Autogaff or Teamgaff?

Buddha Takes a Selfie — available on my merch sites on a variety of items.

It’s that time again — middle of the night — when I start typing and pasting and things like that, and this is definitely that sort of time, so that’s what I’m up to.

Time flow is different tonight — an hour goes whizzing by like a minute. Or did I just black out for an hour? Never mind, it’s a moot point. Where the Hell am I going at this time of night?

I’m having trouble with insomnia, so I was advised to count sheep. I did. I counted 36,000 sheep. I was still wide awake, so I sheared them. Still couldn’t drift off, so I carded the wool and spun it, and made 36,000 coats, then I stayed awake the whole rest of the night, worrying — where was I going to get linings at that time of night?
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