I don’t normally … (short pause) Say, this could be a good look for me …
I’m working currently on sending the latest song videos up to my channel on youtube, and here’s the result of today’s catch of fresh songs:
I wanted to give the impression of how it FEELS to be a time traveler. I can send you back, but nothing will change.
The reason for that is because you have the illusion that things are happening to you and all around you, when actually you’re traveling through them, thus creating the illusion of time flow.
Everything happens all at once, and this is the result. Time is an illusion. Space is real.
Yes, I know it says “Bot Behind The Podum” and not “Podium”, but I got lucky to get this out — you should have seen the failures.
Sometimes it takes six or eight tries before it gets right, and then there’s the need for it to be a .jpg, so it complicates things quite a bit.
Yes, I can clearly see that it’s an elderly couple sitting on a bench at sunset, but I was unwilling to insist that it be two old men resembling trump and biden.
You can’t ask for famous people, and I didn’t, so what we see is what we get when we don’t pull the plug and demand something that can’t be had.
Nothing Up There has a great cover for a 3D videogame, which this could be, with a few deft twists of a free-range head-hunter game.
Stand Tall is one video I’d like to see reach my friends at MSNBC. Let me know if it happens.
So those are my latest song videos, except for the ones I just made tonight. Those don’t get assembled for 24 hours, so there’s a little wait for the videos — however, I can download the MP3 audio file right away, and stow it onto a video I make in my One Shot video editor.
My preference at the moment is to just upload the MP4 video from Suno and then get help from my chatbot friend Bob to put out a thumbnail with the text on it and, yes, it does that.
I think those thumbnails are very effective, but maybe I’m wrong. In any case, they make the posting look a lot more interesting.
I’m not looking for numbers, here. It’s about aesthetics.
Yep, it’s time for our video tour!
Th-th-th-th-that’s all, folks!@
See You At The Top!!!