So here I am, and it’s deja-vu all over again! Last night, Trump left a one-hour scheduled question and answer session, and left in a huff after only 32 minutes in the tank with the lions. Trump 0, Lions 1 — and that crumpled heap is bound to try again.
Legendary Quake Maps & More
I’ve included a snap-back link to a very old blog, in which you can see some of the connections between us at GoDD Games and Id Software. American McGee was their top level writer, and he gave me many good tips on how to make something happen in 3d spaces. Continue reading
saw it in the window…
She saw it in the window and just couldn’t resist.
have a great day today!
Blah…. Continue reading
neue poste
So here we are again at the top of the hill, ready to step into the tour bus! Continue reading
Saturday ICW
So here I am, sitting in the middle of some 55 million of THEM, and only a handful of US, and I’m just waiting for the shoe to drop.
On the other hand, people are pretty enthusiastic about Kamela Harris — I wonder how long it will be before the shine wears off…???
Not my problem. I gave up worrying about the outcome of human conflict sometime during the latter half of the Peloponnesian Wars, back before there were cellphones and iPads. Continue reading
the latest post
The latest post — the very latest post, and it’s 3:00 am in the gosh-darned morning, and I haven’t a clue yet what we’re going to experience together in our soup-de-jour of the day, which is, of course, a unique and lively BardoTown tour.
As I Sit Here…
As I sit here in the middle of the night, wondering what to say that could possibly mean anything to anyone anyhow, it dawned upon me to take a quick look to see if there are any decent candidates for the day’s excursion through BardoTown. Continue reading
Kam you believe it?
So things look just a wee bit better now that Boring Biden has stepped aside. What’s needed is hero, a street-fighter who isn’t too shy to bite the other ear off what’s his name. Continue reading
most recent posting
Here, at last, is or are the key or keys to the kingdom. Well, actually, they’re the videos to the end of the tour. Continue reading