Forever Amber

You can get anything you want at Gorby’s Emporium.

That’s right. Forever Amber. What I mean is, I collected a small amount of very large 1200 year old Medieval “round wheel” Butterscotch Amber beads quite a number of years ago. Amber is the absolute best for magical items, particularly as it relates to healing and forseeing into the future or reading the Akashic records. Continue reading

End of the World???

You can order tea mixtures from the Cloister Kitchen.

It’s true — the world is coming to an end, beginning with the complete absence of elections, even unfair ones — so you might as well resign yourself to the fact that all those placard-carriers have been right all along. The End IS Nigh.

So don’t sign any long-term contracts. Continue reading

Not My Problem.

That’s right. The Weltschmerz is entirely man-made, and I’m not having any part of it, and neither should you, if you know what’s good for you, and if you don’t, you’re in for a big surprise.

Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. That’s equally true of politics, which is why we should studiously ignore the goings-on around the planet, and instead, concentrate on the task at hand, which is to Manifest Presence in The Present, and that means you, every chance you get, but not to excess — meaning, don’t obsess on continual Higher Consciousness. Continue reading

Elegant Passage, Anyone???

we have packets of unsearched actual gold mine paydirt at $5 per packet.

Elegant Passage. Yes. One could say that my most important and urgent contribution is to ensure that some folks, enabled for the Work, enjoy an Elegant Passage. I mean “elegant” in relation to mathematical solutions.

That’s not just about how it looks to others. An Elegant Passage takes some preparation. It doesn’t just happen all by itself, even with the Grace of God. Continue reading