If You Don’t Vote, Don’t Bitch.

I have no voice. It doesn’t bother me, but it’s quite noticeable.

Whenever I do speak, write, sing, act, dance, write, meditate, paint, draw, sketch or sculpt, there’s no measurable impact on anything or anyone.

I’m not a tweeter, but if I were a tweeter, I could literally tweet my ass off and be assured that nobody will ever read it — and that’s just fine by me, or it was fine by me, until Donald Trump’s name became a household word, like “slopbucket”. Continue reading

What’s Old???

People are always asking “What’s new?”, when they really should be asking “What’s old?” — what I mean is, the old stuff keeps coming back, kind of like deja-vu all over again.

I had in mind creating a sort of shooting gallery in the GoDD™ Game Engine, like a single room with thousands of zombies, all attacking more or less at once. Continue reading

Bad News Everywhere

Did it ever occur to you that you could openly wear a magical sigil promoting anything from a personal protective bubble to humanity’s immediate peace and prosperity? Well, you can, as illustrated by this elaborate and highly detailed protective “magical eyes” energy-emitting handbag tote in the photo above. Continue reading