Sure, there can be light, if there’s a source of illumination coming from somewhere. Otherwise, you’re out of luck. Continue reading
song & dance
That’s what we need around here — a little song & dance, and I’m just the one to do it, too. Continue reading
my very latest posting
it’s that time again, time to start up the tour bus and get it running before it’s too late and the rush-hour traffic strikes again… Continue reading
Take the “A” Train
Go ahead, take the “A” train, see if I care. Meanwhile, I gotta grease up the old BardoTown tour bus for our journey today. Continue reading
Just, just — take it easy.
I’m including a hot-link to a previous blog — it’s still true today, even more so: Continue reading
It’s Monday Yet Again…
This is the start of the week for most folks — my week started yesterday, as it always does in our house. Continue reading
Are You Asleep at the Wheel Again???
Here is a plan that will help you to help others to live in the waking state, improve their empathy, and raise their consciousness. This is a noble goal. Here’s a framework that you Continue reading
the very latest
Here it is, the very latest from the Bardos! Continue reading
el poste fur today
Yep, this is the post for today, Friday the 23rd. Now, Friday is the day of every week on which French Fries are served at breakfast. I can’t eat them, but the sight of those fries and the aroma definitely tickle the ancient memory of eating French Fries, so for me, it’s the sasme. Continue reading
totally new post
this is the beginning of a series of unknowns … Continue reading