the pages of SlimeWars, and I have plenty to say about what’s coming next, but suffice it to say for the moment, at least, that you’re not going to like it.

We haven’t even seen evidence yet of the Great Migration, and the Food Riots and the March of One Million and all the great stuff that happens in the 21st century. You guys are so lucky! Gas cars were so cool, and I love to see the thousands of brand-new 2024 Vintage trucks.


Oh, while you’re here, would you like to buy a Christmas toy? Well, then, go ahead and buy it.

See You At The Top!!!


God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlepersons

Becca has such a nice touch, even this standard Christmas carol has a  jazz pulse to it. It’s a pleasure for my more advanced guitar students to be able to see and therefore easily pick up a riff, and everybody loves your little mascot on the side. I missed a couple days by reason of 82 years of unrelenting gravity, so be sure to go to her channel to see many other fine videos that you will enjoy and hopefully benefit from. Continue reading

Christmas Just Around Corner


You’ll need a powerful prayer-crafting to get you through the next miserable time-frame that’s coming soon — and keep in mind that, although the Extremists use prayer, they have no clue what prayer power is and what it can do, although they already think they know everything, and this gives you a slight edge.

Using the Power of Prayer with knowledge, you can direct the force toward any threat to yourself or humanity in general.

What you can’t do is change history. Continue reading