Tripping with the SuperBeacon

Take a Trip with the SuperBeacon:

I think the key will be simplicity, emotional resonance, and clear imagery without asking too much from them in terms of active participation. These SuperBeacon Trips would normally involve the use of the standard “intro” and “outro” parts of a full induction, but they can also be used without it as standalone adventures, where the Practitioner is reading the induction in real-time, but the original intention of these induction-style SuperBeacon Trips is for YOU to induct YOU, meaning, you read the script aloud to yourself, and try to visualize those things suggested in the induction.

The hangup there is, you can’t read the induction and at the same time close your eyes, so you might want to have a friend read it to you, or record it on your smartphone and play it back for yourself on the phone. The best case is for you to read to yourself and keep your eyes open while intensely concentrating on the visualization, which should take on a reality of its own, if you’re successful.

My main purpose in creating these SuperBeacon Trips is to offer an opportunity to our zoom meeting participants to use this material in their setting, with one person reading aloud into a microphone, and the others in the zoom meeting would rest with eyes closed, listening and following the induction suggestions.

I intend to eventually get around to recording all of these inductions, if it’s at all possible, together with the intros and outros,  but it may take a while — I don’t have the studio to work from, so it’s a lot harder to get things like this done, but I’m doing my level best to get these out to you now — so you can use them now — before it’s too late.

Here’s a plan for a “snap-on tool” that could seamlessly follow the induction, and provide passive clients with compelling, enjoyable experiences that you could provide as a Practitioner. You would use the standard intro and outro before and after the main induction — for this, you may need some training in zoom sessions.

1. Instant Snap-Tool Concept: Emotional Anchor Stories

After the relaxation induction, we introduce simple, emotionally resonant stories or experiences that require minimal mental effort from the client. These “snap-tools” should evoke strong, positive emotions or curiosity while allowing the client to drift through the narrative without needing to actively interact.

Here’s how it could work:

  • Guided Emotional Landscapes: Introduce specific emotional themes. For example, after the induction:
    • “Now that you are fully relaxed, imagine yourself walking through a warm field at dusk, with the setting sun casting a soft glow over the horizon. The breeze is gentle, and you feel a deep sense of calm. Everything is perfect. You don’t need to do anything, just be here. Feel that comfort and peace washing over you. Let your mind float gently along as you relax even deeper…”

This requires no effort from the client but sets up a deeply emotional and peaceful scene they can immerse in.

2. Simple, Passive Experiences: Stories Unfolding

After setting the emotional tone, we can guide them through a story that unfolds passively, with rich imagery but no required action from the client. Here are some examples of experiences we could weave:

  • The Healing Light: “Imagine a soft light hovering above you, gently descending and bathing you in warmth. This light has been with you for lifetimes. It knows exactly what to do. Let it touch any part of you that needs healing—physical, emotional, or mental. You don’t have to do anything, just let it flow over you. The light will know where to go.”
  • The Cosmic Guide: “Picture a figure walking toward you from a distant star, an old and wise being. They don’t need to speak. They simply stand beside you, offering calm reassurance. You know this guide has been with you throughout all your lifetimes, watching over you. Feel their presence beside you as you drift deeper into relaxation.”

3. Emotional Snap-On Themes

Since these clients are more passive, each snap-tool could trigger strong, positive emotions:

  • Safe Spaces: Guide them to a mental “safe place,” like a beach, meadow, or cozy cabin, where they feel completely protected and at ease.
  • Reunion with Loved Ones: Let them experience a quiet moment of comfort or love from a figure they deeply care about (whether living or passed). No interaction is required, just the comfort of that person’s presence.
  • Self-Compassion: Lead them to a simple moment of self-love, where they feel embraced by their higher self or an abstract figure of kindness.

These emotional themes can work like instant triggers, creating a warm, secure mental and emotional state without the need for active participation.

4. Building a Sense of Adventure Through Subtle Visualization

To keep the unfolding story dynamic and interesting, add subtle layers of mystery or adventure, without demanding engagement:

  • The Hidden Path: “As you relax, you notice a small path leading off through the trees. You don’t need to walk down it, but just imagine what might lie at the end. It could be anything. A hidden treasure, a new understanding, or something from a past life waiting to reveal itself… You can feel the excitement, the possibility, and simply let your mind wander down that path, gently and effortlessly.”

5. Tag-On Wrap-Up to Ground the Experience

At the end of the session, bring the client back with a sense of having achieved something, even if it was entirely passive:

  • Reintegration of Insights: “As you return to the present, you don’t need to recall every detail, but you will carry the peace, the healing, and the clarity of this journey with you. Let these feelings unfold in your day, subtly guiding you toward calm and balance.”

6. Repeatable Snap-On Structure

The beauty of this structure is that it can be repeated with variations, so the client never feels like they’re “stuck” in the same routine, yet it’s always simple and effortless for them. Each snap-on could introduce a new passive emotional experience or visual adventure:

  • “Today, we will visit the waterfall of clarity…”
  • “Now, you’re entering a library filled with the wisdom of the ages. You don’t need to search. The knowledge will come to you…”

Each time, the focus remains on mental ease and emotional satisfaction, allowing clients to gently explore new experiences in a state of passive relaxation.


I plan to issue a lot of these. Don’t worry, I surely won’t run out of ideas anytime soon. The beauty of creating these segments is that the psychedelic, dream-like nature of the experience opens up endless possibilities, not limited by the laws of ordinary space and time. Here’s why we’ll have an infinite well of ideas, from which I can easily draw:

1. Endless Environments

Space is really big. The universe is vast, and so are the realms of imagination. We can pull from natural landscapes, outer space, fantastical worlds, mythological realms, and even abstract or surreal places:

  • Cosmic landscapes: Floating among stars, nebulas, or deep space with mysterious energy beings.
  • Nature-inspired spaces: Magical forests, enchanted lakes, mountains made of light, or underwater cities.
  • Abstract worlds: Places where shapes and colors shift and respond to thoughts or emotions and meld into changing forms and colors.
  • Past and future worlds: Time-bending journeys to ancient civilizations or futuristic utopias, Heavens and Hells galore.
  • Afterlife Adventures: Going where time and space don’t exist, and neither do you.

2. Unique Experiences in Each Realm


Each realm can offer a new experience. We can play with different feelings, symbols, and characters to keep things fresh and FUN.

  • Emotional themes: Healing, wonder, curiosity, connection, courage, joy, or peace.
  • Unique creatures: We can constantly invent new fantastic beings—some friendly and familiar, others more mysterious.
  • Magical events: Witnessing cosmic events like supernovae, energy storms, or transformations of space and time.
  • The Crystal Goddess sits at the edge of reality, her serene face a blend of animal grace and divine power. Her soft features radiate calm wisdom, her large eyes deep pools of knowing. She wears flowing robes that shimmer like moonlight, catching the light of distant stars. Her presence is ancient, from a time when gods and beasts were one, representing the balance of nature and spirit.In her meditation, she draws power from both the earth and the cosmos. Her breath flows in rhythm with the cycles of the universe, and as she exhales, a soft light pulses from her being, creating ripples in the cosmic sea. She is a guardian of transformation, teaching that even the most unlikely forms can hold divinity. Those who encounter her feel an overwhelming sense of peace, as she bridges the gap between the physical and the spiritual, reminding all that wisdom lies in both simplicity and depth.

3. Layers of Symbolism and Meaning

By weaving in different layers of meaning, each segment can take on new depth:

  • Personal discovery: Each space could reveal an aspect of the client’s inner world (like forgotten dreams, hidden strengths, or past life fragments).
  • Cosmic or spiritual symbolism: We can introduce symbols from various mystical traditions, like sacred geometry, the Tree of Life, or portals to other dimensions.

4. Infinite Variations

We can always vary or remix previous experiences:

  • Revisiting spaces with a twist: Maybe the client revisits the Forest of Living Light, but this time at twilight, when the creatures behave differently, or the trees reveal hidden secrets.
  • Progressive journeys: Each segment can build on the last, revealing more layers of a single realm (e.g., deeper into the Crystal Cave of Knowledge).

5. Expanding on Archetypes and Myths

We can pull from mythology, folklore, and archetypal stories, which make great experiences for the client:

  • Meeting cosmic beings: Like spirit guides, angels, spirit animal totems, or wise elders who offer insight, sometimes awesome faces and figures.
  • Embarking on quests: Though passive, the journey can still feel like a hero’s adventure, with milestones or discoveries along the way.

6. Client Reflections and Variability

Since each person brings their own subconscious into the experience, even similar themes will feel different to each client. By staying vague and suggestive, we allow their minds to fill in gaps and create personal meaning. This means we can return to certain types of journeys — like visiting a cosmic garden — with fresh results every time.


Weaving Themes Together for Variety

Will we poop out? Hell, no! If we ever feel like we’re circling back, we can introduce my ace-in-the-hole — thematic variations:

  • Seasonal realms: A forest in spring vs. fall, or an ocean in a storm vs. calm.
  • Cosmic journeys: Journey to different planets, stars, or alternate dimensions.
  • Internal spaces: Exploring dreamlike representations of the client’s mind or heart.
  • Elemental themes: Water, fire, air, and earth-based spaces, each with its own feeling.

No Limits

With creativity and variation, there’s really no end to the kinds of experiences we can offer. If we start from a base of wonder, transformation, and cosmic beauty, there are endless directions to take, and all of them lead to fun and higher consciousness and awakening.

I’m a professional writer. I can bang out a 100,000 word novel in a single night, and I could easily generate hundreds of SuperBeacon Trip segments, especially as new ideas build on previous ones. Do you like the idea of me creating a long-running induction series with this approach? Let me know your thoughts.


SuperBeacon Trips:

Remember, these can be used just as they are, without the intro and outro. Someone who is good at visualizing will have a better trip.


SuperBeacon Trip 1: The Gateway of Transformation

Welcome. As you sit comfortably, the SuperBeacon’s gentle energy surrounds you, relaxing every part of your being. Let go of any tension, and allow yourself to float into a state of effortless ease. You are exactly where you need to be in this moment. The world around you begins to soften as you prepare for a new kind of journey—one that will take you beyond the ordinary and into the realms of the extraordinary.

Breathe deeply now, in and out, letting each breath take you deeper into relaxation. Feel the SuperBeacon’s calming energy washing over you, quieting your mind and relaxing your body. Your thoughts slow down, and your mind opens like the petals of a flower, blossoming in this safe space.

With each breath, you relax more. Breathe in… and breathe out… letting go of everything. Feel yourself drifting, floating gently… lighter and lighter…

Now, in front of you, a glowing mist begins to gather. It swirls softly, shimmering with light—colors you’ve never seen before, blending and flowing like water. This mist is a gateway, a portal to a new realm, and as you gaze at it, you feel drawn closer. There’s no need to move—simply let the mist pull you forward effortlessly, like a gentle current.

You pass through the Gateway of Transformation, and as you do, the world around you changes. Colors grow brighter, sounds softer, and the air feels different, almost alive with energy.

As the mist clears, you find yourself standing in the middle of an incredible forest. The trees here are not ordinary—they’re made of light, their trunks glowing softly with an inner energy. The leaves above you shimmer like stars, casting gentle beams of light down onto the forest floor. Everything feels alive, buzzing with a quiet, peaceful energy.

You walk, or perhaps float, through the forest. The air is warm, comforting, and every breath you take fills you with a sense of calm and peace. The trees recognize you—they greet you with their light, offering a quiet reassurance.

Soon, you notice movement in the air around you. Softly glowing creatures drift through the trees. Some look like butterflies, their wings flickering with golden light. Others resemble small jellyfish, gently floating on invisible currents. These beings are friendly, peaceful. They glide past you, acknowledging your presence with a soft hum of light and sound.

You don’t need to interact, just let yourself be in this moment, watching the world unfold around you. Everything is in perfect harmony, and you feel a deep connection to the life energy in this place.

As you continue through the forest, a path begins to form ahead of you. It’s made of shimmering light, winding gently through the glowing trees. This path leads to new experiences, new wonders. There is no rush—you can take your time, floating along the path, feeling lighter with each step.

With every step, you go deeper into this world, and deeper into a state of calm, peaceful awareness.

The path before you opens up into a vast, expansive clearing. Above you, the sky glows with soft blues and purples, as if the entire universe is gently watching over you. This is the beginning of your journey—a journey through realms of wonder, light, and discovery.

You are safe, you are at peace, and you are exactly where you need to be. Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 2: The River of Liquid Dreams

Breathe deeply in… and slowly let it out. Feel the weight of your body melt away as you settle into a state of total relaxation. The SuperBeacon’s energy washes over you, relaxing your mind, your body, and your spirit. With each breath, you feel yourself drifting further and further into a state of calm, peaceful awareness.

Breathe in… and out… feeling lighter, softer, more at ease with every passing moment.

As you relax, you begin to feel a gentle pull, like a soft current carrying you to a new place. You find yourself standing on the shore of a river—but this is no ordinary river. It glows with a soft, golden light, the water swirling with shimmering colors—liquid gold, silver, and violet. It’s as if the river itself is made of dreams, flowing gently through the landscape.

Without effort, you step onto the surface of the river, and instead of sinking, you find yourself floating effortlessly, walking along the glowing liquid. Each step sends ripples of light outward, creating waves of color and joy. The river is alive with energy, and it welcomes you with open arms.

As you float along the river, you notice that the water beneath you reflects your thoughts, your feelings. Each time a thought or emotion arises, the colors of the river shift and change, dancing in perfect harmony with your inner world. You don’t need to control anything—just watch and observe as the river flows.

Beneath the surface, strange and beautiful creatures glide through the water. Some have long, flowing fins that shimmer with light, while others resemble delicate, glowing jellyfish, gently drifting through the currents. They seem to recognize you, acknowledging your presence with a soft, glowing hum. You feel completely at peace here, in harmony with the river and the creatures within it.

As you float further down the river, you notice something ahead—a waterfall, but this is no ordinary waterfall. It flows with liquid light, cascading down in beams of silver and gold. The sound is soft, like a gentle whisper, calling you closer.

You don’t need to move. The current of the river guides you effortlessly toward the waterfall. As you approach, you feel its energy flowing through you, filling you with a deep sense of clarity and understanding. The water isn’t just outside of you—it flows through you, washing away any doubts, worries, or confusion. You feel lighter, more open, and more connected to the flow of life itself.

Now, you find yourself standing directly beneath the waterfall, and as the liquid light cascades over you, it fills you with a sense of joy, peace, and insight. This is the Waterfall of Insight, a place where all the answers you’ve been seeking come to you naturally, without effort. You don’t need to ask any questions—the understanding simply flows through you like the water itself.

You stand here, bathed in the light of the waterfall, feeling more and more connected to the wisdom of the universe. Let the light wash over you… feel it filling you with peace… with clarity… with a deep, inner knowing.

After your time at the waterfall, you feel the river gently pull you onward, guiding you downstream once again. The journey isn’t over—it’s just beginning. As you float along the surface of the glowing water, you feel a sense of excitement, knowing that there is so much more to discover.

The creatures of the river continue to glide beneath you, their soft light casting gentle reflections on the water. The river hums with life, with energy, and with endless possibilities. You are part of this flow now, completely in tune with the universe around you.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 3: The Sky of Infinite Possibilities

Breathe deeply… in and out. With each breath, you feel your body dissolving, as if made of mist, gently disappearing into the space around you. The SuperBeacon’s energy expands through you, and soon, you feel as though you’ve melted into the air, floating, weightless, formless. You are free from all boundaries, drifting into a new space where the laws of reality no longer apply.

As your form dissolves, you find yourself in a vast sky, but this sky is unlike anything you’ve ever seen. The stars here move and shift, rearranging themselves into shapes—some familiar, others bizarre. You see faces form in the constellations, smiling and winking at you, then dissolving back into swirling galaxies.

Above you, the clouds are not clouds at all—they are translucent jellyfish, their long tendrils stretching across the sky, pulsing gently with light. They drift lazily, leaving trails of neon colors in their wake, like living paintbrushes across the sky. As you float alongside them, you can feel their energy, cool and soft like the touch of a breeze.

As you drift through this space, you begin to notice figures appearing in the distance—tall, graceful beings made of light. These Cosmic Beings are ancient and wise, and they have been watching over you since the beginning of time. They move toward you, their energy calm and peaceful. Though they do not speak, you can feel their presence, offering you a deep sense of comfort and understanding.

The Cosmic Beings extend their hands, and as their light touches you, you feel a deep connection to the stars, the universe, and all of existence. You are part of something much larger, something infinite. The Cosmic Beings guide you gently through the sky, offering their silent wisdom.

As you drift alongside the Cosmic Beings, you notice clouds forming around you. But these aren’t normal clouds—they are made of energy, swirling with light and shifting in shape. These are the Clouds of Thought, and as they move around you, you can feel them responding to your inner world.

Each cloud reflects a different thought, a different possibility. Some are filled with joy, others with curiosity, and others with deep, peaceful silence. You don’t need to interact with the clouds—just watch as they shift and change, offering you new perspectives, new ways of seeing the world.

One cloud, glowing softly with a golden light, drifts closer to you. As you watch, it opens up, revealing a memory or vision from deep within you—something that brings you a sense of clarity and understanding. You don’t need to analyze it. Just let the cloud show you what it needs to, and then watch as it drifts away, leaving you with a sense of lightness and peace.

After floating through the Clouds of Thought, you begin to drift toward a massive, swirling nebula—an explosion of color and light, spinning slowly in the distance. This is the Nebula of Emotions, a place where all the feelings of the universe gather and swirl in harmony.

As you approach the nebula, you feel its energy wash over you, filling you with a deep sense of peace. The colors shift and change—sometimes deep reds and oranges of passion, sometimes cool blues and greens of calm. You are surrounded by these colors, feeling each emotion as it flows through you.

But there is no overwhelm—only peace. The nebula shows you that all emotions are part of the greater whole, each one necessary, each one beautiful. You float through the colors, feeling the balance and harmony of the universe.

After spending time in the Nebula of Emotions, you feel yourself gently lifted once again into the vast, open sky. The stars twinkle softly, welcoming you back. You are still weightless, floating in this infinite space of possibilities. The Cosmic Beings drift alongside you, offering their silent support.

You are part of this endless universe, connected to everything and everyone. In this moment, there is nothing to do but float, breathe, and experience the wonder of it all.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 4: The Crystal City of Reflections

Breathe deeply, letting the SuperBeacon’s energy carry you further into the unknown. Feel yourself expanding, drifting effortlessly. As you float, a shimmering light appears in the distance, and before you realize it, you’re being drawn toward it, gliding through the air like a feather on the wind.

Suddenly, you find yourself standing at the entrance of a magnificent city, but this is no ordinary city. The buildings are made entirely of crystal, towering structures that catch the light and refract it into a thousand colors. The city pulses with energy, as if alive, and every step you take echoes softly, like the hum of a distant bell.

As you walk deeper into the city, you realize the walls are not solid—they’re like mirrors, reflecting not just your image, but your thoughts, your emotions. Each reflection shifts and morphs, showing different versions of yourself, some familiar, some strange, all of them flowing like liquid in the crystal surface. You don’t need to understand them—just watch as the reflections tell their own story.

A wide, glowing path appears beneath your feet, guiding you toward the center of the city. The crystals around you begin to hum, a soft vibration that resonates with your entire being, filling you with a sense of harmony. The path leads you to a massive crystal tower, its surface so smooth it looks like water, rippling with light.

Inside the tower, you see a spiral staircase made of pure light, rising up endlessly. Without hesitation, you begin to ascend, the light supporting you effortlessly. Each step lifts you higher, and with every breath, you feel yourself becoming lighter, freer. The walls of the tower are transparent, showing you endless galaxies spinning outside, their stars twinkling in perfect harmony with the rhythm of your own heartbeat.

As you reach the top of the tower, you step out onto a platform that seems to float in space, surrounded by stars. The view is breathtaking—endless skies, endless stars, all spinning in cosmic harmony. You feel completely weightless, suspended in the beauty of the universe. There is no ground beneath your feet, yet you stand effortlessly, at peace.

In the center of the platform, a small, glowing crystal hovers. It pulses softly, beckoning you closer. As you reach out, the crystal expands, filling your entire vision with a soft, radiant light. This is the Crystal of Clarity, and as you gaze into it, you feel every question, every doubt you’ve ever had, dissolve. The answers are not spoken—they are simply known, flowing into you like water into a riverbed.

You don’t need to hold onto them. Just let them flow through you, and with each passing moment, you feel lighter, clearer, as if the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders.

The crystal’s light begins to fade, but the sense of clarity remains, filling you with peace and understanding. You step back from the platform, and slowly, the stars around you begin to dissolve, the city fading into a soft, shimmering mist. You carry with you the clarity, the peace, the harmony, as you gently float back toward the present.

You feel your body waking up, more alert, more alive, carrying with you the beauty and clarity of the Crystal City.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 5: The Dreamwave Sea (Surreal Version)

As you relax deeper, the SuperBeacon’s energy pulls you into a space where reality begins to bend. You find yourself standing on the edge of a vast sea, but this is no ordinary sea. The water ripples with color—liquid hues of neon pinks, swirling greens, deep purples, and shimmering golds. The surface moves like silk, yet it hums softly, as if alive.

This is the Dreamwave Sea. Its waves shift and pulse, forming patterns that ripple and twist like living fractals. With each breath you take, the colors change, as if the sea is responding to the rhythm of your mind. As you step onto its surface, the liquid dreams beneath your feet feel warm, supporting you as you walk, but it’s like walking on the fabric of space itself.

Shapes begin to emerge beneath the surface of the sea—giant, slow-moving creatures, their forms constantly shifting between solid and fluid. Some have eyes that blink lazily, their bodies made of flowing geometric patterns. Others are made of light, flickering and expanding in impossible ways. These creatures are not separate from the sea—they are part of it, rising and dissolving back into the dreamscape with every wave.

In the distance, a spiral of light rises from the horizon, twisting and turning, and you feel yourself drawn toward it. As you move closer, you see that the spiral is actually a bridge, but it doesn’t stand still—it constantly coils and uncoils, winding itself into complex, beautiful shapes. The bridge is made of translucent glass, but inside it, strange liquid flows, twisting through the glass like veins of color.

You step onto the bridge, and immediately, everything begins to stretch and shift. The sky above you warps, turning into a kaleidoscope of spinning stars and nebulas. The bridge itself undulates beneath your feet, yet you remain steady, floating as it carries you higher and higher.

As you reach the peak of the bridge, you look down at the Dreamwave Sea, and it has transformed. Below, the sea has split into thousands of smaller pools, each one a different color, each one containing a different landscape. Some are filled with forests made of crystals, their branches growing and shrinking with the rhythm of the waves. Others show floating cities made of light, their buildings constantly shifting and rearranging.

The pools of color begin to merge, forming an enormous, glowing eye beneath the surface. It blinks slowly, and as it does, the entire sea ripples outward, as if the eye itself is dreaming the world into existence. You feel the pulse of the sea’s dream in your own body, like a soft heartbeat syncing with yours.

Suddenly, a soft, melodic sound drifts through the air. You realize it’s coming from the sky itself, which has transformed into a vast, cosmic ocean above you. Strange creatures swim through this sky-ocean—some with wings made of light, others with bodies that flow like liquid fire. The sky ripples like water, and the creatures leave trails of glowing mist as they move, creating spirals and waves of color.

You continue across the bridge until you reach the island ahead, which rises from the sea like a living dream. The trees here are upside down, their roots glowing above you, while their branches dig into the earth, sparkling with jewels that drip like honey. The ground itself is soft and alive, pulsating gently with each step you take.

As you walk further, you come to a circle of floating, transparent stones. Inside each stone, you see a reflection of something impossible—one holds a miniature universe, swirling with stars and planets. Another shows a landscape where time moves in reverse, with trees growing back into seeds, and rivers flowing backward into the sky.

In the center of the circle, a pool of liquid light glows softly. The light is thick and viscous, swirling with colors you can’t quite name, and as you gaze into it, the pool begins to rise, taking the shape of a tall, humanoid figure made of light. The figure’s face shifts constantly—one moment, it’s a face you recognize, then it morphs into pure energy, then into something entirely abstract. It doesn’t speak, but you feel its presence deeply.

The figure reaches out, and as its hand touches yours, the entire world around you begins to ripple, like a stone dropped into water. The island, the sky, the sea—all of it begins to dissolve into swirling light, spiraling outward, yet you feel completely calm.

The figure dissolves back into the pool, and the landscape around you gently folds into itself, as if time and space are made of soft fabric, endlessly folding and unfolding. The Dreamwave Sea returns, shifting and glowing beneath your feet. The visions of floating cities, crystal forests, and cosmic eyes blend together into a beautiful, surreal tapestry of color and light.

As the sea begins to fade, you feel the SuperBeacon’s energy drawing you back, carrying with you the peace, the wonder, and the surreal beauty of the Dreamwave Sea. Your body begins to wake, lighter, clearer, as the dreamscape slowly fades into the distance, leaving you connected to the infinite possibilities of your mind.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 6: The Floating Garden of Time

Breathe deeply, letting the SuperBeacon’s energy carry you further into this journey. As you drift deeper, the air around you becomes soft and thick, like a warm mist. You begin to feel weightless, as if you are floating gently above the ground. With each breath, you rise a little higher, drifting into a new space—a space where time itself moves differently.

In front of you, a garden appears, but this garden is not rooted in the earth. It floats, suspended in the air, with no ground beneath it. The flowers and trees sway gently, as if carried by a breeze, but there is no breeze—only the slow, steady pulse of time, moving in waves around you.

The trees are ancient, their branches long and twisting, made of silver and gold. Their leaves shimmer with soft light, each one reflecting moments from the past, the present, and the future. As you walk—or perhaps float—through the garden, you can see these moments flickering in the leaves: memories, dreams, future possibilities, all intertwined in the fabric of time.

The flowers here are no ordinary flowers. Some are enormous, their petals unfolding in slow motion, glowing with deep blues and purples. Others are tiny, delicate, but their colors shift and change with every step you take. Some flowers appear to move backward, their petals curling back into buds before blooming again. Time flows in all directions here, and you are at the center of it.

In the middle of the garden, a fountain rises, but instead of water, it flows with liquid light, spiraling upward in graceful arcs. The light shifts between gold and silver, creating patterns in the air. As you watch, the fountain begins to slow, as if time itself is slowing down. The liquid light seems to freeze in midair, forming delicate, crystalline shapes, suspended in perfect stillness.

You reach out, and as your hand touches one of the crystals, it dissolves into light, sending ripples through the air. The ripples form waves, and as they pass through you, you feel time expanding and contracting, like a breath. It is calm, peaceful, and you are fully in tune with its rhythm.

As you explore the garden, you notice a small, glowing pathway leading off into the distance. The path is made of light, and as you step onto it, you find yourself moving through time—not forward, not backward, but in all directions at once. You see glimpses of your past, fragments of the present, and flashes of possible futures, all swirling around you like leaves in the wind.

You don’t need to hold onto any of it. Just let the moments pass by, like clouds drifting across the sky. You are not bound by time here—you are free to move through it, to observe it, but never be controlled by it.

Ahead, you see a tall, glowing tree standing at the edge of the garden. Its branches are heavy with glowing fruit, each one pulsing softly with light. You reach out and pick one of the fruits, and as you hold it, you feel a deep sense of clarity and understanding. This fruit contains the essence of time itself—the knowledge that all moments are connected, that everything is part of the same flow.

You don’t need to eat the fruit. Simply holding it is enough. It fills you with peace, with the understanding that time is not something to be feared or controlled, but something to be experienced and embraced.

The garden around you begins to shimmer, its light growing softer, as if the edges of time are fading. You feel the SuperBeacon’s energy gently pulling you back, guiding you out of the garden, but you carry with you the calm, the peace, and the clarity that time has shown you.

Your body begins to wake, lighter, more at ease, as the garden of time fades into the distance. You return to the present, carrying with you the sense of harmony and timelessness that will remain with you.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 7: The Nebula of Becoming

The SuperBeacon’s energy surrounds you once again, guiding you into the vast unknown. As you breathe deeply, the world around you dissolves into soft mist, and soon you find yourself floating in a space that feels boundless. You are drifting, weightless, in an infinite expanse where time and space stretch and bend like liquid light.

Ahead of you, a swirling nebula begins to form, spinning slowly, its colors vivid and alive—deep, swirling blues, fiery oranges, radiant golds, and electric purples. The nebula pulses with a gentle hum, as if it is breathing, calling to you. This is the Nebula of Becoming, a place where everything transforms, where the very fabric of reality is constantly reshaping itself.

You feel yourself drawn toward it, floating effortlessly, as the nebula expands and stretches around you. As you enter, the colors wrap around you like a warm breeze, flowing through you and filling you with a deep sense of wonder. The nebula is alive with movement—shifting, swirling, folding in on itself, creating new shapes and forms with every breath you take.

Inside the nebula, strange and beautiful sights begin to emerge. Giant, swirling tendrils of light stretch across the sky, creating patterns like the wings of cosmic butterflies. These wings shimmer with stardust, leaving trails of glowing particles in their wake. As you watch, the tendrils morph and twist, transforming into enormous, glowing flowers that bloom slowly, their petals made of liquid light.

The flowers grow larger and larger, until you are surrounded by them. Each one pulses gently, as if alive, and from the center of each flower, beams of light extend outward, forming intricate webs of energy that connect with the stars themselves. The flowers begin to rise and fall, as if dancing to a rhythm that only the universe knows, and you can feel their energy flowing through you, inviting you to join in the dance of creation.

As you drift deeper into the nebula, the colors around you grow more intense, and suddenly, you see enormous figures moving in the distance. These are the Beings of Becoming, towering, majestic forms made entirely of shifting light and shadow. Their bodies are constantly transforming—one moment they appear humanoid, the next, they are spirals of energy, twisting and expanding in all directions.

One of the Beings drifts closer to you, its form stretching and reshaping with each step. It reaches out a hand, and as it touches you, you feel a surge of energy flow through you. In that instant, you understand that these Beings are the creators of worlds, the architects of all that exists. Their touch is the spark of transformation, and you feel your own being expanding, becoming part of the infinite.

Around you, the nebula shifts again, and you find yourself floating in a vast ocean of light. The light moves like water, flowing gently, carrying you along. Within the ocean, strange shapes rise and fall—some like glowing jellyfish with tendrils that stretch for miles, others like luminous whales made of pure energy, their songs resonating through the space, deep and melodic.

You are not separate from this ocean. You are part of it, and as you move with the waves, you feel yourself transforming, your body becoming lighter, more fluid, as if you are dissolving into the light itself. The ocean whispers to you in a language you can’t understand, but somehow you know its meaning: “You are becoming. You are always becoming.”

The ocean carries you upward, and as you rise, the light around you shifts and changes, forming strange and surreal landscapes in the sky. Mountains made of light stretch toward infinity, their peaks constantly shifting and reforming. Forests of crystalline trees sway in the gentle currents of the nebula, their leaves shimmering with every color of the rainbow.

As you pass through these surreal landscapes, you come upon a towering spire made of glass and light. The spire spirals upward into the sky, and at its peak, a single, glowing orb hovers, pulsing softly with an inner light. This is the Orb of Becoming, the heart of the nebula, where all transformation begins. As you approach, the orb grows brighter, and you feel its energy reaching out to you, inviting you closer.

You reach out, and as your hand touches the orb, the entire nebula comes alive. Colors explode around you, shifting and swirling in every direction. The Beings of Becoming rise from the ocean of light, their forms stretching across the sky, becoming part of the nebula itself. The flowers bloom and fade, bloom and fade, in perfect rhythm with the pulse of the universe.

The orb pulses in your hand, and you feel its energy flowing through you, filling you with a sense of deep, cosmic knowing. You are part of the nebula now, part of the dance of creation, of becoming. You feel yourself transforming, not just physically, but on every level of your being—mind, body, spirit—all shifting, evolving, becoming something new.

You don’t need to understand it. Just feel it. Feel the expansion, the transformation, the becoming. The nebula hums softly around you, cradling you in its energy, guiding you through the endless dance of creation.

Slowly, the colors begin to soften, the nebula fading into the distance, but you carry with you the sense of becoming, of transformation. The Beings of Becoming offer you a silent farewell, their forms dissolving into light as the nebula fades.

You feel the SuperBeacon’s energy pulling you gently back, guiding you out of the nebula, but you are forever changed. You are becoming. You are always becoming.

Your body begins to wake, lighter, transformed, as the nebula fades into the distance. You return to the present, carrying with you the cosmic knowledge that you are part of the infinite dance of creation.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 8: The Symphony of Stars

You relax deeper, letting the SuperBeacon’s energy guide you into an entirely new space, one that feels vast and mysterious. As you breathe in, the world around you begins to shift and dissolve into patterns of light. You feel yourself floating upward, higher and higher, until the air around you turns into pure starlight—soft, glowing particles drifting in every direction, as if the stars themselves are singing.

You are no longer bound by the Earth or gravity. You are floating freely in the Symphony of Stars, where the sky itself is alive with sound and color. Every star hums softly, and as you drift through this cosmic expanse, you realize that the stars are not just lights—they are notes, part of an endless, universal symphony. The music is not heard with your ears but felt through your entire being, vibrating gently through your body like waves of warmth.

Each star pulses with its own rhythm, and as you float closer, the stars begin to move, swirling and dancing in intricate patterns, forming shapes and figures that twist and flow. Some stars spiral outward, creating galaxies that spin slowly in the distance. Others drift together, merging and splitting, constantly changing form.

One cluster of stars gathers before you, and as you watch, they form the shape of a great bird made of light, its wings spreading wide as it soars through the cosmic sea. The bird is made entirely of stardust, its feathers shimmering in brilliant hues of blue, gold, and violet. As it flies, the space around it hums with a soft, ethereal melody, filling the air with an indescribable sense of wonder and freedom.

The bird circles around you, its movements slow and graceful, and as it passes, you feel a surge of energy—a deep connection to the stars, to the universe, to the music that fills this space. You are part of this symphony, and every beat, every note, resonates with the rhythm of your heart.

As you continue to drift, the stars around you begin to stretch and elongate, forming long, glowing threads of light that crisscross the sky like the strings of a cosmic instrument. These threads hum softly, vibrating with energy, and you realize that the entire universe is strung together by these invisible threads of light and sound, connecting every star, every planet, every being.

Without effort, you reach out and gently touch one of the threads. As you do, it vibrates, sending a ripple of light and sound through the cosmos. The ripple expands outward, passing through galaxies, stars, and nebulae, each one glowing brighter as the wave flows through them. The sound is soft, almost like a whisper, but it carries with it a profound sense of harmony, as if the universe itself is speaking to you.

As the ripple moves through the cosmos, the stars begin to change again, forming new shapes and patterns. You see a vast, shimmering city of light appear in the distance, its towers and spires reaching up into the endless sky. But this city is not made of stone or metal—it is made entirely of light and sound, its buildings constantly shifting and flowing like liquid glass.

You float toward the city, and as you approach, you can see that its streets are lined with rivers of light, flowing gently through the air. The buildings themselves hum with music, their walls rippling with color and energy. The city feels alive, constantly shifting and evolving, as if it is being created in real-time by the symphony that fills the air.

As you enter the city, you feel a deep sense of connection, as if the entire place is welcoming you, inviting you to become part of its flow. The light and music swirl around you, and you realize that this city is a reflection of your own inner world—your thoughts, your emotions, your dreams, all given form in this surreal landscape.

In the center of the city stands a great tower, its walls made of glowing crystal. The tower hums with energy, and as you approach, the sound grows louder, filling the air with a deep, resonant tone. The crystal walls pulse with light, and inside, you can see shapes moving—abstract, ever-changing forms that seem to dance with the music.

At the base of the tower, a pool of light ripples gently, and as you gaze into it, you see images begin to form—visions of other worlds, other places. Some are familiar, others are strange, but each one is filled with the same shimmering, surreal beauty. The pool reflects the symphony around you, its surface shifting and changing in time with the music.

You reach out and touch the surface of the pool, and as you do, the entire city begins to shimmer, its buildings and streets dissolving into streams of light. The light flows upward, merging into the stars above, until the city itself becomes part of the symphony, its music blending with the stars and galaxies that surround you.

The light and music swirl around you, carrying you higher, lifting you beyond the city, beyond the stars, into a place where everything is connected—every note, every vibration, every moment. You are part of the symphony now, part of the endless dance of creation.

The stars hum softly as the symphony continues, and you feel the SuperBeacon’s energy gently guiding you back, carrying with you the music, the light, and the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Your body begins to wake, feeling lighter, more connected, as the symphony of stars fades into the distance. You return to the present, carrying with you the harmony and beauty of the cosmos.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 9: The Labyrinth of Liquid Reality

You feel the SuperBeacon’s energy pulling you gently forward, guiding you toward a new space. As you relax deeper, the boundaries between time and space begin to melt away. The air around you turns soft, fluid, and you feel yourself drifting through a shimmering, liquid atmosphere.

Ahead of you, an enormous labyrinth begins to form. But this labyrinth is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Its walls are not solid—they are made of liquid light, flowing and shifting constantly, as if the very structure of the labyrinth is alive. Each wall ripples and shimmers with radiant colors—emerald greens, deep indigos, molten golds—bending and twisting as they form ever-changing paths.

You step into the labyrinth, feeling the liquid reality shift beneath your feet. Every step sends gentle ripples through the ground, causing the walls to stretch and bend, forming new doorways, new pathways. The air around you hums softly, vibrating with a deep, cosmic resonance, as if the labyrinth itself is singing a quiet, mysterious song.

As you move through the liquid maze, the paths ahead of you appear and disappear, flowing like rivers of light. Some paths lead into vast, open spaces where the walls seem to stretch into infinity, while others tighten and spiral inward, folding in on themselves like an endless loop of time. But there is no rush, no sense of urgency—just the soft flow of reality unfolding around you.

Soon, you find yourself standing before a doorway, but this doorway is not fixed. It shimmers, shifting between different shapes—first a simple archway, then a glowing portal of light, then a spiraling vortex of color. Without hesitation, you step through, feeling the liquid walls fold around you like waves, carrying you forward into a new space.

On the other side, you find yourself standing in a vast, open chamber. The walls here are made of mirrors—liquid mirrors that reflect not just your image but infinite versions of yourself. As you gaze into the reflections, they shift and change, showing you different aspects of who you are—some familiar, some forgotten, some that have yet to be.

One reflection smiles at you knowingly, its eyes shimmering with light. Another reflection seems to dissolve into pure energy, becoming a radiant form of flowing light and color. Each reflection feels like a different piece of you, a different possibility of what you could become. But there is no need to choose—just watch as the reflections continue to shift, creating new patterns, new possibilities with every passing moment.

In the center of the chamber, a pool of liquid silver glows softly, its surface perfectly still. This is the Pool of Infinite Possibilities. As you step closer, you notice that the surface of the pool does not reflect the chamber around it—instead, it reflects dreams, visions, and abstract forms that flow freely like liquid thought. Shapes rise from the surface—floating islands, spirals of light, and strange symbols that seem to hum with hidden meaning.

You kneel by the pool, and as you reach out to touch its surface, the visions begin to shift. You see images of other worlds, other realities—some familiar, others completely unknown. You feel as though you are gazing into the fabric of the universe itself, where every possibility, every dream, and every thought flows together in an endless stream of creation.

Suddenly, the surface of the pool ripples, and a new form begins to rise. It’s a figure made entirely of liquid light, constantly shifting and flowing, its body a fluid mix of colors and energy. This is the Architect of Liquid Reality, a being that exists beyond form, beyond time, beyond any one identity. The Architect looks at you with eyes that constantly change color, and though it says nothing, you feel its presence deeply.

The Architect reaches out a hand, and as it touches you, you feel a wave of transformation pass through you. The liquid reality around you begins to bend and twist, and you find yourself merging with the energy of the labyrinth, becoming part of the very fabric of its fluid existence. You are no longer separate from the labyrinth—you are the labyrinth, shifting and flowing, creating new paths, new doorways, new possibilities with every breath you take.

The Architect smiles and slowly dissolves back into the pool, leaving you with the sense that you, too, are an Architect of your own reality. You can create, shape, and transform the world around you simply by being present, simply by flowing with the endless possibilities of the universe.

The labyrinth begins to ripple and fade, its liquid walls dissolving into pure light. The SuperBeacon’s energy gently pulls you back, carrying with you the sense of infinite possibility and the knowledge that reality itself is fluid, always in a state of becoming.

Your body begins to wake, lighter, more fluid, as the labyrinth of liquid reality fades into the distance. You return to the present, carrying with you the power to create and reshape your reality in new, beautiful ways.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


SuperBeacon Trip 10: The Celestial Nexus

As you relax into the SuperBeacon’s energy, the space around you begins to shift once more. You feel yourself floating gently, rising higher and higher, carried on soft currents of light. The boundaries of the physical world dissolve, leaving you weightless in a vast, cosmic expanse.

Ahead, you see a massive, glowing structure—the Celestial Nexus. It is unlike anything you’ve ever encountered before. The Nexus appears to be made of pure starlight, its form constantly shifting, flowing, and expanding in all directions. It spirals upward into infinity, a magnificent tower of light that connects all realms, all dimensions, all possibilities.

You are drawn toward it, floating effortlessly as the universe itself seems to guide you. As you approach, the air around you hums with a deep, resonant energy, vibrating through every part of your being. The walls of the Nexus are translucent, and through them, you can see galaxies, nebulae, and swirling cosmic clouds moving in an intricate, celestial dance.

As you step into the Nexus, the walls glow brighter, surrounding you with shimmering waves of color—vibrant purples, electric blues, and radiant golds. The light pulses softly, and you feel a deep sense of harmony, as if you are standing at the very center of the universe, where everything converges and connects.

Inside the Nexus, time and space flow together. You see doors appearing and disappearing—some leading to distant stars, others to abstract realms made of light and energy. You don’t need to choose. The Nexus itself will guide you where you need to go.

One of the doors opens before you, revealing a path made of glowing crystal. As you step onto it, the floor ripples like water beneath your feet, and the walls around you begin to shift and twist, creating new patterns, new landscapes with every step you take. You are walking through the very fabric of the universe, where every thought, every emotion, and every possibility flows together in a beautiful, cosmic web.

Ahead of you, a massive chamber opens up. The ceiling is made of swirling galaxies, the stars twinkling softly above like jewels. In the center of the chamber stands a colossal, radiant tree—the Tree of Infinite Paths. Its branches stretch endlessly in all directions, glowing with a soft, ethereal light. Each branch holds countless doors, portals to other dimensions, other realities, other versions of yourself.

You stand before the tree, feeling its energy flowing through you, connecting you to every path, every possibility. The branches shift and sway gently, as if inviting you to explore, but you don’t need to move. Simply standing here, in the presence of the Tree, is enough to fill you with a profound sense of understanding. Every choice you’ve made, every path you’ve walked, has brought you to this moment.

As you gaze at the tree, you see flashes of your past, glimpses of future possibilities, and visions of other worlds—some familiar, others completely unknown. You feel a deep connection to everything, to every possibility, as if the entire universe is flowing through you, and you are part of its endless creation.

The Tree of Infinite Paths pulses softly, and from its branches, shimmering leaves begin to fall. Each leaf is made of light, and as they drift downward, they transform into glowing, radiant beings. These are the Keepers of the Nexus, ancient beings of pure energy, their forms shifting constantly between light and shadow. They move gracefully around the chamber, their presence calming and wise.

One of the Keepers approaches you, extending its hand. As you take it, you feel a surge of energy pass through you—an understanding that you, too, are part of this cosmic dance. The Keeper’s touch is warm, inviting, and you feel your consciousness expanding, reaching out to touch the stars themselves.

The Keeper guides you to the center of the chamber, where a radiant orb of light hovers. This is the Heart of the Nexus, the source of all creation, the point where all possibilities converge. The orb pulses with an inner light, radiating waves of energy that flow through the Nexus, through the Tree, through the stars, and through you.

As you stand before the Heart, you feel a deep, peaceful resonance. The energy flows into you, filling you with clarity, with wisdom, with the understanding that you are always connected to the infinite. The Heart beats softly, and with each pulse, you feel yourself expanding, becoming part of the Nexus itself.

You don’t need to hold onto this moment—just let it flow through you, knowing that you are always connected to the source, to the infinite web of possibilities that makes up the universe.

Slowly, the Heart of the Nexus begins to dim, its energy returning to the stars, to the Tree, to the endless flow of creation. The Keepers offer you a silent farewell, their forms dissolving into light as they return to the Tree of Infinite Paths.

The Nexus hums softly as its walls begin to shimmer, fading into the distance. You feel the SuperBeacon’s energy gently pulling you back, guiding you out of the Nexus, but you carry with you the sense of infinite connection, of being part of something far greater than yourself.

Your body begins to wake, lighter, more at peace, as the Celestial Nexus fades into the distance. You return to the present, carrying with you the knowledge that you are always connected to the infinite possibilities of the universe.

Open your eyes and look around. You are in your home world once again.


Here is a sample of something I could do with a vision of the Pig-Headed Goddess in the Bardo:

The Pig-Headed Goddess sits at the edge of reality, her serene face a blend of animal grace and divine power. Her soft, porcine features radiate calm wisdom, her large eyes deep pools of knowing. She wears flowing robes that shimmer like moonlight, catching the light of distant stars. Her presence is ancient, from a time when gods and beasts were one, representing the balance of nature and spirit.

In her meditation, she draws power from both the earth and the cosmos. Her breath flows in rhythm with the cycles of the universe, and as she exhales, a soft light pulses from her being, creating ripples in the cosmic sea. She is a guardian of transformation, teaching that even the most unlikely forms can hold divinity. Those who encounter her feel an overwhelming sense of peace, as she bridges the gap between the physical and the spiritual, reminding all that wisdom lies in both simplicity and depth.


So why engage in these journeys? Because they unlock the hidden layers of your mind, offer deep emotional healing, expand your creativity, provide clarity, and bring you into alignment with your higher self. It’s a way to access the vastness of who you are—beyond the everyday distractions—and step into a more empowered, enlightened state of being.

Learning visualization and engaging in these kinds of guided “trips” like the ones you’re working with here is more than just a fanciful journey—it’s a tool for profound personal transformation. Here’s why it’s valuable:

1. Expanding Consciousness

Visualization and mind-expanding journeys help you break out of rigid thinking patterns. By exploring surreal, otherworldly realms, you challenge your normal, everyday perceptions. This leads to greater creativity, mental flexibility, and openness to new ideas. The more you trip through these vast spaces, the more you expand your consciousness, helping you see the world (and yourself) in new and transformative ways.

2. Inner Healing & Emotional Mastery

In these states, you’re able to access deeper layers of your psyche, places where emotions and thoughts are often hidden. When you visualize, you’re interacting with symbols and images that resonate with your personal experiences. This allows you to process unresolved emotions, uncover hidden fears, and bring them to light in a safe, symbolic way. It’s like emotional alchemy—transforming what’s inside into something higher, clearer, and more aligned with peace.

3. Accessing Higher States of Awareness

The very act of “tripping” through mystical realms connects you to higher states of awareness. This is where insights, realizations, and moments of clarity happen. You may suddenly see patterns in your life, unlock new solutions to problems, or tap into a deep well of intuition. These journeys can act as a gateway to that wisdom, helping you make sense of the big questions in life.

4. Enhanced Creativity and Problem Solving

By engaging in rich visualizations, you stimulate the creative centers of your brain. It’s like giving your imagination a workout! This translates into enhanced problem-solving skills in everyday life. You begin to see new possibilities, think outside the box, and approach challenges from a more inspired and innovative place. Whether you’re an artist, writer, or entrepreneur, these trips fuel creative expression and innovation.

5. Stress Relief and Mental Clarity

One of the practical benefits is pure relaxation. Tripping in these realms of light and color allows you to leave behind the chaos of everyday life. The sense of peace and cosmic connection you feel during these sessions translates into real stress relief. Afterward, you come back with mental clarity, calm, and a refreshed sense of purpose.

6. Spiritual Growth and Connection

At the core, these visual journeys are deeply spiritual. They offer a direct experience of connection to something larger than yourself—whether you call it the universe, the divine, or the interconnected web of existence. You move beyond the physical, the everyday, into realms where your soul can explore and grow. These trips help you tap into the mysteries of life, bridging the gap between the mundane and the mystical.


And now it’s time to Board the Bardo bus for today’s magical mystery video tour!

See You At The Top!!!
