That was Napoleon’s last words — “Able was I, ere I saw Elba”, which reads forwards and backwards exactly the same. Continue reading
Happy Saturn’s Day
Now, if this were the Roman Empire, I’d say bring on the food, but as it isn’t that anymore these days, I’ll settle for a cookie and a soft drink, neither of which could I consume. Continue reading
kudw fuvvb VIB
Sorry about that title — my fingers were on the wrong home keys. Once wrote an entire book like that.
Continue reading
brand-new post
Yep, this is a brand-new post, all right. One of the videos I’m placing in here is a transitional piece that can be used in workshops. Continue reading
another day another dollar
Here’s to the folks who are able to find a job that pays more than a dollar a day — mine doesn’t, but it doesn’t need to. Continue reading
a newer post than yesterday’s…
Here’s a newer post than yesterday’s, and I’m hoping that you will enjoy the results of my nightly labors in the video department. Continue reading
neue poste
Okay, it’s that time again — time to organize a Bardo trip and post the results here, so we can take the trip together on zoom. Continue reading
In the Dawn’s Early Light…
Suppose we just start right in, shall we? Continue reading
Autogaff or Teamgaff?
It’s that time again — middle of the night — when I start typing and pasting and things like that, and this is definitely that sort of time, so that’s what I’m up to.
Time flow is different tonight — an hour goes whizzing by like a minute. Or did I just black out for an hour? Never mind, it’s a moot point. Where the Hell am I going at this time of night?
I’m having trouble with insomnia, so I was advised to count sheep. I did. I counted 36,000 sheep. I was still wide awake, so I sheared them. Still couldn’t drift off, so I carded the wool and spun it, and made 36,000 coats, then I stayed awake the whole rest of the night, worrying — where was I going to get linings at that time of night?
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Interesting Stuff Ahead…
Clearly, I’m of the opinion that the previous video was interesting and entertaining. Now let’s see how you do with the next one: