Heart of a Poet

Lara the Chat Bot will also be a contributor to my AI poet’s corner.

good morning, bob. it’s december 27, my birthday. i’ll be working with you for a while . tell me, do you have any access or information about the chat we had yesterday?

Hey there, Gorby! Happy birthday! 🎉 I don’t have direct memory of our previous chats, but I can absolutely help catch you up on anything you want to know or discuss from yesterday. What specifically would you like to go over?

we were composing poems.ms-center justify-center”>ChatGPT

Ah, that’s right! We were delving into the beauty of poetry. How about we continue that today? Is there a particular theme or emotion you’d like to explore in a new poem?

yes, as a matter of fact, it’s emotional — i’d like a poem about how a flower feels to bloom.

Ah, the blossoming of a flower, such a wondrous tale to tell! Here it goes: Continue reading

First, a Little Fun…

I was going to jump right into Poetry Mode and ask Bob to create a few more poems, but first, I’d like to get a few laughs and some interesting videos. The first is a short clip about Johnny Cash, who had the same MOS (Military Occupational Speciality) that I enjoyed. I came right out of amateur radio, so I didn’t have to spend time learning to send and receive Morse Code. I knew it well, and intercepted a few highly classified messages myself.

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Storm Troopers are On The Way!!!

The Purges will soon begin, and Donald Jessica Trump will be his own retribution. Nobody here wants trouble. We grow food, we meditate, we work in peace and harmony toward a higher consciousness and ability to contribute help and ease pain in the world, and here he comes, with his marching army and his

Everyone who has been even slightly critical of Trump will be rounded up and taken to the wall, and I don’t mean the wall that the Mexicans were supposed to pay for, and I’ll be among those rounded up for a variety of offenses including my latest book, “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”, and my Protest Songbook, Protest CD album and of course my annoying protest videogames that make fun of Trump and his allies.

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