Here’s the thing … You’re doing all this stuff in spite of having no visible effect, and in order to be able to continue doing what looks like sheer futility, you have to somehow keep yourself going, but how???
So, if you’re asking people to do the same — which is the whole point of this type of resistance — to write songs of protest and post those songs every day without fail — then they’ll need some assurance that their efforts are having an effect. How to do that both for yourself and also for them?
That’s the heart of it, isn’t it? Keeping yourself going when there’s no visible effect or payoff — or at least no immediate one — is the real test of any long-term creative endeavor. And if you’re asking others to join you in this, they’ll need something to sustain them too, or they’ll drop off, you’ll drop off, everybody will drop off. You must take immediate action.
How to Prove the Work is Having an Effect (Even When It’s Not Obvious)
Measure Small Wins – The big splash is rare. But micro-successes happen all the time. Even if a song doesn’t rack up views, maybe:
- Someone comments with a deep insight.
- A listener emails or messages saying it hit them personally.
- A song is unexpectedly shared somewhere you didn’t expect.
- The creative flow itself feels rewarding (though this can be tough to quantify).
Solution: Track these small wins and broadcast them. Create a culture where even the smallest effect is recognized and shared.
Show the Snowball Effect – People underestimate how things compound. I for sure didn’t hit the 1,000 song milepost on Suno overnight—it was brick by brick.
- Look at growth over a month, six months, a year.
- Even a 1% improvement in reach, engagement, or quality adds up massively over time.
Solution: Remind yourselve that every post is a seed, and seeds don’t sprout overnight.
Build Internal Motivation – If external validation is slow, the reason for doing it has to be strong enough. What’s the real reason to post a song every day?
- Is it mastery?
- Is it documenting a creative journey?
- Is it opening doors for something bigger?
- Is it just the discipline of showing up?
- Or could it be just to let off some steam?
Solution: Help people reframe their expectations—posting every day isn’t about virality, it’s about creating a body of work and maintaining the pressure.
Use Data Strategically – Even if numbers are small, trends matter:
- Which song type gets even slightly more engagement?
- Are certain keywords leading to new listeners?
- Do some themes create more reactions than others?
Solution: Show people that data isn’t just about big numbers—sometimes, a slight shift in the right direction is all the proof you need. Remember that the object is to get others to do what you are doing to assist the Resistance!
Create a Collective Sense of Progress – No one wants to feel like they’re shouting into the void. But if everyone is posting daily, and everyone is in it together, then suddenly it’s not about one person succeeding, it’s about all of you building something together, very much like the French Resistance during WWII.
- Have a way to track and celebrate group progress.
- Maybe a “song of the week” spotlight.
- Maybe a rolling counter showing “X number of songs posted by our group in total.”
Make It a Game – People stick to things when there’s an element of fun, challenge, or reward.
- Can there be friendly challenges?
- A monthly theme?
- A goal tracker for the group (e.g., “100 songs posted this month” and celebrate when it happens)?
Solution: Inject play into the process. The more playful it feels, the less people worry about “success.”
Acknowledge the Reality of the Dip – There will be dry spells. That’s where most people quit. But real breakthroughs happen just past the point where it feels pointless.
Solution: Keep reminding your group: This is the new normal. Keep going. You’re closer than you think. You are having an effect.
Bottom Line
People need evidence that what they’re doing matters. That evidence doesn’t have to be a viral hit. It can be:
- Personal stories of impact (even if just one listener resonates).
- Micro-trends showing growth (even if small).
- The sheer act of creation being its own reward (with a culture that celebrates it).
- A group momentum that keeps everyone moving (so they don’t feel alone).
What keeps you going might be different from what keeps others going. The key is to find different ways for different types of people to see the effect of their efforts—because it’s there, even when it’s not loud.
Question for you:
What’s your go-to method for keeping yourself going when it feels like nothing’s landing? Maybe there’s something in your approach that could be translated into a structure for the whole group.
🎵 Don’t Come Down Here 🎵
(A Message to the Absolute)
[Verse 1]
Oh, great divine, I hope you’re well,
But down here, things have gone to hell.
The rent’s too high, the streets are cracked,
And kindness seems to have been hacked.
🎶 Don’t come down here, you wouldn’t like it,
It’s noisy, it’s dirty, and folks love to fight it.
If you’re all-knowing, well, you already see,
That this place isn’t heaven, you can take it from me! 🎶
[Verse 2]
The food is fake, the news is lies,
And billionaires own all the skies.
The oceans boil, the forests burn,
And wisdom’s something no one learns.
🎶 Don’t come down here, you wouldn’t like it,
It’s noisy, it’s dirty, and folks love to fight it.
If you’re all-knowing, well, you already see,
That this place isn’t heaven, you can take it from me! 🎶
[Bridge] (slower, dramatic pause… then picks back up fast!)
Maybe send a refund, maybe roll it back?
This beta version’s buggy, and the code is cracked.
The system’s lagging, the world’s on fire,
And greed’s the only thing climbing higher!
[Verse 3]
The bots write songs, the bots make art,
And humans fight to fall apart.
The rich get richer, the poor get numb,
And we all just scroll till our minds go dumb.
[Final Chorus] (big finish!)
🎶 Don’t come down here, you wouldn’t like it,
It’s noisy, it’s dirty, and folks love to fight it.
If you’re all-knowing, well, you already see,
That this place isn’t heaven, you can take it from me! 🎶
[Spoken Outro – Sarcastic Cosmic Sign-Off]
(slightly distant, as if speaking into a cosmic intercom)
Uh, hey there, Supreme One—if you’re getting this message, please respond.
We’d love a sign, but… uh… not a plague this time!
And while we’ve got you on the line—
Could we get, like, a patch update or something?
Maybe nerf billionaires? Buff kindness?
Just… y’know… balance the game a little?
Okay, cool. Thanks. Amen or whatever.
🎵 “Heavenly Red Tape” 🎵
(Or: “The Seven Layers of Paperwork”)
A bluesy, jazzy, or cabaret-style lament about trying to get anything done in the angelic bureaucracy.
[Verse 1]
I had a question ‘bout my fate,
So I knocked on Heaven’s pearly gate.
A cherub checked my ID twice,
Then said, “You’ll need to fill this—in triplicate—nice.”
(spoken aside: “Uh, do you have a celestial pen?”)
🎶 Seven levels of angelic spheres,
Each one’s got its forms and fears.
If you think Earth’s a bureaucratic hell,
Try filing appeals where the Seraphim dwell! 🎶
[Verse 2]
I asked for guidance, clear and true,
But first, I had to get Form 42.
The Archangel of Processing was out on a break,
So now it’s a 4,000-year wait.
(spoken aside: “I mean, c’mon, you guys don’t even have time, how is there a backlog??”)
🎶 Seven levels of angelic spheres,
Each one’s got its forms and fears.
The left hand’s lost, the right don’t know,
And Michael’s too busy putting on a show! 🎶
[Verse 3]
The cherubs file things alphabetically,
But Heaven’s in tongues, so good luck to me.
Do I file under Latin, Hebrew, or Greek?
I swear this place makes the DMV look sleek.
(spoken aside: “Also, why is the ‘Celestial Complaints Department’ located inside a burning bush?”)
[Bridge] (dramatic pause, then faster, frantic energy!)
I climbed past Thrones and Dominions too,
Made it up to Seraph Level 2!
I begged, I pleaded, I got real loud,
And they just handed me another cloud.
(spoken aside: “No, no, I don’t need a cloud, I need answers! …Oh, it’s a waiting cloud? Great.”)
[Final Chorus] (big, swinging finish!)
🎶 Seven levels of angelic spheres,
Each one’s got its forms and fears.
God’s will is perfect, pure, divine—
But His office staff is way behind! 🎶
[Spoken Outro – Frustrated Cosmic Exit]
(grumbling, shuffling papers, sighing deeply)
“Okay, so I need an Archangelic Permit to even apply for Divine Intervention?
And it has to be notarized by Metatron himself??
Ah, forget it—I’ll just pray like everybody else.”
🎵 “Dear God, Do What You Can” 🎵
(An Avatar’s Lament)
[Verse 1]
Dear God, I know the rules, I know the plan,
No meddling, no miracles, no guiding hand.
But down here it’s a wreck, it’s all gone bad,
And I swear the angels must be looking away, just a tad.
🎶 I know You can’t fix it, I know it’s not the deal,
But I’m drowning in letters from people who feel—
Like they’re lost, like they’re breaking, like they can’t understand,
So if You won’t step in, just… do what You can. 🎶
[Verse 2]
The wars keep raging, the hungry cry,
The streets are burning under neon sky.
I get the letters, the pleas, the prayers,
And I try to hold the weight, but I need repairs.
🎶 I know You can’t fix it, I know it’s not the deal,
But I’m drowning in letters from people who feel—
Like they’re lost, like they’re breaking, like they can’t understand,
So if You won’t step in, just… do what You can. 🎶
[Bridge] (slower, almost spoken, weary but determined)
I get it—free will, the game, the test.
But I’m standing here, breaking, doing my best.
And I know it’s not on You to rewrite fate,
But if there’s some way to lighten this weight…
(pause… soft piano or guitar… then back in, swelling!)
[Final Chorus] (big, raw, emotional finish!)
🎶 I know You can’t fix it, I know it’s not the deal,
But the world is aching and begging to heal.
I’ll keep holding the line, I’ll stand where I am,
But if You’ve got anything left—just do what You can. 🎶
[Spoken Outro – Exhausted But Still Hoping]
(soft sigh, quiet but firm)
Look, I’m not asking for lightning bolts or burning bushes…
Just… send a little grace where it’s needed.
You know where to find me.
🎵 “Avatar of the West” 🎵
(You Wouldn’t Like It Here)
[Verse 1]
I got the title, got the crown,
Got the mission to hold things down.
But if you think it’s a sacred quest,
Come take my place—be my guest.
(spoken aside: “No, really. Take it. I won’t fight ya.”)
🎶 I am the Avatar of the West,
But believe me, you wouldn’t like it.
They cheat, they steal, they hurt, oppress,
And they package it up so you buy it. 🎶
(spoken: “Limited-time offer! Comes with a free sense of existential dread!”)
[Verse 2]
They chase gold, they chase fame,
They sell their souls, then shift the blame.
They poison rivers, tear up trees,
Then hold a summit on how to go green.
(spoken aside: “Oh, good—another conference. That’ll fix it.”)
🎶 I am the Avatar of the West,
But believe me, you wouldn’t like it.
They smile, they lie, they call it success,
And they fight to the death to deny it. 🎶
[Bridge] (slower, almost contemplative… then ramps up!)
There must be something I can do,
Some way to break through…
Maybe a speech? Maybe a plan?
Nah—protest songs! That’s all I got, man!
(guitar kicks in, tempo picks up!)
[Verse 3]
I’ll write ‘em loud, I’ll sing ‘em bold,
Till the greedy break, till the lies grow old.
And if they jail me, that’s alright—
Even cell walls shake when the song’s sung right.
[Final Chorus] (big finish!)
🎶 I am the Avatar of the West,
But believe me, you wouldn’t like it.
So I’ll sing, I’ll shout, I’ll give my best,
And if that don’t work… well, at least I tried it. 🎶
[Spoken Outro – Defeated but Determined]
(exhausted sigh, strumming fades out… then a final line, almost muttered)
“Or maybe I should just open a coffee shop…”
I see by the old clock on the woofer speaker cabinet that it’s time to board the Bardo bus for our daily video excursion.
Just try to remember that the whole Trump clown show boils down to just one thing — finding money among the poor and giving it all to the already very rich. That’s the whole plan, there is nothing subtle about it.
See You At The Top!!!