You get to see a variety of conditions for streetwalking, and an opportunity to compare the lifestyles of various cultures. Look & Learn.
Mountain of Dust
Bigly Badly Trumply Dumply
A Taste of Honey
Keeping Up
No Mas, Donaldo
You know it’s seldom that I complain, but it’s about Trump, darn it. Well, it’s just that he’s at it again. I know what you’re going to say. “Lass’im”, or “Let Him”, but it’s more than just Frankenstein the Younger — it’s about fine art.
As you may remember, I gave away the secret to Donald J. Trump’s mind, what there is of it. He can’t stand humiliation. No kid who ever grew up in New York City or its environs is easily trained out of the headspace, “Nobody says nothin’ about my mothuh.” Continue reading
Is Trump Really God?
If Trump is, indeed — as he now claims aloud — God or the Son of God or both, it turns out that God is a very nasty fellow who produced humans that Christians hate and fear, and I guess that’s us.
There has always raged a war, sometimes shooting and sometimes not, but never peaceful, between the Eggheads and the Dum-Dums. Continue reading
Esang Tesna Poy
You heard me. Esang tesna poy, and do it on the double! Naw, just kidding, not the entire galaxy, just the western rim, where Earth used to be.
Keep Hands Inside Vehicle
And the Winner Is…
I wanted to show you how dependent these exhibits are on video screens and light displays. It’s a whole new ballgame for the sculptor who studied classical sculpture.