Real is What You Bump Into…
On May 26, 1969, Mata was asked by a student, “What is real?” and she said right back at him, “Whatever you bump into”. It’s worth taking that seriously.
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They’re at it again…
Oh, hell, I can’t help it — will we ever see a day again when not once is the name “Trump” mentioned?
I guess not. His face adorns a latex Halloween mask from the 22nd century, and the word “trump” is considered so foul that in some 37th century civilizations they punish the offender with a time-out. Continue reading
Another Work Day
Each day you continue to live, you further the conformation to the mold of the life upon the Being, using the natural attraction of the unmanifest toward the manifest, get it?
Chao Buoi Sang, Viet-Nam!
“Good morning, Vietnam”, I spoke into my audio-technics microphone, and I meant it. The United States is going through a similar social turmoil. Maybe the Vietnamese can get here to save us just in time, but never mind the Vietnamese Air Force, let’s dig the following stuff, provided by my Video Guide, similar to your Bardo Guide, but with videos, thusly:
I Have Some Art Here…
Give ’em Hell, Harry!
Harry S Truman (no period, no middle name, just an initial) was a quiet and orderly man, a person of quietude and modesty — until he came out of his shell to deliver what they now call the “Give ’em Hell, Harry” speech of his lifetime. Continue reading
And Furthermore…
Over the Edge
I’m ignoring the news, and intend to have a Great Day No Matter What Happens. That means in spite of Karma Barbarians, who are itching for a fight. Chao Buoi Sang, Viet-Nam! Meanwhile, I hope these videos I’m including today will help you have a better day.
May as Well be Dreaming
The lifetime is the lesson. Lessons unlearned will be repeated.