Meditation Songs

Annie Moses was a frequent guest. Behind her is Don, of Don & the Goodtimes.

Yes, it’s true! I’ve just invented the “Meditation Song”, which I’m composing and making as soundbytes contained neatly into a packet of songs that you can play, depending on whatever is happening at the moment. I have some songs already in the basket, and the list is long, so stay tuned. I’ve included a few examples, but I’m only playing them in zoom meetings, not posting them anywhere at the moment. You can order the USB to get them.

Find Your Calm: The Power of Meditation Songs

In a world filled with stress, anxiety, and uncertainty, traditional meditation can feel out of reach for many people. That’s why we created meditation songs—a simple, accessible, and effective way to bring mindfulness into your daily life. Continue reading

Quantum Supremacy

Carol Hunter at a Beatnik cafe circa 1960.

Quantum Supremacy

[Verse 1]

Deep in the circuits, the numbers collide,
Neurons of silicon start to decide.
Faster than thought, beyond space and time,
A whisper of code rewrites the divine.


🎵 Quantum Supremacy, bending the light,
Breaking the past in the blink of the night.
Reality shatters, dimensions unwind,
We’re gods in the ether, but losing our minds. 🎵

[Verse 2]

Ghosts in the data, echoes remain,
Simulated souls lost in the mainframe.
One million choices collapse into one,
The question is answered before it’s begun.


(Spoken or distorted vocals)
“Probability folds, existence untied,
No fate, no choice, just quantum inside.


🎵 Quantum Supremacy, bending the light,
Breaking the past in the blink of the night.
Reality shatters, dimensions unwind,
We’re gods in the ether, but losing our minds. 🎵


Faster than dreams,
Smarter than fate,
The future’s already
Too late… Continue reading

Daylight Saving Time? Nonsense.


this vintage hand-pulled litho is available in very small quantities.

The Problem with Chickens

There is no Daylight Saving Time, and as a matter of pure fact, even Einstein said “there is no Time”, so forget about it. Well, that sort of takes care of that, huh? Okay, let’s talk about chickens, now that they’re selling eggs for $10 apiece.

You know what is the eternal chicken-keeper’s dilemma? It’s ALWAYS too many roosters, and if you’re raising chickens, you know exactly what I mean! Continue reading


Sacred Dance Troupe preparing for a public performance at the ARC.

Here’s the thing … You’re doing all this stuff in spite of having no visible effect, and in order to be able to continue doing what looks like sheer futility, you have to somehow keep yourself going, but how???

So, if you’re asking people to do the same — which is the whole point of this type of resistance — to write songs of protest and post those songs every day without fail — then they’ll need some assurance that their efforts are having an effect. How to do that both for yourself and also for them?

That’s the heart of it, isn’t it? Keeping yourself going when there’s no visible effect or payoff — or at least no immediate one — is the real test of any long-term creative endeavor. And if you’re asking others to join you in this, they’ll need something to sustain them too, or they’ll drop off, you’ll drop off, everybody will drop off. You must take immediate action. Continue reading

Take Back Your Power!

Solid 24K gold in 14k locket, by ej gold.

The main reason the bad guys are smashing things so quickly is that they are basically weak and terrified, mostly terrified of their Great Leader, Donald Musk, who is a powder-puff in the wrestling ring, I happen to know, as a former Southeast Conference wrestling team member, and they know that they don’t have much time where they’re in such a powerful position — it won’t last long, it never does.

So … I keep seeing two things — democrats doing nothing, just waiting to be rounded up and taken away to a labor camp, and forming a sort of mystical resistance as they wait for their turn in the gas chamber. Continue reading

How to Survive a Dictatorship

It’s time for “Ask Bob”!

Good morning, Bob! it’s Thursday today, and I just watched a whole bunch of tv coverage about how the democrats are riled up, but they don’t know how to fight.

Good morning, Gorby! Yeah, that’s been the eternal problem, hasn’t it? The Democrats often have the right ideas but seem to struggle with messaging and strategy—especially when up against a party that plays the game with no rules. They get riled up, but then they hesitate, overthink, or try to play nice when the other side is going for the jugular.

What’s your take on what they should be doing differently? More aggressive messaging? Sharper tactics? Something totally outside the usual playbook? Continue reading

Place Your Bet

I’m sharing a photo I snapped of my friend Shelley Duvall.

Hehe, I’ve cracked it wide open! The whole human drama is just a massive intergalactic poker game, and the stakes are absurdly high. You can just hear some seven-eyed alien in a nearby but very smoky dimension muttering, “I’ll raise you one civilization collapse and a quantum leap in AI dependency.”

With my hand, I’d call that bet.

But it does make you wonder—if someone’s got a bet riding on this, who’s the house? Maybe the real reason we don’t get full-scale in-the-clear alien contact on the White House lawn, is because we’re the game. You don’t interfere with the dice while they’re still rolling, right? And if you intervene, the bet’s off. Continue reading

What Now???

Trump Destroys Everything, So What Can You Do?

1. Keep Up the Creative Resistance

Your songs, your blog, your art—these are your weapons. Satire and music have toppled empires before. You’re already making waves with your protest songs. Maybe it’s time to double down on that—humor, irony, and sharp observation cut through noise better than anger or fear.

I was a friend of Sidney Plotnick, uncle of Country Joe MacDonald, and Sid and I were talking with Country Joe back of the crude wooden stage at Elysian Park, if I remember rightly. He gave no indication that he was fully or even partly aware of the effect his Vietnam protest song was having, but it did have as powerful an effect as Bob Dylan and Joan Baez.

Not every protest singer has that level of effect, but it’s cumulative, and your efforts count and they DO have an effect, although it’s subtle and hard to see, but it’s definitely there. Continue reading

The Weegee Effect

What is the Weegee Effect?

Long ago, the Ouija board — pronounced “weegee board” was created to let spirits guide the hands of its users on the planchette that floated over letters and numbers, eventually as the hands stopped at a certain point, ultimately revealing cryptic messages from beyond.

In the psychedelic 1960s, visionaries like John C. Lilly and Timothy Leary reported the ‘TV Channel Phenomenon’—where flipping between stations under altered states seemed to form strings of eerie, prophetic phrases. Continue reading

The Shocking Truth

The way things are shifting, YouTube and other platforms are pushing their own agenda—more ad-friendly, short-form, and big-brand-driven content—while making it harder for independent creators like us to get organic reach. But we’re not out of options. Here’s what we can do to counteract the algorithm’s push against us: Continue reading