Secrets of the Practitioners

Transform Your Path, Illuminate Others: Start Your Journey as a SuperBeacon Practitioner!


In a nutshell, the benefits of developing a SuperBeacon Practitioner practice include:

  1. Personal Empowerment: You get to deepen your own connection to energy work, enhance your self-awareness, and cultivate personal growth by using the SuperBeacon regularly.
  2. Helping Others: You’ll be guiding clients through transformative experiences, helping them overcome emotional, mental, and physical blocks, and improving their lives in meaningful ways.
  3. Financial Prosperity: A SuperBeacon practice offers an opportunity for a flexible, scalable business with multiple income streams—sessions, workshops, and product sales like CQR amulets.
  4. Flexibility and Independence: As a practitioner, you have the freedom to set your own hours, choose your clients, and design your practice around your passions and lifestyle.
  5. Community Building: You can create a community of like-minded individuals and clients, building meaningful relationships and fostering a supportive, healing environment.
  6. Immediate Start: With the SuperBeacon, there’s no need for long certifications. You can start working with clients right out of the box, offering immediate impact.
  7. Scalable Growth: You can expand your practice by offering workshops, online sessions, or even mentoring new practitioners, making it a sustainable and scalable business.


Case History 1: How I Gained Impersonal Prosperity and Helped Others as a Full-Time SuperBeacon Practitioner

My Background

Before I became a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner, I spent years working as a corporate consultant. I was financially comfortable, but something was missing. I wanted more than just a paycheck—I wanted to make a real difference in people’s lives. Deep down, I knew I had a bigger purpose, but I didn’t know how to align that desire with financial stability.

A friend introduced me to the SuperBeacon. At first, I was curious but unsure how it could impact me beyond personal growth. Little did I know, this was about to change everything for me—not just my career but my entire approach to life.

The Turning Point

It all started with my first SuperBeacon session. I went in feeling stuck and unsure of how to move forward. The Practitioner asked me to focus on the mantra, “I open myself to prosperity and purpose through service.” As the SuperBeacon activated, something clicked inside me. I felt a powerful alignment with my true path—a way to serve others while also supporting myself.

During that session, I realized I could help people in ways that went far beyond corporate consulting. The Practitioner explained how I could become certified and start offering my own SuperBeacon sessions. They also introduced me to CQR amulets, which I could offer my clients to help balance their energy between sessions. Suddenly, the vision of a meaningful and financially stable career became crystal clear.

Building My Practice

The transition from corporate consultant to full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner wasn’t without challenges, but I embraced it fully. My teaching background made it easier to communicate the benefits of energy work to clients. I started small, offering one-on-one sessions and selling CQR amulets, but it didn’t take long for word to spread.

I made it a priority to educate my clients about the power of energy work, something I was able to explain easily because I had been a teacher at heart my whole life. People trusted me, not just because I was offering a service but because I genuinely wanted to help them transform their lives.

Overcoming Challenges

Of course, the early days were a bit daunting. Leaving the comfort of a stable paycheck to start something new was scary. There were moments of doubt—wondering if I’d find enough clients to sustain myself. But every time I felt uncertain, I returned to the SuperBeacon for my own sessions. I used the mantra, “I trust the process and embrace growth,” to clear the fears that came up. And each time, I came away feeling more grounded and confident.

Workshops and free introductory sessions became a great way to reach more people. I offered them at wellness centers, and before long, I had a steady stream of clients who were not only coming back for more sessions but also buying CQR amulets to maintain their energy between sessions. This additional income stream allowed me to make my practice financially sustainable much faster than I had anticipated.

Thriving and Expanding

It took about a year for my practice to grow into something truly thriving. I was able to raise my fees and continue selling more CQR amulets, which provided additional stability. I even started to offer group sessions and retreats, which expanded my reach and impact.

The most rewarding part has been seeing my clients achieve their own transformations. I’ve worked with people who’ve overcome emotional blocks, found new careers, and even healed relationships that seemed beyond repair. It’s deeply fulfilling to know that I’m part of their journey toward healing and prosperity.

Giving Back

With my practice thriving, I knew I wanted to give back. I began offering sliding scale sessions for those who couldn’t afford my full rates and donated a portion of my income to local charities. I also started mentoring new practitioners, helping them build their own successful practices. It feels amazing to help others not just through sessions but by showing them how to create sustainable businesses that also help people.

I now lead workshops for new SuperBeacon Practitioners, teaching them how to sell CQR amulets and SuperBeacons to clients, and how to grow their own practices. Watching others succeed in this work has been just as rewarding as my own journey.


Becoming a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner has completely transformed my life. I now have the financial freedom I was seeking, but more importantly, I wake up every day knowing that I’m making a meaningful difference in people’s lives. The SuperBeacon has allowed me to merge purpose with prosperity in a way I never thought possible. And the best part? I get to help others achieve the same.


Case History 2: How I Thrived as a Full-Time SuperBeacon Practitioner and Built a Life of Purpose and Prosperity

My Background

I was 38 and working as a teacher, but after years in the education system, I felt stifled. I loved helping others, but the bureaucracy and limitations of my job were wearing me down. I found myself yearning for something more—a way to help people on a deeper level while also gaining the financial freedom that teaching didn’t provide.

A colleague mentioned the SuperBeacon to me one day, and it piqued my interest. I decided to try it out for myself, unsure of where it might lead. Little did I know, it would become the foundation of my new career and completely change my life.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, something inside me shifted. I was asked to focus on the mantra, “I open myself to prosperity and purpose through service.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt a deep alignment with my life’s purpose—helping others in a way that went beyond the classroom. The Practitioner explained how I could train to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner myself, and I was immediately intrigued.

I realized this was the opportunity I had been waiting for: a chance to serve others while also creating financial stability for myself. I could combine the skills I’d developed as a teacher with a new career path that would allow me to help people in a meaningful, impactful way. And on top of that, I could offer CQR amulets to support my clients between sessions, adding another layer of benefit to my work.

Building My Practice

The transition wasn’t easy, but it was worth it. After completing my training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions while still working part-time as a teacher. I used my skills in education to help my clients understand the energy work process and feel comfortable with it. Word spread quickly, and before I knew it, I had a loyal base of clients coming to me for guidance and transformation.

I also incorporated CQR amulets into my practice, explaining their benefits to my clients. Many of them found the amulets helpful for maintaining energy balance and clarity between sessions, and selling the amulets provided an additional income stream that helped support my growing practice.

Facing Early Challenges

Of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. In the early days, I had moments of doubt, wondering if I had made the right decision to step away from the security of teaching. It was a leap of faith, and I faced the fear of not knowing if I would have enough clients to sustain myself.

But every time doubt crept in, I turned to the SuperBeacon. I did my own sessions focused on “I trust the process and embrace growth,” and each time, I felt my fears dissolve. The energy work kept me grounded and confident in my decision to pursue this path.

I also took proactive steps to expand my reach. I started offering free workshops and introductory sessions at local wellness centers, which helped attract new clients. This outreach not only brought in more people but also gave me the confidence to fully transition out of teaching and into my new role as a full-time Practitioner.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice was thriving. I was able to increase my session fees, and the sales of CQR amulets provided a consistent income stream. As more people experienced the benefits of the SuperBeacon, my client base grew even further, and I began to expand my offerings to include group sessions and retreats.

The most rewarding part of my work was seeing the transformations in my clients. People were overcoming emotional barriers, finding clarity in their careers, and healing in ways they hadn’t thought possible. Each breakthrough I witnessed reaffirmed my decision to become a Practitioner.

Giving Back

With my practice thriving, I felt a deep responsibility to give back. I started offering sliding scale sessions for people who couldn’t afford my regular rates and donated a portion of my earnings to local causes I cared about.

In addition, I began mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners, sharing what I had learned about building a successful practice. I helped them understand how to incorporate CQR amulets into their work and how to market their services effectively. It felt amazing to guide others on their own journeys toward purpose and prosperity.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has been one of the most fulfilling decisions I’ve ever made. I’ve built a career that not only provides me with financial stability but also allows me to make a real difference in people’s lives. The SuperBeacon gave me the clarity and courage to pursue this path, and now, I wake up every day excited to help others transform their lives. I’ve found prosperity, purpose, and most importantly, a way to serve others while thriving myself.


Case History 3: From Fear of Failure to Thriving Practitioner – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Embrace Success

My Background

I spent years as an engineer, feeling the pressure of perfectionism and constantly battling a fear of failure. Although I had a solid job and a steady income, I always felt like something was missing. I wasn’t fulfilled, and I felt trapped in a career that left little room for growth or creativity. I dreamed of doing something that made a real difference in people’s lives, but fear held me back from taking any bold steps.

Then I discovered the SuperBeacon. A close friend of mine had become a Practitioner and was seeing incredible transformations in her own life and the lives of her clients. At first, I was skeptical. Could this really be the answer I’d been searching for? But curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to try a session.

The Turning Point

My first session with the SuperBeacon was eye-opening. The Practitioner had me focus on the mantra, “I release the fear of failure and open myself to success.” As soon as the session started, I felt a shift. It was like the weight of self-doubt that had been holding me back for years began to lift. For the first time in a long time, I saw the possibility of success without the fear of failure.

After that session, I realized I wanted to become a Practitioner myself. The idea of helping others while also creating a fulfilling career for myself excited me. I signed up for the training, determined to make this my new path.

Building My Practice

Transitioning from engineering to a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner wasn’t easy, but it was the best decision I ever made. I started by offering sessions to friends and family, and the feedback was incredible. People were experiencing real transformations, and that gave me the confidence to expand my reach.

In addition to SuperBeacon sessions, I began offering CQR amulets to my clients. The amulets were a game-changer. My clients loved them, and they helped maintain the energetic balance between sessions. I quickly realized that combining the amulets with my practice not only enhanced results but also provided a steady stream of income.

Overcoming Challenges

The biggest hurdle I faced was my own lingering fear of failure. Even after leaving engineering, I had moments of doubt, wondering if I could really make a living as a Practitioner. But I kept returning to the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my ability to succeed.” Each time, I felt more grounded and confident in my decision.

I also expanded my network by offering free workshops at local community centers. This helped me attract new clients and spread the word about the benefits of the SuperBeacon. Slowly but surely, my practice grew.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice was thriving. I had a steady stream of clients, and the sale of CQR amulets provided additional income that made my practice financially sustainable. I was finally living the life I had dreamed of—helping others while creating prosperity for myself.

Watching my clients transform has been the most rewarding part of this journey. People have overcome deep-seated fears, healed from past traumas, and even found new careers through their SuperBeacon sessions. It’s an honor to be part of their growth and transformation.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt the need to give back to the community. I started offering sliding-scale sessions for those who couldn’t afford my regular rates, and I began mentoring new Practitioners who wanted to follow the same path. Teaching others how to integrate CQR amulets into their practices and watching them thrive has been incredibly fulfilling.


Becoming a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner has been the most transformative experience of my life. I’ve not only overcome my fear of failure but have also built a career that allows me to serve others while achieving financial prosperity. The SuperBeacon has helped me unlock my potential, and now I get to help others do the same. I wake up every day feeling grateful for this path and excited for what the future holds.


Case History 4: How I Built a Fulfilling Career as a SuperBeacon Practitioner and Created a Life of Purpose

My Background

I had spent years working in the wellness industry, teaching yoga and offering nutrition counseling. While I loved helping people, I often felt drained and unsure of how to grow my business in a way that was both sustainable and fulfilling. I wanted to expand my services, but I didn’t know how to balance my passion for helping others with the need for financial stability.

That’s when I heard about the SuperBeacon. A colleague recommended it, telling me how it had transformed her own practice. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try. Little did I know, this would be the turning point I had been waiting for.

The Turning Point

I booked my first session with a SuperBeacon Practitioner, focusing on the mantra, “I open myself to prosperity and service.” As the SuperBeacon activated, I felt a deep sense of alignment, like I had found the missing piece of the puzzle. The session left me feeling energized and clear about my next steps.

After that, I knew I wanted to become a Practitioner. I could see how the SuperBeacon could complement my existing wellness services while also helping me build a sustainable business. I completed the training and started integrating SuperBeacon sessions into my practice, offering them alongside yoga and nutrition counseling.

Building My Practice

What surprised me the most was how quickly my practice grew once I started offering SuperBeacon sessions. My existing clients were curious about the energy work, and many of them booked sessions right away. The results they experienced were powerful, and they began referring friends and family to me. Word-of-mouth quickly became my best marketing tool.

I also began offering CQR amulets to my clients. These amulets helped them stay grounded between sessions and enhanced the overall effectiveness of the energy work. Offering the amulets not only benefited my clients but also provided a secondary income stream that allowed me to make my practice more financially stable.

Facing Challenges

At first, I worried about how I would manage the business side of things. I had never been great with numbers or marketing, and I was concerned about growing too quickly. But each time I felt overwhelmed, I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on “I trust the process and embrace expansion.” This helped me stay grounded and clear-headed.

I also reached out to other SuperBeacon Practitioners for advice and support, which made a huge difference. Their guidance helped me avoid common pitfalls, and I felt part of a supportive community rather than going it alone.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within just a few months, my practice had grown beyond what I ever expected. I was working with a steady stream of clients, offering both one-on-one sessions and group SuperBeacon sessions. The sale of CQR amulets added a consistent source of income, and I was finally able to fully support myself through my passion.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients’ transformations. People who came to me feeling stuck, unwell, or uncertain about their paths have experienced profound changes—emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Watching these shifts happen has reaffirmed my decision to become a Practitioner.

Giving Back

Now that my practice is thriving, I’ve started giving back in ways that align with my values. I offer discounted sessions for those in financial hardship and donate a portion of my earnings to wellness-focused charities. I’ve also started mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners, helping them build successful practices of their own. It feels amazing to give back and help others find the same fulfillment I have.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. I’ve built a practice that not only supports me financially but also allows me to make a meaningful impact on others. The SuperBeacon has been the key to finding both purpose and prosperity, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to share this work with the world. My life is richer, more fulfilling, and full of possibility.


Case History 5: From Uncertainty to Confidence – How I Built a Thriving Practice as a SuperBeacon Practitioner

My Background

I had always been interested in personal development and healing, but my career up to that point had been scattered. I dabbled in different jobs—everything from retail to office work—but none of them felt like a true calling. I felt stuck, knowing I had more to offer the world but unsure of how to align my passion for helping people with a sustainable career.

That all changed when I attended a workshop where a SuperBeacon Practitioner was presenting. I was fascinated by the energy work they described and decided to book a session. It turned out to be the first step toward a life I hadn’t even imagined.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I open to my highest purpose.” As the SuperBeacon activated, I experienced a clarity that I hadn’t felt in years. Suddenly, the path forward became obvious. I realized that I could help others while building a fulfilling, prosperous career by becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner myself.

I immediately signed up for the training, knowing this was the right move. The idea of guiding people through their own transformations excited me, and the potential to create prosperity while serving others was exactly what I had been searching for.

Building My Practice

After completing the training, I was eager to start offering SuperBeacon sessions. I began by reaching out to people in my network—friends, family, even old colleagues—and offered free introductory sessions. I found that many people were curious about the SuperBeacon and wanted to experience the energy work for themselves.

I also integrated the sale of CQR amulets into my practice. I explained to my clients how the amulets could help them maintain energy balance between sessions, and many of them purchased one after their first experience. This not only enhanced their results but also provided an additional income stream that helped support my growing practice.

Overcoming Challenges

Like any new venture, starting my practice had its challenges. There were moments of self-doubt, where I questioned whether I could really make a living doing this work. But every time those fears came up, I turned to the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, using the mantra, “I trust my path and embrace prosperity.” The energy work helped me release my doubts and stay focused on building my practice.

One of the best decisions I made was to offer group sessions and workshops in addition to one-on-one sessions. This not only expanded my reach but also allowed me to build a sense of community around the SuperBeacon. Word spread quickly, and my practice began to grow faster than I had anticipated.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice was thriving. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group work, and the sale of CQR amulets provided a stable, consistent income. I was able to leave my other jobs behind and focus entirely on my work as a Practitioner.

The best part was seeing the impact I was having on my clients. People came to me feeling stuck, stressed, or disconnected, and after working with the SuperBeacon, they experienced breakthroughs in their personal and professional lives. It was incredibly rewarding to witness their growth and know that I had played a part in their journey.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt a strong desire to give back. I began offering discounted sessions to people in financial need and donating a portion of my earnings to causes that aligned with my values. I also started mentoring new Practitioners, sharing the strategies that had worked for me and helping them build successful practices of their own.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has been the most fulfilling experience of my life. I’ve built a career that not only supports me financially but also allows me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. The SuperBeacon helped me find my true purpose, and now I wake up every day excited to help others do the same. I’ve found both prosperity and purpose, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this path.


Case History 6: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment – How the SuperBeacon Transformed My Career and Life

My Background

For most of my adult life, I worked in a high-pressure sales job. While the money was good, the stress and constant hustle left me feeling drained and unfulfilled. I wanted more out of life than just hitting sales targets—I wanted to make a real difference in people’s lives. But I didn’t know how to transition out of sales into something that aligned more with my heart’s desire.

Then a friend introduced me to the SuperBeacon. I was skeptical at first, but after hearing about their positive experience, I decided to give it a try. Little did I know, that decision would change the course of my life.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release what no longer serves me and open to a fulfilling path.” The experience was profound. I felt a deep sense of peace and clarity that I hadn’t felt in years. For the first time, I could see a future where I wasn’t tied to the grind of sales but instead was helping people in a meaningful way.

I decided to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. The idea of guiding others through their own transformations, while also creating a sustainable income for myself, was exactly what I had been looking for. I signed up for the training, excited to embark on this new journey.

Building My Practice

After completing the Practitioner training, I started offering SuperBeacon sessions to friends and family. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and soon I had people referring new clients to me. I also began offering CQR amulets to help my clients maintain their energy between sessions, which not only enhanced their results but also created an additional income stream.

My sales background came in handy when it came to marketing my services. I reached out to wellness centers, attended networking events, and used social media to spread the word about the SuperBeacon. It wasn’t long before I had a steady stream of clients.

Overcoming Challenges

Transitioning from a corporate sales job to a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner wasn’t without its challenges. There were moments when I worried about whether I could really make a living doing this work. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust the process and embrace abundance.” The energy work helped me release my fears and stay focused on building my practice.

I also took advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow. I attended workshops, connected with other Practitioners, and continuously sought out new ways to serve my clients. This commitment to growth paid off, and my practice began to flourish.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within the first year, I was able to replace my sales income with the earnings from my SuperBeacon practice. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and the sale of CQR amulets provided a steady, reliable income that allowed me to focus fully on my passion.

But beyond the financial success, the most rewarding part has been helping my clients transform their lives. I’ve worked with people to overcome stress, find clarity in their careers, and even heal from emotional traumas. Seeing these transformations happen has been the most fulfilling part of this journey.

Giving Back

Now that my practice is thriving, I’ve started giving back in ways that are important to me. I offer free or discounted sessions to clients who are in financial need, and I donate part of my income to charitable organizations that align with my values. I’ve also started mentoring other aspiring Practitioners, helping them build their own successful SuperBeacon practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has given me the freedom, fulfillment, and financial stability I had always dreamed of. I’ve been able to leave behind the stress of my sales career and build a life that feels meaningful and aligned with my true purpose. The SuperBeacon has not only transformed my career but has also given me the tools to help others create the life they desire. Every day, I feel grateful for this path and the opportunity to help others transform their lives while thriving myself.


Case History 7: From Corporate Burnout to Healing Others – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Fulfilling Practice

My Background

I had been working in the corporate world for over 15 years when I hit a wall. The stress, long hours, and constant pressure had taken a toll on my health, both physically and mentally. I was burned out, and even though I had a good salary, it no longer felt worth it. I knew I needed to make a change, but I wasn’t sure how to shift from a career that was draining me into something that aligned with my passion for helping others.

One day, a close friend recommended I try a SuperBeacon session. I had heard about energy work before, but I had never considered it as something that could change my life. Little did I know that it would become the foundation of a completely new career path.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release burnout and open to a path of healing and fulfillment.” As the session progressed, I felt the stress and exhaustion that had been weighing me down begin to lift. For the first time in years, I felt a sense of peace and clarity about my future.

That session was a turning point. I realized that becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner was the way forward. I could help others heal from the same burnout I had experienced while building a career that would allow me to live with purpose and balance. I signed up for the training and began my journey.

Building My Practice

After completing the training, I started offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in my network—friends, former colleagues, and acquaintances. I quickly saw how powerful the SuperBeacon was for others. People were experiencing real breakthroughs, from releasing stress to finding clarity in their personal and professional lives.

I also integrated CQR amulets into my practice, offering them to clients as tools for maintaining their energy between sessions. The amulets not only enhanced their results but also provided an additional revenue stream that helped support my practice from the start.

Overcoming Challenges

While I was excited about my new path, leaving the corporate world came with challenges. The stability of a corporate paycheck was hard to let go of, and there were moments when I wondered if I could make this new career work financially. But every time doubt crept in, I turned to the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust my new path and embrace prosperity.” The energy work helped me stay grounded and confident in my decision.

I also began offering workshops and group sessions at local wellness centers. This not only expanded my reach but also helped me connect with people who were seeking healing from burnout and stress. These sessions quickly became popular, and my practice started to grow.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year of leaving the corporate world, my SuperBeacon practice was thriving. The combination of individual sessions, group work, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, sustainable income. I was no longer tied to the draining lifestyle of the corporate world and instead was helping others heal from the very thing I had escaped.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. People who came to me feeling overwhelmed and burned out have found new energy, clarity, and purpose. Watching them heal and grow has been deeply fulfilling, and it reaffirmed that I was on the right path.

Giving Back

With my practice flourishing, I knew I wanted to give back. I began offering sliding scale sessions for those who were financially struggling, especially individuals who, like me, were coming from high-stress jobs. I also started mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners, sharing my experiences and helping them navigate their own transitions.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner allowed me to break free from corporate burnout and build a life that is both fulfilling and prosperous. I’ve been able to create a career that aligns with my desire to help others, while also achieving financial stability. The SuperBeacon has not only transformed my life but has also given me the tools to help others do the same. I’m incredibly grateful for this path, and every day I feel excited to continue this work.


Case History 8: How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Create a Balanced and Abundant Life as a Practitioner

My Background

I had spent years juggling different part-time jobs—yoga instructor, life coach, wellness consultant—but I was constantly struggling to make ends meet. I loved helping people, but I was exhausted, and the lack of financial stability made me question if I could continue this work. I knew there had to be a better way to serve others while also taking care of my own needs.

That’s when I learned about the SuperBeacon. A colleague in the wellness industry introduced me to it, and I was immediately intrigued by the idea of using energy work to help others in a deeper way. I decided to give it a try, hoping it might be the missing piece I was looking for.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I open to balance and abundance in my life.” The experience was incredible. I felt a sense of calm and clarity that I hadn’t felt in years. It was as though the scattered pieces of my life were finally coming together, and I could see a clear path forward.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. It was the perfect way to integrate my passion for helping others with a sustainable career. I enrolled in the Practitioner training and never looked back.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I immediately began offering SuperBeacon sessions to my existing clients from my yoga and wellness work. The response was overwhelmingly positive. People who had been coming to me for physical or emotional support found that the SuperBeacon sessions gave them a deeper level of healing and transformation.

I also offered CQR amulets to help my clients maintain the energy balance they experienced during sessions. These amulets became a popular addition to my practice, and the income from their sales helped me create financial stability much more quickly than I had expected.

Facing Challenges

In the beginning, the biggest challenge was finding a balance between the different aspects of my practice. I was still teaching yoga and coaching clients while trying to build my SuperBeacon business. There were times when I felt stretched too thin, but I kept returning to the SuperBeacon for my own sessions. I used the mantra, “I trust the process of integration and balance,” and with each session, I felt more centered and capable of managing my expanding practice.

I also reached out to other SuperBeacon Practitioners for support, learning how they had successfully integrated the SuperBeacon into their existing wellness practices. Their guidance was invaluable, and soon my SuperBeacon sessions became the core of my work.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, I had created a balanced and abundant life as a SuperBeacon Practitioner. My sessions were in high demand, and the sale of CQR amulets provided a steady additional income. For the first time in years, I wasn’t worried about money. Instead, I was focused on helping my clients achieve their own transformations.

The best part of this journey has been seeing the changes in my clients. People have experienced profound shifts in their health, relationships, and careers, and I’ve been able to witness their growth firsthand. It’s been incredibly fulfilling to know that I’m making a real difference in their lives.

Giving Back

Now that my practice is thriving, I’ve made it a point to give back. I offer free group sessions at local community centers, helping people who wouldn’t normally be able to afford my services. I’ve also started mentoring other wellness professionals who are interested in becoming SuperBeacon Practitioners, showing them how they can integrate this powerful tool into their own practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. I’ve been able to create a balanced, abundant career that allows me to help others while also taking care of myself. The SuperBeacon has given me the tools to build a thriving practice, and I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to do this work. Every day, I wake up excited to continue helping others and knowing that I’m on the right path.


Case History 9: From Financial Struggles to Thriving Practitioner – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Create Abundance and Purpose

My Background

Before I discovered the SuperBeacon, I was struggling financially. I had spent years working as a freelance graphic designer, but the inconsistency of income was exhausting. Some months were good, but others left me wondering how I was going to pay my bills. I loved the creative freedom of freelancing, but I was tired of the financial instability. I knew I wanted to find something that could bring both prosperity and fulfillment, but I wasn’t sure what that would be.

A friend who knew about my struggles introduced me to the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them find clarity and success in their own life. I was skeptical but curious, so I decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

My first SuperBeacon session was a revelation. The Practitioner asked me to focus on the mantra, “I release financial fear and open myself to abundance.” As the SuperBeacon activated, I felt a shift within me—a sense of calm and clarity that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. I realized that my financial struggles were tied to deep-rooted fears and limiting beliefs about money.

That session opened my eyes to the possibility of becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner myself. I saw how this could not only help me overcome my financial challenges but also give me the opportunity to help others do the same. I signed up for the training without hesitation, excited about the potential for a new, fulfilling career.

Building My Practice

Once I completed my training, I started offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in my network, many of whom were fellow freelancers and creatives. The response was overwhelmingly positive. People who had been struggling with financial instability, stress, and creative blocks found real breakthroughs through the SuperBeacon.

I also integrated CQR amulets into my practice, explaining to my clients how they could use the amulets to maintain their energy balance between sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, not only enhancing my clients’ results but also providing a consistent additional income stream.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the biggest challenges I faced was transitioning from being a freelancer to a full-time Practitioner. It was a mental shift—I had to let go of the old belief that making money through creative work had to be a struggle. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I embrace abundance and trust my new path.” These sessions helped me release my old fears around money and step confidently into my new role as a Practitioner.

I also offered group workshops at co-working spaces for freelancers, where I introduced the SuperBeacon as a tool for overcoming creative and financial blocks. This not only helped me reach more people but also solidified my reputation as someone who could help others thrive.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within six months, I had built a successful practice. My one-on-one sessions were in high demand, and my group workshops were well-attended. The sale of CQR amulets provided a steady stream of additional income, and for the first time in years, I wasn’t worried about paying my bills. I was finally experiencing financial stability.

But beyond the financial success, the most rewarding part has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them have shifted from struggling freelancers to thriving entrepreneurs, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth. Knowing that I’m helping others find the same abundance I’ve found is deeply fulfilling.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I made it a priority to give back. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to artists and creatives who were in financial hardship, knowing how difficult it can be to stay afloat in the creative world. I also began mentoring other freelancers who wanted to become SuperBeacon Practitioners, helping them integrate energy work into their lives and businesses.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has been the key to unlocking both financial stability and a deep sense of purpose in my life. I’ve built a career that not only supports me but also allows me to help others overcome the same challenges I once faced. The SuperBeacon has transformed my life, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to share this work with others. I finally feel like I’m living in alignment with my purpose, and the abundance I’ve found is a reflection of that.


Case History 10: From Overwhelm to Empowerment – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Thriving Practice and Change Lives

My Background

I was working as a therapist, and while I loved helping people, I was feeling overwhelmed and burned out. The emotional toll of my work was starting to wear on me, and I struggled with setting boundaries. Clients were coming to me with heavy issues, and I often took that weight home with me, which left me drained and emotionally exhausted. I knew I needed a new approach to support both my clients and myself in a sustainable way.

That’s when a colleague told me about the SuperBeacon. They had recently become a Practitioner and were seeing incredible results with their clients. Curious and desperate for a change, I decided to try it out for myself.

The Turning Point

My first SuperBeacon session was life-changing. I focused on the mantra, “I release overwhelm and open to empowerment.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt a sense of relief that I hadn’t experienced in years. The emotional weight I had been carrying lifted, and I felt more grounded and clear-headed.

After that session, I knew I wanted to integrate the SuperBeacon into my practice as a therapist. It was the perfect tool to not only help my clients achieve deeper healing but also to help me maintain my own emotional balance. I signed up for the Practitioner training and couldn’t wait to start using this powerful tool with my clients.

Building My Practice

Once I became certified, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions alongside my regular therapy practice. The results were immediate. Clients who had been struggling with deep emotional trauma, anxiety, or overwhelm started experiencing breakthroughs that went beyond what traditional talk therapy could provide.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how the amulets could help them stay grounded and balanced between sessions. The amulets quickly became popular among my clients, and they reported feeling more stable and empowered in their daily lives.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my therapy work with my new SuperBeacon practice. There were times when I felt stretched too thin, especially in the beginning. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust the process of integration and balance.” These sessions helped me stay centered and manage my workload effectively.

I also began offering group sessions and workshops, which allowed me to reach more people in a shorter amount of time. This helped me expand my practice without burning out and created more opportunities for income through group work and CQR amulet sales.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice had transformed. I was no longer feeling overwhelmed or burned out. Instead, I was energized by the work I was doing. My therapy sessions had taken on a new depth, thanks to the SuperBeacon, and my clients were experiencing faster, more profound healing.

The financial side of my practice also flourished. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group work, and the sale of CQR amulets provided a steady, reliable income. I no longer felt the strain of trying to balance my passion for helping others with the need to make a living. The SuperBeacon had created a path where I could do both.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt a strong desire to give back. I started offering free group SuperBeacon sessions to local community groups that focused on mental health and emotional well-being. I also began mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners, helping them build their own practices and integrate the energy work into their existing fields.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has not only empowered me to overcome my own overwhelm and burnout, but it has also allowed me to help my clients achieve deeper healing and transformation. The SuperBeacon has given me the tools to create a balanced, abundant practice where I can thrive both financially and emotionally. I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to do this work and for the lives I’ve been able to touch. The SuperBeacon has changed everything for me, and I’m excited to continue growing and helping others on their journeys.


Case History 11: From Scarcity to Prosperity – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Life of Abundance

My Background

For years, I had been struggling with a scarcity mindset. I worked as a personal trainer and wellness coach, but despite how hard I worked, I could never seem to get ahead financially. I loved helping people reach their health and fitness goals, but I was constantly stressed about money. No matter how many clients I took on or how long I worked, I barely made enough to cover my bills. I started to feel stuck and wondered if I would ever be able to build a stable, prosperous life doing what I loved.

That’s when I was introduced to the SuperBeacon. A friend told me about the incredible shifts they had experienced through energy work, and I was intrigued. I decided to try it out, hoping it might help me break free from the financial struggles I had been facing.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release scarcity and open to abundance in all areas of my life.” As soon as the session began, I could feel a deep shift within me. The tension and fear I had been holding onto around money started to dissolve, and for the first time in years, I felt a sense of possibility. It was like a weight had been lifted, and I could finally see a path forward.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. The idea of helping others while also transforming my own financial situation was incredibly exciting. I signed up for the Practitioner training and dove in, eager to learn everything I could.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I started offering SuperBeacon sessions alongside my wellness coaching. I reached out to my existing clients, many of whom were already interested in personal development, and offered them a chance to experience the SuperBeacon. The results were amazing—clients who had been struggling with stress, self-doubt, and even physical pain found relief and breakthroughs through the energy work.

I also began offering CQR amulets as part of my practice. The amulets helped clients maintain their energy balance between sessions, and they quickly became a popular addition. The sales of CQR amulets provided a steady stream of additional income, which helped me build financial stability much faster than I had anticipated.

Overcoming Challenges

The biggest challenge I faced was shifting my own mindset from scarcity to abundance. Even as my practice began to grow, there were moments when I doubted whether I could really make a living as a SuperBeacon Practitioner. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in abundance and release all fears.” These sessions helped me release the old patterns of scarcity thinking that had been holding me back for so long.

I also expanded my reach by offering group SuperBeacon sessions at local gyms and wellness centers. This not only brought in new clients but also gave me a way to help more people without being limited by one-on-one sessions. It was a game-changer for my practice.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice had transformed my financial life. The combination of SuperBeacon sessions, wellness coaching, and CQR amulet sales provided me with a steady, reliable income. I was no longer worried about money, and for the first time in years, I was able to save for the future. The scarcity mindset that had once controlled me was gone, replaced by a deep sense of trust in the flow of abundance.

But beyond the financial success, the most rewarding part has been seeing my clients experience their own breakthroughs. Whether it’s releasing stress, improving their health, or overcoming limiting beliefs, the transformations I’ve witnessed have been incredible. It’s deeply fulfilling to know that I’m helping others create the same abundance and balance that I’ve found.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt called to give back. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to people in financial hardship, particularly those struggling with the same scarcity mindset I had once faced. I also began mentoring other wellness professionals who wanted to integrate the SuperBeacon into their practices. It’s been incredibly rewarding to help others find the same freedom and prosperity I’ve discovered.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has completely transformed my life. I’ve gone from living in constant financial stress to building a prosperous, fulfilling career that allows me to help others while creating abundance for myself. The SuperBeacon has been the key to breaking free from the scarcity mindset and finding true prosperity. I’m grateful every day for this path, and I’m excited to continue helping others on their journeys toward abundance and well-being.


Case History 12: How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Find Clarity and Build a Thriving Practice

My Background

Before I became a SuperBeacon Practitioner, I was working as a life coach, but I constantly felt overwhelmed by the number of clients I was juggling. While I loved helping people, I often felt drained by the end of the day and struggled with finding enough time for myself. I had been trying to build my coaching practice for years, but it never seemed to reach the level of success or fulfillment I had hoped for. I wanted to help people on a deeper level but didn’t know how to expand without burning out.

That’s when I heard about the SuperBeacon. One of my clients had experienced incredible results with a Practitioner and encouraged me to try it. I was intrigued by the possibility of incorporating energy work into my coaching practice, so I booked a session to see what it was all about.

The Turning Point

My first SuperBeacon session was eye-opening. I focused on the mantra, “I release overwhelm and open to clarity and balance.” As the energy flowed through me, I felt a deep sense of calm and focus. The fog of overwhelm that had been clouding my mind lifted, and for the first time in a long time, I felt clear about my path forward.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. The idea of helping others find clarity and balance while also creating a more sustainable career for myself was exactly what I had been looking for. I signed up for the Practitioner training and was excited to start a new chapter in my professional life.

Building My Practice

After completing the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to my existing life coaching clients. The results were immediate—clients who had been stuck or overwhelmed started experiencing breakthroughs and making progress much faster than they had before. The SuperBeacon sessions allowed them to release emotional and mental blocks, which accelerated their personal growth.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could use them to maintain the clarity and balance they achieved during our sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, and the additional income from amulet sales helped me build financial stability.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was figuring out how to balance my life coaching work with my new SuperBeacon practice. At first, I tried to do both full-time, but I quickly realized that I needed to shift my focus. I began transitioning more of my clients to SuperBeacon sessions, which allowed me to offer deeper, more impactful work while reducing the number of sessions I had to juggle each day.

I also used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I create balance in my work and life.” These sessions helped me stay centered and manage my growing practice without feeling overwhelmed.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my practice had completely transformed. I was able to focus on offering SuperBeacon sessions, which provided a more effective and sustainable way to help my clients. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income, and I no longer felt like I was running myself into the ground to make ends meet.

The best part of this journey has been the profound impact it’s had on my clients. People who were struggling with overwhelm, indecision, or emotional blocks have experienced powerful shifts and transformations. It’s been incredibly rewarding to see how much faster my clients can achieve their goals with the support of the SuperBeacon.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt a deep desire to give back. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to people in my community who couldn’t afford traditional life coaching. I also began mentoring other life coaches who wanted to incorporate the SuperBeacon into their own practices, helping them build sustainable, impactful careers.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has been one of the most transformative decisions of my life. I’ve been able to create a thriving practice that not only provides financial stability but also allows me to help people on a deeper level than ever before. The SuperBeacon has brought clarity, balance, and purpose into my life, and I’m excited to continue this journey, helping others find the same. Every day, I feel more fulfilled and grateful for the opportunity to share this powerful work.


Case History 13: From Self-Doubt to Empowerment – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build Confidence and Prosperity

My Background

For most of my life, I struggled with self-doubt. I worked in customer service, a job I had fallen into out of necessity rather than passion. I often found myself questioning my abilities and feeling stuck in a career that didn’t align with my true interests. I wanted more for myself—something that allowed me to help others in a meaningful way while also creating financial stability—but I didn’t know how to move forward.

A friend told me about the SuperBeacon and how it had helped them overcome their own emotional challenges. I was curious, especially since I had been searching for a way to break free from the patterns of self-doubt that had held me back for so long. I decided to try a session, hoping it might provide the clarity I needed.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release self-doubt and embrace my inner strength.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a profound shift. The doubts and fears that had been holding me back began to dissolve, replaced by a sense of confidence and empowerment. It was the first time in years that I felt truly capable of changing my life.

After that session, I realized that becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner could be the path I had been searching for. The idea of helping others while also building a prosperous career resonated deeply with me. I enrolled in the Practitioner training, excited to take control of my future.

Building My Practice

Once I completed my training, I started offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in my community. At first, I was nervous about stepping into this new role, but the feedback I received from clients quickly boosted my confidence. People were experiencing real transformations—whether it was overcoming self-doubt, releasing emotional blocks, or finding clarity in their lives.

I also began offering CQR amulets to my clients as a way to support their energy between sessions. The amulets became a popular addition, providing my clients with a tangible tool to help them maintain the benefits of their sessions. The income from amulet sales also provided a steady financial boost to my practice.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the biggest challenges I faced was overcoming my own lingering self-doubt. Even as my practice grew, there were moments when I questioned whether I was truly capable of succeeding. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my abilities and my path.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and confident, and over time, the doubts that had once plagued me faded away.

I also made a point to attend workshops and connect with other SuperBeacon Practitioners, which helped me feel supported and part of a community. The guidance and encouragement I received from fellow Practitioners were invaluable as I built my practice.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice had flourished. The combination of SuperBeacon sessions and CQR amulet sales provided a consistent, reliable income, and I no longer felt trapped in a job that didn’t fulfill me. I had not only overcome my own self-doubt but had built a career that allowed me to help others do the same.

Watching my clients grow and transform has been the most rewarding part of this journey. Many of them came to me feeling stuck or unsure of themselves, and it’s been incredible to witness their breakthroughs and see them step into their own power.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I knew I wanted to give back. I began offering free SuperBeacon sessions to individuals who were struggling with the same self-doubt that I had once faced. I also started mentoring new Practitioners, helping them build their confidence and navigate the challenges of starting their own practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has empowered me in ways I never thought possible. I’ve built a successful, fulfilling practice that allows me to help others while creating prosperity for myself. The SuperBeacon has been a transformative tool, not only for my clients but also for my own personal growth. Every day, I wake up excited to continue this journey, knowing that I’m living in alignment with my purpose and helping others do the same.


Case History 14: Overcoming Creative Block – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Reignite My Passion and Build a Prosperous Practice

My Background

I’ve always considered myself a creative person, but for years, I struggled with a creative block that left me feeling frustrated and stuck. As a painter, I had once been able to express myself freely, but over time, doubt and perfectionism took over. I found myself avoiding the canvas, afraid that my work wasn’t good enough. My art career, which had once been a source of joy, had become a source of stress and self-doubt.

A friend who had recently become a SuperBeacon Practitioner recommended that I try a session to help clear the block. I was skeptical at first but desperate for a solution. I booked a session, hoping that the SuperBeacon could help me reconnect with my creativity.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release perfectionism and open to creative flow.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt a shift. The fear and doubt that had been blocking me began to dissolve, and I felt a renewed sense of inspiration. It was as if the creativity that had been buried under layers of self-doubt was finally set free.

After that session, I felt a calling to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner myself. I realized that this powerful tool could help not only me but also other artists and creatives who were struggling with similar blocks. I signed up for the Practitioner training, excited to use the SuperBeacon to reignite my passion and help others do the same.

Building My Practice

Once I completed my training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to fellow artists and creatives in my network. The response was incredible—many of them had been dealing with their own creative blocks or struggles with self-expression, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them break through those barriers.

I also started offering CQR amulets to my clients as a way to support their energy and creativity between sessions. The amulets became an integral part of my practice, helping clients maintain their creative flow long after our sessions ended. The additional income from amulet sales also helped support my growing business.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my art career with my new role as a SuperBeacon Practitioner. At first, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to do both, but the more I used the SuperBeacon, the easier it became to manage my time and energy. I did my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I create balance between my passions and my purpose.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and clear-headed, allowing me to thrive both as an artist and a Practitioner.

I also expanded my practice by offering group SuperBeacon sessions specifically for artists and creatives. These workshops became a popular way for people to tap into their creativity in a supportive environment, and they helped me build a loyal community of clients.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my practice was thriving. The combination of one-on-one SuperBeacon sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income that allowed me to focus on both my art and my practice. I was no longer blocked by self-doubt or perfectionism, and I had rediscovered my passion for painting.

The best part of this journey has been seeing the transformations in my clients. Many of them came to me feeling creatively stuck, and it’s been incredible to witness their breakthroughs and watch them tap into their full potential.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to the creative community that had supported me throughout my journey. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to artists who were struggling financially, and I also began mentoring other creative professionals who wanted to incorporate energy work into their practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has reignited my creative passion and helped me build a prosperous, fulfilling career. The SuperBeacon has not only helped me overcome my own creative block but has also allowed me to help others break through their own barriers and tap into their full potential. I’m deeply grateful for this journey, and I’m excited to continue helping others find their creative flow while building a life of purpose and prosperity.


Case History 15: From Exhaustion to Empowerment – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Rebuild My Energy and Create a Thriving Practice

My Background

For years, I worked as a massage therapist, helping clients manage pain and stress. While I loved my work, the physical and emotional demands of the job began to take a toll on me. I often felt exhausted and drained after long days of working with clients, and over time, I started to feel burned out. I didn’t want to give up my career, but I knew I needed to find a way to protect my energy if I was going to keep doing the work I loved.

A colleague told me about the SuperBeacon and how it had helped them manage their own energy while working with clients. I was intrigued and decided to try a session, hoping it could help me find a way to restore my energy and continue doing the work I was passionate about.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I restore my energy and embrace empowerment.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a deep sense of rejuvenation. The exhaustion that had been weighing me down lifted, and I felt more energized and clear-headed than I had in months.

After that session, I knew I had found a solution to the burnout I had been experiencing. I decided to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner, seeing it as a way not only to restore my own energy but also to help others who were struggling with similar challenges. I signed up for the training, eager to integrate this powerful tool into my practice.

Building My Practice

Once I became certified, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions alongside my massage therapy work. The response from clients was amazing—many of them found that the SuperBeacon helped them manage not only physical pain but also emotional stress and exhaustion. The sessions provided a deeper level of healing than massage therapy alone, and my clients began to experience more lasting results.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, offering them as a way to maintain their energy balance between sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, and the additional income from their sales helped support the growth of my business.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was learning how to balance my massage therapy work with my new SuperBeacon practice. At first, I felt like I was spreading myself too thin, but I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I create balance in my work and restore my energy.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and manage my workload more effectively.

I also started offering group SuperBeacon sessions, which allowed me to reach more clients without the physical demands of one-on-one massage therapy. This helped me protect my energy while still providing valuable services to my clients.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my practice had grown significantly. The combination of SuperBeacon sessions, massage therapy, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income. I was no longer feeling exhausted or burned out—instead, I was energized and excited about the work I was doing. I had found a way to help others while also taking care of myself.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing the impact it has had on my clients. Many of them have experienced profound shifts in their physical and emotional well-being, and it’s been incredible to witness their transformations.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt called to give back to others in the wellness community. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to fellow therapists who were struggling with burnout, and I also began mentoring other wellness professionals who wanted to incorporate energy work into their practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has transformed my life and my career. I’ve gone from feeling exhausted and burned out to building a thriving practice that allows me to help others while maintaining my own energy and well-being. The SuperBeacon has been the key to creating balance, empowerment, and prosperity in my life, and I’m excited to continue sharing this powerful tool with others.


Case History 16: Finding My Voice – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Thriving Public Speaking Career

My Background

I had always dreamed of being a public speaker, but for most of my life, I struggled with a fear of speaking in front of others. I worked in marketing, a job I liked but didn’t love, and I knew that if I could overcome my fear of public speaking, I could take my career to the next level. Despite years of trying to push through the fear, it never fully went away, and I found myself avoiding opportunities to speak in front of large audiences.

A colleague recommended the SuperBeacon, explaining how it had helped them break through their own fears and doubts. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try, hoping it could help me finally find my voice.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release fear and embrace my true voice.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a shift. The anxiety and self-doubt that had been holding me back began to melt away, and for the first time, I felt a sense of confidence and calm about speaking in public.

After that session, I knew that the SuperBeacon was the key to overcoming my fear. I signed up for the Practitioner training, not only to continue working on my own confidence but also to help others break through their fears and limiting beliefs. I saw the potential to help people like me who were struggling to find their voices, and I couldn’t wait to get started.

Building My Practice

Once I completed my training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to clients who, like me, were looking to overcome their fears around public speaking and self-expression. The results were incredible—people who had been terrified of speaking in front of others began to feel more confident and empowered after just a few sessions.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how the amulets could help them stay grounded and confident between sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, especially among clients preparing for important presentations or speaking engagements.

Overcoming Challenges

While the SuperBeacon helped me overcome my fear of public speaking, the next challenge was building a career as a full-time speaker. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I embrace opportunities and speak with confidence.” These sessions helped me stay grounded as I navigated the challenges of booking speaking engagements and growing my reputation as a speaker.

I also offered workshops and group SuperBeacon sessions for people looking to improve their communication skills. These workshops became popular with professionals from all walks of life, and they helped me expand my reach and grow my client base.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, I had built a thriving public speaking career alongside my SuperBeacon practice. The combination of speaking engagements, one-on-one SuperBeacon sessions, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income. I was no longer afraid of speaking in front of large audiences—in fact, I looked forward to it.

But the most rewarding part of this journey has been helping others find their voices. Watching my clients transform from fearful and hesitant speakers into confident, powerful communicators has been an incredible experience. Knowing that I played a part in their growth has been deeply fulfilling.

Giving Back

As my career grew, I made it a priority to give back. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions to students and young professionals who were struggling with public speaking anxiety. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on communication and self-expression in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has not only helped me overcome my fear of public speaking but has also allowed me to build a career that is both prosperous and fulfilling. The SuperBeacon has transformed my life and given me the confidence to pursue my dreams. I’m excited to continue sharing this powerful tool with others and to help more people find their voices and step into their power.


Case History 17: From Stress to Success – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Transform My Career and Personal Life

My Background

Before I became a SuperBeacon Practitioner, I was working in a high-pressure sales job that left me constantly stressed and exhausted. I was good at my job, but the constant grind took a toll on my health and my relationships. I felt like I was always on edge, trying to meet targets and deadlines, and I struggled to find time for myself or my family. I knew something had to change, but I didn’t know how to break free from the cycle of stress and burnout.

That’s when I was introduced to the SuperBeacon by a friend who had experienced life-changing results from it. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to try it, hoping it could help me manage my stress and find a better balance between my work and personal life.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release stress and embrace balance and success.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt an immediate sense of relief. The tension that had been building up for years began to melt away, and I felt a deep sense of calm and clarity that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.

After that session, I knew that I needed to make a change in my life, and the SuperBeacon was the tool that would help me do it. I decided to become a Practitioner, not only to continue working on my own well-being but also to help others who were dealing with the same stress and burnout I had faced.

Building My Practice

After completing my Practitioner training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in high-stress jobs like mine. Many of my clients were dealing with the same challenges—overwork, burnout, and a lack of work-life balance—and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their stress and find a sense of calm and control.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how the amulets could help them maintain the balance and clarity they gained during their sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, especially for clients who needed extra support in their high-pressure careers.

Overcoming Challenges

The transition from my sales job to becoming a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner wasn’t without its challenges. There were times when I worried about whether I could really make a living doing this work, especially since I had been so used to the fast-paced, high-reward world of sales. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my new path and embrace success.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and confident as I built my new career.

I also started offering group SuperBeacon sessions and workshops focused on stress management, which allowed me to reach more people while maintaining balance in my own life. These sessions became popular with professionals looking for practical tools to manage their stress and improve their well-being.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, I had built a successful practice. The combination of one-on-one SuperBeacon sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, allowing me to leave behind the stress of my sales career. I was no longer constantly stressed and exhausted—instead, I felt balanced, energized, and fulfilled by the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, and it’s been amazing to witness their growth as they learned to manage their stress and find a healthier balance in their lives.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt a strong desire to give back. I started offering free stress-management workshops in my community and providing discounted SuperBeacon sessions to people in high-stress jobs. I also began mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners, helping them build their own practices focused on stress relief and well-being.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. I’ve gone from living in a constant state of stress and exhaustion to building a thriving practice that supports both my well-being and my clients’. The SuperBeacon has been the key to creating a balanced, prosperous life, and I’m excited to continue sharing this powerful tool with others. Every day, I feel more fulfilled and grateful for the opportunity to help others transform their lives.


Case History 18: Reclaiming My Health and Purpose – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Overcome Burnout and Build a Prosperous Practice

My Background

For years, I worked as a nurse in a busy hospital, juggling long hours and constant pressure. I loved helping people, but the emotional and physical demands of the job eventually led to burnout. I was constantly exhausted, both mentally and physically, and I began to dread going to work each day. I felt like I had nothing left to give, and my own health started to suffer. I knew I needed to make a change, but I wasn’t sure how to transition out of the only career I had known.

That’s when a colleague recommended the SuperBeacon. They told me how it had helped them manage their own burnout and restore balance to their life. Desperate for a solution, I decided to try a session, hoping it could help me find a way to reclaim my health and purpose.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release exhaustion and open to healing and purpose.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt an incredible sense of relief. The heavy burden of burnout that had been weighing me down began to lift, and I felt a renewed sense of hope for the first time in a long time.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. I saw this as not only a way to heal myself but also as an opportunity to help others who were struggling with similar challenges. I signed up for the Practitioner training, excited to start a new chapter in my life.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to my former colleagues and friends in the healthcare industry. Many of them were dealing with the same burnout and exhaustion that I had experienced, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release stress and find a sense of peace and balance.

I also started offering CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain energy balance between sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, especially among clients who were dealing with high levels of stress in demanding jobs like healthcare.

Overcoming Challenges

Transitioning from nursing to becoming a full-time SuperBeacon Practitioner wasn’t easy. I had moments where I doubted whether I could really make a living doing this work, especially since I had always relied on a stable paycheck in the healthcare field. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust my healing path and open to prosperity.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and confident as I built my practice.

I also started offering group sessions and workshops focused on stress management and self-care for healthcare professionals. These workshops not only expanded my client base but also allowed me to support others in the field I cared so much about.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a successful, thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income that allowed me to leave nursing behind and focus fully on my new path. I was no longer burned out and exhausted—instead, I felt energized, healthy, and fulfilled.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been watching my clients heal. Many of them came to me feeling overwhelmed and burned out, and it’s been incredible to witness their transformations as they found balance and peace through the SuperBeacon sessions.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt called to give back to the healthcare community that had supported me for so many years. I started offering discounted SuperBeacon sessions to nurses and other healthcare workers, and I also began mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on healing and stress relief for people in demanding professions.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to reclaim my health and sense of purpose. I’ve built a prosperous, fulfilling career that allows me to help others while taking care of my own well-being. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for healing, not just for me but for my clients as well. I’m grateful every day for this journey, and I’m excited to continue helping others find the balance and healing they deserve.


Case History 19: From Creative Block to Creative Flow – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Rebuild My Writing Career

My Background

I’ve always loved writing, but after years of working as a freelance writer, I hit a creative block that left me feeling frustrated and uninspired. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to get the words to flow. Projects that once came easily now felt like a struggle, and I began to lose confidence in my ability to write. The more I pushed, the more stuck I became, and eventually, I started avoiding writing altogether. My career was at a standstill, and I didn’t know how to break free from the block.

A fellow writer recommended the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them overcome their own creative challenges. I was intrigued, and since I had tried everything else without success, I decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release creative block and open to creative flow.” As the session progressed, I felt a shift. The tension and frustration that had been building up inside me began to release, and I felt a renewed sense of clarity and inspiration. It was like the creative block that had been holding me back started to dissolve, and for the first time in months, I felt excited to write again.

After that session, I realized that the SuperBeacon could be the key to not only reigniting my own creativity but also helping other writers and creatives who were struggling with similar challenges. I signed up for the Practitioner training, eager to integrate the SuperBeacon into my own life and share it with others.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions specifically for writers and creatives. The response was incredible—many of my clients had been dealing with creative blocks, self-doubt, or burnout, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them reconnect with their creative flow.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, offering them as a tool to maintain the energy and inspiration they gained during our sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, helping clients stay grounded and focused on their creative projects.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my own writing career with my new SuperBeacon practice. At first, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to do both, but the more I worked with the SuperBeacon, the more I realized that it actually enhanced my ability to write. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I balance creativity and prosperity.” These sessions helped me manage my time and energy effectively, allowing me to thrive both as a writer and a Practitioner.

I also began offering group SuperBeacon sessions and creative workshops, which allowed me to reach more clients and support a wider range of creatives. These workshops became a popular way for writers and artists to break through their creative blocks in a supportive, collaborative environment.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income that supported both my writing and my SuperBeacon work. I was no longer stuck in a creative block—instead, I was writing regularly and feeling more inspired than ever.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping other writers and creatives overcome their own blocks. Watching my clients find their voices and reconnect with their passion has been incredibly fulfilling, and it’s been amazing to witness the creative breakthroughs that have come through our SuperBeacon sessions.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to the creative community. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and creative workshops to struggling artists and writers, helping them overcome their blocks and rediscover their creative flow. I also began mentoring other creatives who wanted to integrate the SuperBeacon into their own work, sharing the tools that had helped me transform my career.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has not only reignited my own creativity but has also allowed me to build a thriving, prosperous practice helping others do the same. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for breaking through creative blocks and finding inspiration, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to share it with others. I’m excited to continue this journey, helping more writers and creatives reconnect with their passion and build fulfilling, successful careers.


Case History 20: From Anxiety to Inner Peace – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Balanced and Prosperous Life

My Background

I had been dealing with anxiety for as long as I could remember. While I managed to hold down a stable job as an administrative assistant, the constant worry and overthinking made it hard for me to enjoy life. Even small tasks would send my mind racing, and I often felt overwhelmed and disconnected. I knew I needed to find a way to bring more peace into my life, but nothing I had tried—therapy, meditation, or even medication—seemed to make a lasting difference.

A friend who had experienced similar struggles suggested the SuperBeacon to me, explaining how it had helped them find a sense of calm and balance. I was curious and decided to try a session, hoping it could help me manage my anxiety and bring more peace into my life.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release anxiety and open to peace and calm.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon began to work through me, I felt an immediate sense of relaxation. The constant buzzing in my mind that had been my companion for years began to quiet down, and I experienced a level of calm that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

After that session, I knew that I had found something truly transformative. I decided to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner, not only to continue working on my own anxiety but also to help others who were struggling with similar challenges. I saw this as an opportunity to build a life of peace and prosperity while helping others do the same.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the Practitioner training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who were dealing with anxiety, stress, and overwhelm. The response was incredible—many of my clients experienced the same immediate sense of calm and peace that I had felt in my first session. They were able to release the constant worry that had been holding them back and find more balance in their lives.

I also started offering CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the peace and balance they experienced during their sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, helping clients stay grounded and calm throughout their daily lives.

Overcoming Challenges

While the SuperBeacon helped me manage my anxiety, the next challenge was building my practice and finding clients. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in the flow of abundance and peace.” These sessions helped me release the fears and doubts that had been holding me back and allowed me to confidently build my practice.

I also offered group SuperBeacon sessions and workshops focused on stress and anxiety relief. These workshops became a great way to reach more people and build my client base, and they allowed me to connect with others who were seeking more peace in their lives.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, I had built a thriving practice. The combination of one-on-one SuperBeacon sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, allowing me to leave behind my stressful administrative job. I was no longer overwhelmed by anxiety—instead, I felt calm, balanced, and fulfilled by the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling anxious and stressed, and it’s been amazing to witness their growth as they learned to release their worries and embrace inner peace.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with anxiety. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people dealing with high levels of stress, particularly those in high-pressure jobs. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on helping people manage anxiety and find peace.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to overcome my own anxiety and build a life of peace, balance, and prosperity. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for transforming not only my own life but also the lives of my clients. I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to help others find the peace they deserve, and I’m excited to continue this journey, creating a life filled with both calm and abundance.


Case History 21: From Struggling Entrepreneur to Thriving Practitioner – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Successful Business

My Background

I had always dreamed of running my own business, but after launching my first startup, I quickly realized that entrepreneurship wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. My small business—an online retail shop—was struggling to make ends meet, and I found myself constantly stressed about finances. I poured everything I had into the business, but it just wasn’t growing the way I had imagined. I started to lose confidence in myself and wondered if I would ever achieve the success I had envisioned.

That’s when a business coach introduced me to the SuperBeacon. They told me how it had helped them gain clarity and focus in their own career, and I was intrigued. I decided to give it a try, hoping it could help me find a new path forward.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release struggle and open to clarity and prosperity.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a sense of relief. The constant stress and overwhelm I had been carrying began to lift, and I experienced a renewed sense of focus and determination. I realized that my entrepreneurial journey didn’t have to be a constant struggle—I could build a successful business with ease and clarity.

After that session, I decided to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. I saw the potential to help other struggling entrepreneurs like myself while also building a prosperous business of my own. I signed up for the training, excited to combine my passion for business with the transformative power of the SuperBeacon.

Building My Practice

Once I completed my training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to other entrepreneurs and small business owners. Many of them were dealing with the same challenges I had faced—financial stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty about their path forward. The SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their fears and gain the clarity and confidence they needed to grow their businesses.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the clarity and focus they gained during their sessions. The amulets quickly became a popular addition to my practice, helping clients stay grounded and confident in their business decisions.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my SuperBeacon practice with my existing online retail business. At first, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to do both, but the more I worked with the SuperBeacon, the more I realized that it actually helped me manage my time and energy more effectively. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I balance success and prosperity in all areas of my life.” These sessions helped me stay focused and organized as I built my new practice.

I also began offering group SuperBeacon sessions and business coaching workshops for entrepreneurs, which allowed me to reach more clients and expand my impact.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, and I was able to successfully balance both my SuperBeacon work and my online retail business. For the first time, I felt confident and in control of my career, and I was no longer stressed about finances.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping other entrepreneurs find their own path to success. Many of my clients came to me feeling stuck or unsure of their next steps, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they gained clarity and confidence through the SuperBeacon sessions.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to the entrepreneurial community. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and business coaching workshops for struggling entrepreneurs, helping them gain the clarity and focus they needed to grow their businesses. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to work with business owners and entrepreneurs.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has transformed not only my career but also my life. I’ve gone from struggling as an entrepreneur to building a prosperous business that allows me to help others while achieving financial stability. The SuperBeacon has been the key to unlocking both clarity and prosperity, and I’m excited to continue sharing this powerful tool with others. Every day, I feel more confident and fulfilled, knowing that I’m making a positive impact on the lives of others.


Case History 22: Breaking Free from Fear – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Overcome Limitations and Build a Fulfilling Career

My Background

For much of my life, I had struggled with fear—fear of failure, fear of the unknown, and fear of stepping outside of my comfort zone. I worked a stable but unfulfilling job as an accountant, constantly battling the desire to do something more meaningful. I knew I had the potential to help people in a deeper way, but every time I thought about making a change, fear would take over, and I would stay stuck in my safe but unsatisfying career.

A friend introduced me to the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them break through their own fears and limiting beliefs. I was intrigued but hesitant. Still, I decided to give it a try, hoping that the SuperBeacon could help me finally overcome the fear that had been holding me back for so long.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release fear and open to my full potential.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a profound sense of release. The fear that had been gripping me for years began to loosen its hold, and I felt a newfound sense of confidence and possibility. For the first time, I truly believed that I could create a life and career that aligned with my passions and values.

After that session, I knew that I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. I saw this as an opportunity to help others break free from their fears while also building a fulfilling and prosperous career for myself. I enrolled in the Practitioner training, ready to embrace this new chapter of my life.

Building My Practice

After completing the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to others who, like me, had been struggling with fear and self-doubt. The response was incredible—people who had been feeling stuck and uncertain about their paths started experiencing breakthroughs and gaining the confidence to pursue their dreams.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the energy and courage they gained during their sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, providing clients with an ongoing tool to support their transformation.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was stepping into my new role as a Practitioner with confidence. Although I had overcome much of my fear, I still had moments of doubt, wondering if I could really build a successful practice. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my abilities and open to prosperity.” These sessions helped me release any lingering fears and stay focused on growing my practice.

I also began offering group sessions and workshops on overcoming fear, which allowed me to reach more people and create a community around this powerful work. The workshops became popular, and they helped me expand my client base quickly.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a prosperous business. The combination of individual sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income, allowing me to fully transition out of my accounting job. I no longer felt trapped by fear—instead, I felt empowered and excited about the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been watching my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling fearful and unsure of their potential, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they overcame their fears and pursued their passions with confidence.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with fear and self-doubt. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people who were experiencing financial hardship, helping them gain the courage and confidence they needed to move forward in their lives. I also began mentoring new SuperBeacon Practitioners, helping them build their own successful practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to break free from the fear that had held me back for so long. I’ve built a prosperous, fulfilling career that allows me to help others overcome their own limitations and step into their full potential. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for both my personal and professional transformation, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to share this work with others. I’m excited to continue growing my practice and helping more people create lives filled with confidence, purpose, and prosperity.


Case History 23: Finding Balance and Purpose – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Career That Aligns with My Values

My Background

I had always been passionate about helping people, but I struggled to find a career that allowed me to do that in a way that aligned with my values. I worked in the nonprofit sector, but the long hours and constant demands left me feeling drained and disconnected. I knew I wanted to continue serving others, but I also needed to find balance in my own life. The stress of trying to juggle my work and personal life was overwhelming, and I often felt like I was running on empty.

A colleague recommended the SuperBeacon to me, explaining how it had helped them find clarity and balance in their own life. I was intrigued, especially since I had been searching for a way to restore balance and reconnect with my sense of purpose. I decided to give it a try, hoping it could help me find a path forward.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I open to balance and purpose in my life and career.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a deep sense of peace and clarity. The overwhelm that had been clouding my mind began to lift, and I realized that I could create a career that allowed me to help others while also taking care of myself.

After that session, I knew that becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner was the right path for me. I saw this as an opportunity to continue serving others in a way that aligned with my values, while also creating a balanced, sustainable career for myself. I enrolled in the Practitioner training, excited to start this new journey.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in the nonprofit sector and other helping professions. Many of them were dealing with the same challenges I had faced—burnout, overwhelm, and a lack of balance between their work and personal lives. The SuperBeacon sessions helped them release the stress and find clarity in how to move forward in a way that aligned with their values.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the balance and energy they experienced during their sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, helping clients stay grounded and connected to their purpose between sessions.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was letting go of the mindset that I had to work long hours and sacrifice my own well-being to help others. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I embrace balance and abundance in my work and life.” These sessions helped me release the old patterns of overwork and stress, allowing me to build a practice that was both fulfilling and sustainable.

I also began offering group SuperBeacon sessions and workshops focused on balance and well-being for people in high-stress professions. These workshops became a great way to reach more people and build a community around the importance of self-care and balance in the helping professions.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, and I was finally able to create a career that aligned with my values. I no longer felt overwhelmed and drained—instead, I felt energized and inspired by the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling burned out and disconnected from their purpose, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they found balance and clarity in their lives and careers.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to the nonprofit and helping communities that had been such a big part of my life. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for nonprofit workers and caregivers, helping them find the balance and well-being they deserved. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on supporting people in high-stress professions.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to build a career that aligns with my values while also creating balance and well-being in my life. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for helping me and my clients reconnect with our purpose and find the clarity to move forward in a way that supports both ourselves and the people we serve. I’m deeply grateful for this journey, and I’m excited to continue helping others find balance, purpose, and prosperity in their own lives and careers.


Case History 24: From Overwhelm to Empowerment – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Create a Life of Balance and Prosperity

My Background

For years, I worked as a project manager in a fast-paced corporate environment. The demands of the job were relentless, and I often found myself juggling multiple projects with tight deadlines. While I was good at what I did, the constant pressure left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I struggled to find balance, and despite my success at work, I felt disconnected from my own life. I knew I couldn’t keep going at this pace, but I wasn’t sure how to make a change.

A friend recommended the SuperBeacon to me, explaining how it had helped them find balance and regain control of their life. I was skeptical at first, but I decided to try a session, hoping it could help me manage my stress and find a way forward.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release overwhelm and open to balance and empowerment.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt an immediate sense of relief. The constant tension and stress I had been carrying for years began to dissipate, and I experienced a deep sense of calm and clarity. For the first time, I felt like I had the power to create a life that wasn’t dictated by deadlines and demands.

After that session, I realized that becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner could be the key to finding balance in my own life while also helping others who were struggling with similar challenges. I signed up for the Practitioner training, excited to take control of my future and create a more balanced, fulfilling life.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people in high-stress jobs like mine. Many of my clients were dealing with the same overwhelm and burnout that I had experienced, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their stress and find a sense of peace and empowerment.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the balance and clarity they gained during their sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, providing clients with a tool to support their transformation between sessions.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was letting go of the mindset that success had to come with stress and overwork. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in balance and prosperity.” These sessions helped me release the old beliefs that had been holding me back and allowed me to build a practice that was both prosperous and balanced.

I also started offering group sessions and workshops on stress management and work-life balance. These workshops became a popular way for people in high-pressure careers to learn how to manage their stress and find a healthier way of working.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, allowing me to leave my corporate job and focus fully on my practice. I was no longer overwhelmed by deadlines and demands—instead, I felt empowered, balanced, and fulfilled by the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been watching my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling burned out and disconnected, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they found balance and empowerment in their lives.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with burnout and overwhelm. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people in high-stress professions, helping them find the balance and well-being they deserved. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on stress relief and work-life balance in their practices.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to create a life of balance and prosperity. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for helping me and my clients release overwhelm and step into a place of empowerment and clarity. I’m deeply grateful for this journey, and I’m excited to continue helping others find the balance and success they deserve.


Case History 25: Finding My Purpose – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Meaningful Career Helping Others

My Background

For years, I worked in a job that felt like a dead end. I was an administrative assistant, a role I had fallen into after college, and while it paid the bills, it didn’t fulfill me. Every day felt the same, and I struggled with the feeling that I wasn’t living up to my full potential. I knew I wanted to do something more meaningful with my life, but I wasn’t sure what that looked like or how to get there.

A friend who had recently become a SuperBeacon Practitioner recommended that I try a session, telling me how it had helped them find clarity and purpose. I was intrigued, especially since I had been searching for direction, and I decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I open to my true purpose and embrace a meaningful path.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt a profound sense of clarity and possibility. The uncertainty that had been clouding my mind began to lift, and I realized that I could create a life and career that aligned with my desire to help others.

After that session, I knew that becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner was the right path for me. I saw this as an opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives while also building a career that felt meaningful and fulfilling. I enrolled in the Practitioner training, excited to start this new chapter in my life.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who were searching for clarity and purpose in their own lives. Many of my clients were feeling stuck or disconnected from their passions, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their doubts and gain a deeper understanding of their true path.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the clarity and sense of purpose they gained during their sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, providing clients with an ongoing tool to support their journey of self-discovery.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was letting go of the idea that I had to follow a conventional career path to be successful. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my unique path and open to prosperity.” These sessions helped me release the fears and doubts that had been holding me back and allowed me to fully embrace my new role as a Practitioner.

I also started offering workshops and group sessions on finding purpose and living with intention. These workshops became a great way to connect with people who were on a similar journey of self-discovery, and they helped me expand my practice quickly.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a successful business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income, and I finally felt like I was living a life that aligned with my values and passions. I was no longer stuck in a job that didn’t fulfill me—instead, I was helping others discover their purpose while building a prosperous career for myself.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been witnessing the transformations in my clients. Many of them came to me feeling lost or unsure of their next steps, and it’s been incredible to watch them gain clarity and move forward with confidence and purpose.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were searching for meaning in their lives. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people in transition, helping them find the clarity and purpose they needed to move forward. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on helping people discover their true path.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has been the key to finding my own purpose and building a meaningful career. The SuperBeacon has helped me create a life that feels aligned with my values and passions, and I’m excited to continue helping others discover their purpose and live with intention. I’m deeply grateful for this journey, and every day I feel fulfilled by the work I’m doing and the lives I’m helping to transform.


Case History 26: From Self-Doubt to Confidence – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build a Career Helping Others

My Background

For most of my life, I struggled with self-doubt. I worked as a retail manager, but I never felt truly confident in my abilities. I often questioned whether I was making the right decisions, and the stress of managing a team while constantly second-guessing myself became overwhelming. I wanted to break free from this cycle of doubt, but I didn’t know how.

A friend introduced me to the SuperBeacon, explaining how it had helped them overcome their own insecurities and find a sense of inner strength. I was intrigued and decided to give it a try, hoping that the SuperBeacon could help me finally step into my confidence.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release self-doubt and embrace confidence.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt an immediate shift. The constant worry and fear that had been clouding my mind began to dissolve, and for the first time, I felt a sense of calm and certainty. It was as if the weight of doubt had been lifted, and I could finally see myself as capable and strong.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. I saw this as an opportunity not only to build my own confidence but also to help others who were struggling with self-doubt. I enrolled in the Practitioner training, excited to start a new journey of self-empowerment.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who, like me, were dealing with self-doubt and insecurity. The response was incredible—clients who had been feeling unsure of themselves started to experience real transformations, stepping into their confidence and embracing their abilities.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the confidence and clarity they gained during our sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, providing clients with a tangible tool to support their ongoing growth.

Overcoming Challenges

While the SuperBeacon helped me build my confidence, I still had moments of doubt about whether I could succeed as a full-time Practitioner. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my abilities and open to success.” These sessions helped me release any lingering fears and stay focused on growing my practice.

I also started offering group sessions and workshops on overcoming self-doubt and building confidence. These workshops became a great way to reach more people and create a supportive community around personal empowerment.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a successful business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income, allowing me to leave my retail job behind. I no longer felt plagued by self-doubt—instead, I felt confident, capable, and excited about the work I was doing.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling unsure of themselves, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they stepped into their confidence and embraced their potential.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with self-doubt. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people dealing with low self-esteem, helping them find the confidence they needed to move forward in their lives. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on helping people overcome self-doubt.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has helped me build the confidence I always lacked and create a career that allows me to help others do the same. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for transformation, not only for my clients but for myself as well. I’m grateful every day for this journey, and I’m excited to continue helping others step into their confidence and create lives filled with purpose and success.


Case History 27: Overcoming Creative Burnout – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Reignite My Passion for Art

My Background

I’ve always been an artist at heart, but after years of working as a freelance illustrator, I hit a wall. Creative burnout had set in, and I found myself struggling to produce new work. Projects that once brought me joy now felt like a burden, and I began questioning whether I had chosen the right path. I was frustrated, exhausted, and unsure of how to move forward.

A fellow artist told me about the SuperBeacon, explaining how it had helped them break through their own creative blocks. I was intrigued, especially since I had tried everything else to get back into the flow. I decided to give it a try, hoping it could help me rediscover my passion for art.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release creative block and open to inspiration and flow.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon worked through me, I felt a shift. The heaviness that had been weighing me down began to lift, and I experienced a renewed sense of excitement and inspiration. It was as if the creative block that had been holding me back finally dissolved, and I felt ready to create again.

After that session, I knew that the SuperBeacon could help me not only reignite my own passion for art but also support other creatives who were struggling with burnout. I signed up for the Practitioner training, excited to use the SuperBeacon to help others reconnect with their creativity.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to fellow artists and creatives. Many of them had been dealing with creative burnout or feeling disconnected from their work, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their blocks and rediscover their passion for creating.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, offering them as a tool to maintain the creative flow they experienced during our sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, helping clients stay inspired and connected to their creative energy.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my own creative work with my new SuperBeacon practice. At first, I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to do both, but the more I worked with the SuperBeacon, the more I realized that it actually helped me manage my time and energy more effectively. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I balance creativity and prosperity.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and focused as I built my practice.

I also began offering group SuperBeacon sessions and creative workshops, which allowed me to reach more clients and support a wider range of creatives. These workshops became a popular way for artists to break through their creative blocks and reconnect with their passion in a supportive environment.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady income that supported both my creative work and my SuperBeacon practice. I was no longer stuck in creative burnout—instead, I was producing new work regularly and feeling more inspired than ever.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping other artists and creatives overcome their own blocks. Watching my clients reconnect with their passion and creativity has been incredibly fulfilling, and it’s been amazing to witness the breakthroughs that have come through our SuperBeacon sessions.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to the creative community. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and creative workshops to artists and writers who were struggling with burnout or creative blocks. I also began mentoring other creatives who wanted to integrate the SuperBeacon into their own work, sharing the tools that had helped me transform my career.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has reignited my passion for art and helped me build a thriving practice helping other creatives. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for breaking through creative blocks and finding inspiration, and I’m grateful every day for the opportunity to share it with others. I’m excited to continue this journey, helping more artists and creatives reconnect with their passion and build fulfilling, successful careers.


Case History 28: From Financial Struggles to Abundance – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Create a Prosperous Life (continued)

After that session, I knew that the SuperBeacon could help me create the life of abundance I had always wanted. I signed up for the Practitioner training, excited to use the SuperBeacon to transform not only my own financial situation but also to help others break free from scarcity and create prosperity.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who, like me, were struggling with financial stress. Many of my clients had been living in a cycle of scarcity, constantly worrying about money and unsure of how to move forward. The SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their limiting beliefs around money and open themselves to the flow of abundance.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the sense of abundance and possibility they gained during our sessions. The amulets quickly became a popular addition to my practice, helping clients stay grounded and focused on creating prosperity in their lives.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was shifting my own mindset from scarcity to abundance. Even as my practice began to grow, there were moments when I worried about whether I could really create long-term financial stability. But I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in abundance and release all fear.” These sessions helped me let go of my old fears around money and embrace the flow of prosperity that was coming into my life.

I also started offering group workshops on abundance and financial empowerment, which allowed me to reach more people and build a community around the importance of cultivating a mindset of abundance.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a year, my SuperBeacon practice had transformed my financial situation. The combination of individual sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income that allowed me to break free from the cycle of financial stress. I was no longer worried about money—instead, I felt confident and empowered in my ability to create and maintain abundance in my life.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping others transform their financial situations. Many of my clients came to me feeling stuck in scarcity, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they embraced abundance and prosperity through the SuperBeacon.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with financial hardship. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people dealing with financial stress, helping them shift their mindset and create abundance in their lives. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on financial empowerment in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to break free from financial struggles and build a life of abundance and prosperity. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for transforming my mindset around money, and I’m excited to continue helping others create prosperity in their own lives. Every day, I’m grateful for the journey I’ve taken, and I’m inspired to keep sharing this work with those who need it most.


Case History 29: Reclaiming My Health and Vitality – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Overcome Chronic Fatigue

My Background

For years, I had been dealing with chronic fatigue. No matter how much sleep I got or how many doctors I visited, I was constantly exhausted. My energy levels were so low that even simple daily tasks felt overwhelming, and I began to feel hopeless about ever regaining my vitality. I knew there had to be a way to heal, but nothing I tried seemed to work.

A friend recommended the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them restore their own energy and well-being. I was skeptical but desperate for a solution, so I decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release fatigue and open to vibrant health and energy.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a shift. The constant heaviness and exhaustion that had been weighing me down began to lift, and for the first time in years, I felt a sense of hope that I could reclaim my health.

After that session, I knew that the SuperBeacon was the key to restoring my vitality. I decided to become a Practitioner, not only to continue my own healing journey but also to help others who were struggling with chronic health issues.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people dealing with chronic fatigue and other health challenges. Many of my clients had been feeling drained and hopeless, just as I had, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release the energetic blockages that had been contributing to their fatigue.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the energy and vitality they gained during our sessions. The amulets became a key part of my practice, providing clients with a way to stay connected to their healing process between sessions.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was managing my own energy levels as I built my practice. While the SuperBeacon helped me regain much of my vitality, I still had to be mindful of balancing my work with self-care. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I nurture my energy and embrace vibrant health.” These sessions helped me stay grounded and energized as I grew my practice.

I also started offering group sessions focused on healing and energy restoration, which allowed me to reach more clients while maintaining balance in my own life.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had not only restored my health but also created a steady source of income. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a reliable income, and I was finally able to live with the energy and vitality I had longed for. I no longer felt trapped by chronic fatigue—instead, I felt vibrant, healthy, and full of life.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping others reclaim their health. Many of my clients came to me feeling hopeless about their energy levels, and it’s been incredible to witness their healing and transformation.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I felt called to give back to others who were struggling with chronic health challenges. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people dealing with chronic fatigue, helping them restore their energy and vitality. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on healing and health restoration in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to heal from chronic fatigue and build a life filled with vibrant health and purpose. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for restoring my energy, and I’m excited to continue helping others on their healing journeys. Every day, I’m grateful for the energy and vitality I’ve regained, and I’m inspired to share this work with others who need it most.


Case History 30: From Career Stagnation to Success – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Build Confidence in My Professional Life

My Background

I had been working in the same corporate job for over a decade, and while it paid well, I felt like my career had stagnated. I was no longer passionate about my work, and I felt disconnected from my professional goals. I knew I wanted more out of my career, but I wasn’t sure how to break free from the feeling of being stuck.

A mentor of mine introduced me to the SuperBeacon, explaining how it had helped them gain clarity and confidence in their own career. I was curious, especially since I had been searching for a way to move forward in my professional life. I decided to give it a try, hoping it could help me find direction and purpose in my work.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release stagnation and open to professional success and fulfillment.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt an immediate sense of clarity. The fog that had been clouding my career path began to lift, and I could finally see a way forward. I realized that I didn’t have to settle for a stagnant career—I could create success and fulfillment in my professional life.

After that session, I knew I wanted to become a SuperBeacon Practitioner. I saw this as an opportunity to not only create the career I wanted but also to help others break free from stagnation and build confidence in their professional lives.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who, like me, were feeling stuck in their careers. Many of my clients had been feeling unfulfilled or uncertain about their professional paths, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them gain the clarity and confidence they needed to move forward.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the confidence and direction they gained during our sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, providing clients with an ongoing tool to support their professional growth.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was fully embracing the idea that I could create a successful career on my own terms. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I trust in my professional path and open to success.” These sessions helped me release any lingering doubts and step into my role as a confident, successful Practitioner.

I also began offering workshops and group sessions on career empowerment, which allowed me to connect with more people who were looking to take control of their professional lives.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a thriving business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, and I finally felt confident and fulfilled in my professional life. I was no longer stuck in a stagnant career—instead, I was creating success and helping others do the same.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients transform. Many of them came to me feeling stuck or uncertain about their careers, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they stepped into their professional power.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with career challenges. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people looking to gain confidence and clarity in their professional lives. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on career empowerment in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to break free from career stagnation and build a successful, fulfilling professional life. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for helping me and my clients create confidence and success in our careers, and I’m excited to continue sharing this work with others. Every day, I’m grateful for the clarity and fulfillment I’ve gained, and I’m inspired to help more people take control of their professional paths.


Case History 31: From Isolation to Connection – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Rebuild My Social Life and Create a Thriving Practice

My Background

I had always been a bit of an introvert, but over the years, my tendency to isolate myself grew stronger. I worked remotely as a freelance writer, and while I loved the flexibility of my job, it left me feeling disconnected from people. I rarely socialized, and the loneliness began to weigh on me. I knew I needed to reconnect with others, but the thought of stepping out of my comfort zone felt overwhelming.

A friend recommended the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them overcome similar feelings of isolation and rebuild their social life. I was hesitant, but curious, and decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

In my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release isolation and open to connection and community.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt a sense of relief. The loneliness that had been building up for years began to fade, and for the first time in a long time, I felt excited about the possibility of connecting with others again.

After that session, I realized that the SuperBeacon could not only help me rebuild my social life but also support others who were feeling disconnected. I decided to become a Practitioner, excited to help people break free from isolation and build meaningful connections.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who, like me, had been feeling isolated and disconnected. Many of my clients were struggling with loneliness or social anxiety, and the SuperBeacon sessions helped them release their fears and open up to new connections.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the sense of connection and openness they experienced during our sessions. The amulets became a popular addition to my practice, helping clients stay grounded and open to new social opportunities.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was stepping out of my own comfort zone to build connections, both socially and professionally. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I embrace connection and community.” These sessions helped me build the confidence to socialize more and reach out to potential clients, expanding both my social circle and my practice.

I also began offering group SuperBeacon sessions and community workshops, which allowed me to create a sense of community and support among my clients. These sessions became a great way to build a network of like-minded people who were also looking to reconnect.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had not only helped me rebuild my social life but also created a steady source of income. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a reliable income, and I no longer felt isolated or disconnected. Instead, I felt part of a thriving community.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been seeing my clients reconnect with others and build meaningful relationships. Many of them came to me feeling lonely or anxious about social situations, and it’s been incredible to witness their growth as they opened themselves to new connections.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with isolation and loneliness. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people dealing with social anxiety, helping them find the courage to reconnect with others. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on building community and connection in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to rebuild my social life and create a thriving practice that helps others do the same. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for breaking through isolation and fostering connection, and I’m excited to continue sharing this work with others. Every day, I’m grateful for the community I’ve built and the opportunity to help others find the connections they deserve.


Case History 32: From Stress to Serenity – How the SuperBeacon Helped Me Overcome Anxiety and Build a Career in Stress Relief

My Background

For years, I had struggled with anxiety. I worked in a high-pressure job as a financial analyst, and the constant stress took a toll on my mental and physical health. I often felt overwhelmed, unable to relax even during my time off. I knew I needed to find a way to manage my anxiety, but nothing I tried seemed to work long-term.

A colleague recommended the SuperBeacon, telling me how it had helped them manage their own stress and anxiety. I was skeptical but desperate for relief, so I decided to give it a try.

The Turning Point

During my first SuperBeacon session, I focused on the mantra, “I release anxiety and open to peace and serenity.” As the energy of the SuperBeacon flowed through me, I felt an immediate sense of calm. The constant tension that had been gripping me began to ease, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe deeply and relax.

After that session, I knew that the SuperBeacon was the key to managing my anxiety. I decided to become a Practitioner, not only to continue my own healing journey but also to help others who were struggling with stress and anxiety.

Building My Practice

Once I completed the training, I began offering SuperBeacon sessions to people who, like me, were dealing with high levels of stress and anxiety. The response was overwhelming—clients who had been feeling anxious and overwhelmed found real relief through the SuperBeacon sessions, experiencing a sense of calm and clarity they hadn’t felt in years.

I also introduced CQR amulets to my clients, explaining how they could help maintain the sense of peace and serenity they gained during our sessions. The amulets became an essential part of my practice, helping clients stay grounded and relaxed throughout their daily lives.

Overcoming Challenges

One of the challenges I faced was managing my own stress levels as I transitioned from my corporate job to becoming a full-time Practitioner. I used the SuperBeacon for my own sessions, focusing on the mantra, “I embrace peace and balance in my life and work.” These sessions helped me stay calm and focused as I built my practice and managed the stress of starting a new career.

I also started offering group sessions and workshops on stress management, which allowed me to reach more people and create a community around the importance of stress relief and mental well-being.

Achieving Impersonal Prosperity

Within a few months, my SuperBeacon practice had grown into a successful business. The combination of one-on-one sessions, group workshops, and CQR amulet sales provided a steady, reliable income, allowing me to leave my high-stress job and focus fully on my practice. I no longer felt overwhelmed by anxiety—instead, I felt calm, centered, and in control of my life.

The most rewarding part of this journey has been helping others find relief from their own stress and anxiety. Many of my clients came to me feeling overwhelmed and anxious, and it’s been incredible to witness their transformations as they embraced peace and serenity through the SuperBeacon.

Giving Back

As my practice grew, I wanted to give back to others who were struggling with anxiety and stress. I started offering free SuperBeacon sessions and workshops for people in high-pressure jobs, helping them manage their stress and find a sense of calm. I also began mentoring other SuperBeacon Practitioners who wanted to focus on stress relief and mental well-being in their work.


Becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner has allowed me to overcome my own anxiety and build a successful career helping others manage their stress. The SuperBeacon has been a powerful tool for creating peace and serenity in my life, and I’m excited to continue sharing this work with others. Every day, I’m grateful for the calm and balance I’ve found, and I’m inspired to help more people find the same relief in their lives.


1. How SuperBeacon Practitioner Sessions Work

A session with a SuperBeacon Practitioner is centered around guiding clients through spiritual or personal breakthroughs using the SuperBeacon technology. Here’s how the typical flow might look:

Session Structure

  1. Initial Consultation
    • Goal Setting: The client discusses their goals, challenges, or areas of life they want to improve (e.g., emotional clarity, overcoming obstacles, financial struggles, etc.).
    • Energetic Assessment: Using the SuperBeacon, the practitioner tunes into the client’s energy field and identifies areas of energetic blockage or imbalance.
  2. SuperBeacon Activation
    • Session Focus: The practitioner selects a specific focus for the session (e.g., emotional healing, prosperity manifestation, or past life insights).
    • Guided Experience: The client is guided through a meditative or trance-like state, either using a mantra or a focusing exercise with the SuperBeacon. This might involve affirmations, visualization techniques, or connecting with a higher state of consciousness (like the God State).
    • Client Engagement: During this process, the client may report feelings, visions, or insights that arise, which the practitioner helps interpret.
  3. Feedback and Reflection
    • Post-Session Review: After the SuperBeacon session, the practitioner and client discuss what was experienced, any insights gained, and what steps can be taken going forward to improve the client’s situation.
    • Action Steps: Based on the session, the practitioner may give the client “homework” such as journaling, daily affirmations, or additional meditative practices using the SuperBeacon.
  4. Follow-Up
    • Regular Sessions: Depending on the client’s needs, sessions could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Follow-ups ensure the client stays on track and continues their progress.

Session Length

  • Sessions can range from 30 minutes to an hour, with different pricing based on the length and depth of the session.


2. How to Attract Clients

Attracting clients to this kind of service is about highlighting the unique, life-changing benefits of working with the SuperBeacon. Here are some strategies:

Target Market

  • Spiritual Seekers: People already on a spiritual journey, whether they meditate, practice yoga, or explore mindfulness techniques.
  • Personal Development Audience: People looking to break through personal challenges such as stress, lack of direction, financial struggles, or relationship issues.
  • Healing Communities: Those interested in alternative therapies (Reiki, energy healing, hypnosis, etc.) who are open to trying new modalities.

Attracting Clients: Methods

  1. Educational Workshops
    • Host free or low-cost introductory workshops to demonstrate the power of the SuperBeacon. These could be in-person, on Zoom, or via pre-recorded webinars. Give people a taste of what the SuperBeacon can do for them.
  2. Content Marketing
    • Blogging & Videos: Create blog posts or YouTube videos explaining the benefits of the SuperBeacon and showing how sessions work. Include client testimonials or case histories (real or anonymized) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the sessions.
    • Social Media: Leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with short clips or posts about SuperBeacon experiences, client breakthroughs, or tips for personal transformation.
    • Email Campaigns: Build an email list and offer valuable content (such as spiritual tips, prosperity advice, etc.), while subtly offering sessions as a deeper way to help subscribers.
  3. Referral Program
    • Offer existing clients a discount or free session for every person they refer who books a session. This gives them an incentive to spread the word about their own positive experience.
  4. Offer Free Consultations
    • Give prospective clients a free 15-minute consultation, either over the phone or on Zoom, to discuss their needs and how the SuperBeacon might help. This can be a great way to build trust.
  5. Testimonials and Case Histories
    • Collect and showcase glowing reviews or detailed case histories on your website, blog, or social media. Real stories resonate deeply with potential clients and help build credibility.

3. How to Attract People to Become Practitioners

Getting people to sign up as practitioners requires both demonstrating the financial opportunity and the spiritual fulfillment involved. Here’s how you could approach it:

Incentivize the Journey

  • Career with Purpose: Frame becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner as more than just a job—it’s a career path that allows people to make a real difference in others’ lives while making a sustainable income.
  • Personal Growth: Emphasize how practitioners themselves will experience deep personal breakthroughs, emotional clarity, and financial prosperity through using the SuperBeacon.
  • Financial Independence: Highlight how this role allows for flexible work hours, remote work options, and an ability to set one’s own prices and client base.

Methods to Attract Practitioners

  1. Host Practitioner Training Workshops
    • Offer workshops for people interested in becoming certified SuperBeacon Practitioners. These could be live events, online courses, or weekend retreats where people can dive deep into the training.
  2. Create a Certification Program
    • Make becoming a practitioner official by creating a structured certification process. This adds value and legitimacy to the title of “SuperBeacon Practitioner” and makes it more attractive to potential candidates.
  3. Offer Mentorship
    • Provide ongoing mentorship or coaching for new practitioners. Let them know they won’t be left to figure everything out on their own—they’ll have the support of a network and experienced mentors.
  4. Partner with Spiritual Influencers
    • Reach out to influencers in the spiritual or personal development community who might be interested in becoming practitioners. This can help you tap into their following and attract a larger audience.
  5. Affiliate Program
    • Create an affiliate program where people can promote the SuperBeacon Practitioner program and earn a commission for every person they refer who signs up. This can attract people who have a network but may not want to become practitioners themselves.


Methods to Attract Practitioners

  1. Host Practitioner Training Workshops
    • Offer workshops for people interested in becoming certified SuperBeacon Practitioners. These could be live events, online courses, or weekend retreats where people can dive deep into the training.
  2. Create a Certification Program
    • Make becoming a practitioner official by creating a structured certification process. This adds value and legitimacy to the title of “SuperBeacon Practitioner” and makes it more attractive to potential candidates.
  3. Offer Mentorship
    • Provide ongoing mentorship or coaching for new practitioners. Let them know they won’t be left to figure everything out on their own—they’ll have the support of a network and experienced mentors.
  4. Partner with Spiritual Influencers
    • Reach out to influencers in the spiritual or personal development community who might be interested in becoming practitioners. This can help you tap into their following and attract a larger audience.
  5. Affiliate Program
    • Create an affiliate program where people can promote the SuperBeacon Practitioner program and earn a commission for every person they refer who signs up. This can attract people who have a network but may not want to become practitioners themselves.


Group Sessions

Group sessions could be offered at a lower per-person rate, making it more accessible and still profitable for you:

Group Session Pricing:

  • Small Group (3-6 people): $30–$50 per person, per session
  • Larger Group (7-15 people): $20–$30 per person, per session
  • Description: These sessions could be for people interested in learning how to use the SuperBeacon or for a shared experience of meditation and personal development. They can be held online (on Zoom) or in-person.

1. Leverage Group Sessions and Workshops

Group sessions and workshops are a powerful way to reach multiple clients at once. Instead of focusing solely on one-on-one sessions, offering group experiences allows you to share the benefits of the SuperBeacon with more people in the same amount of time. For instance, you can hold themed workshops on topics like stress management, abundance, emotional balance, or even creative flow.

  • How to execute: Set up a regular schedule of group sessions, either in-person or virtually. You can create a course-like experience where participants attend a series of workshops over a few weeks. You can also record these sessions to sell them as online courses for passive income.
  • Marketing tip: Promote your workshops on social media and through your existing network, and offer early-bird pricing or group discounts to encourage sign-ups.

2. Expand to Online Sessions and Programs

Scaling your SuperBeacon practice online opens up global opportunities. Virtual SuperBeacon sessions allow you to work with clients anywhere in the world, breaking geographical limitations. Offering webinars, online group sessions, and digital courses can significantly increase your client base.

  • How to execute: Use platforms like Zoom or specialized wellness apps to host one-on-one or group sessions. Record digital courses that guide clients through SuperBeacon sessions and related practices they can do at home. You can create self-paced courses that offer long-term support without needing your constant involvement.
  • Marketing tip: Create targeted online ads and campaigns to reach audiences beyond your local area. Build a website or landing page specifically for your online offerings with testimonials, case studies, and clear explanations of the SuperBeacon’s benefits.

3. Create Subscription-Based Services

A subscription model provides consistent, predictable income and allows you to cultivate long-term relationships with your clients. Offering a membership where clients receive regular SuperBeacon sessions, access to exclusive content, or ongoing coaching keeps them engaged while providing continuous support.

  • How to execute: Set up a tiered subscription plan offering various levels of access—e.g., basic subscribers get one session a month, while premium subscribers get multiple sessions, plus access to exclusive group sessions, workshops, or digital content.
  • Marketing tip: Offer a free trial or discounted rate for the first month to entice people to sign up. Clearly communicate the value of ongoing sessions, such as deeper personal transformation and better results over time.

4. Partner with Other Practitioners

Collaborating with other wellness professionals like life coaches, therapists, yoga instructors, or holistic health practitioners is a great way to scale. By cross-promoting each other’s services, you can introduce the SuperBeacon to new audiences who may be more inclined to try it through the recommendation of a trusted professional.

  • How to execute: Reach out to local or virtual wellness practitioners and propose a partnership where they can offer SuperBeacon sessions to their clients as part of their services. You can co-host workshops or retreats that combine your expertise.
  • Marketing tip: Bundle SuperBeacon sessions with complementary services. For example, a yoga studio might offer a package where clients receive a discounted SuperBeacon session as part of a wellness retreat.

5. Build a Strong Online Presence

In today’s digital world, having a robust online presence is essential for scaling any business. Regularly sharing valuable content on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn helps build credibility and positions you as an expert in your field. This attracts more clients and helps spread awareness about the SuperBeacon’s benefits.

  • How to execute: Post success stories, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your work, educational videos, and blog posts that explain the benefits of SuperBeacon sessions. Use these platforms to host live Q&A sessions or mini workshops that give potential clients a taste of your services.
  • Marketing tip: Use social proof, like testimonials and case studies, to highlight real-life transformations. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and live videos to build a community around your work.

6. Offer Corporate Wellness Programs

Many companies invest in employee wellness programs to reduce stress, improve productivity, and enhance work-life balance. Offering the SuperBeacon as part of a corporate wellness initiative can open up a lucrative market for you. This approach allows you to work with larger groups while helping businesses enhance the well-being of their employees.

  • How to execute: Create a corporate wellness package that includes SuperBeacon sessions, workshops, and tools like CQR amulets. Present the benefits of your services to HR departments, emphasizing how SuperBeacon sessions can help reduce employee burnout, improve focus, and increase productivity.
  • Marketing tip: Approach local businesses or corporations with a clear proposal that outlines how your services can support employee well-being. Offer to give a free introductory workshop or a demonstration session to showcase the value of your services.

7. Mentorship and Practitioner Training Programs

Once you’ve established yourself as an expert SuperBeacon Practitioner, offering mentorship programs or training to others allows you to scale your impact. By teaching others how to become Practitioners themselves, you create a ripple effect that extends beyond your direct client work. It also allows you to develop another revenue stream through training fees and certifications.

  • How to execute: Create a structured mentorship or certification program where you teach aspiring practitioners how to offer SuperBeacon sessions and build their own practices. This can be offered as a one-on-one mentorship or through group training programs, both in-person and online.
  • Marketing tip: Leverage your personal success stories and client testimonials to show the value of becoming a SuperBeacon Practitioner. Build a dedicated landing page or section on your website for your training programs and actively promote it through webinars or workshops.

8. Sell SuperBeacon-Related Products

Adding products like CQR amulets and other wellness tools to your offerings allows clients to maintain the energy they’ve gained during sessions and deepens their engagement with your practice. These products also generate additional revenue and offer clients a tangible way to stay connected to their journey.

  • How to execute: Create a product line of CQR amulets, meditation tools, or guided recordings that clients can use at home. Offer these products as part of session packages or sell them separately through an online store.
  • Marketing tip: Highlight the benefits of these products in your sessions and on your website. Offer bundle deals where clients get discounts on products when they book multiple sessions.

9. Automate Marketing and Client Engagement

Automation can save time while keeping your business running smoothly as you scale. Using automated email marketing, scheduling tools, and social media management can help you stay in touch with clients, promote new services, and streamline your daily tasks.

  • How to execute: Set up an email marketing campaign that automatically sends clients reminders, newsletters, or special offers. Use scheduling tools like Acuity or Calendly to automate bookings, and social media platforms like Buffer to schedule content posts.
  • Marketing tip: Create a nurture sequence for new clients that walks them through the process of getting started with SuperBeacon sessions, offering ongoing education and motivation to keep them engaged.

10. Build Referral Networks

One of the most powerful ways to scale is through word-of-mouth marketing. Happy clients who share their experiences with others can significantly expand your client base. Offering a referral program incentivizes your clients to spread the word.

  • How to execute: Offer discounts, free sessions, or exclusive products to clients who refer others to your practice. You can also create referral cards or links that clients can share with their friends and family.
  • Marketing tip: Make it easy for clients to refer others by providing a clear process and attractive incentives. Use testimonials and social proof to encourage clients to share their positive experiences.

By focusing on these strategies, you can rapidly scale your SuperBeacon practice, expand your client base, and create a sustainable, thriving practice that benefits many besides yourself.


Starting workshops is an excellent way to expand your SuperBeacon practice, engage with a larger audience, and build a community around your work. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Define the Purpose of the Workshop

Start by identifying what value your workshop will provide and who your ideal participants are. Think about specific themes that would resonate with your audience.

  • Workshop themes for SuperBeacon sessions:
    • Stress Management: Teach participants how to release stress and maintain calm using the SuperBeacon.
    • Manifesting Abundance: Help people shift their mindset from scarcity to prosperity.
    • Creative Flow: Guide artists and creatives in overcoming creative blocks.
    • Personal Empowerment: Empower individuals struggling with self-doubt to build confidence.

Tip: Make sure your workshop addresses a common problem or need that resonates with your target audience. Clear messaging will help attract participants.

2. Choose the Format: In-Person or Online

Decide if your workshops will be in-person, online, or a mix of both. Online workshops allow you to reach a global audience, while in-person events provide a deeper, personal connection.

  • In-Person: Choose a local venue like a wellness center, coworking space, or even your home if it’s suitable. Ensure it’s a quiet, comfortable space conducive to relaxation and focus.
  • Online: Use platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, or even private Facebook groups. Online workshops can be recorded and sold later as on-demand content, adding extra income streams.

Tip: Test both formats and see which one works best for your audience and your style.

3. Create a Workshop Structure

A well-structured workshop is key to delivering value and keeping participants engaged. Break down the content into easy-to-digest sections.

Basic structure:

  1. Introduction: Welcome participants, introduce yourself, and set the tone. Give a brief overview of what they can expect and the goals of the workshop.
  2. Opening Meditation or Centering Exercise: Start with a short mindfulness or grounding exercise to help participants settle in.
  3. Educational Component: Teach them about the topic. For example, explain how the SuperBeacon works, what energy blocks are, or how mindset influences abundance.
  4. Hands-On Experience: Offer a live SuperBeacon session, group meditation, or guided visualization. Let participants experience the power of the SuperBeacon firsthand.
  5. Interactive Q&A: Allow participants to ask questions, share their experiences, and interact with each other.
  6. Closing Ritual: End with a final reflection, intention-setting, or gratitude exercise to help participants integrate what they’ve learned.
  7. Offer Next Steps: Invite them to sign up for follow-up sessions, future workshops, or purchase products like CQR amulets.

Tip: Keep the energy flowing by blending teaching, interactive exercises, and discussions.

4. Set Pricing and Registration

Determine how much to charge for your workshop based on your audience and the value you’re providing. Pricing can vary depending on the length, content, and whether it’s in-person or online.

  • Pricing ideas:
    • 1-2 hour workshop: $30-$100 per person
    • Half-day workshop: $100-$250 per person
    • Full-day or multi-day retreat: $300-$1,000+

Offer early-bird pricing to incentivize early sign-ups. Use simple registration tools like Eventbrite, PayPal, or a booking system integrated into your website.

Tip: You can also offer free or discounted spots in exchange for testimonials or referrals to build social proof for future workshops.

5. Promote the Workshop

Marketing your workshop is essential to attract participants. Focus on online and offline channels, especially ones where your target audience spends their time.

  • Online promotion:
    • Social media platforms: Create event pages on Facebook and Instagram, share posts and stories, and run targeted ads to promote the workshop.
    • Email marketing: Send newsletters to your mailing list with a personal invitation to the workshop.
    • Collaborate with influencers or other practitioners: Partner with like-minded professionals to promote your workshop to their audiences.
    • Webinars or live streams: Host a free live Q&A session or mini-training to get people interested in the full workshop.
  • Offline promotion:
    • Partner with local wellness centers, yoga studios, or health food stores to put up flyers or distribute handouts.
    • Word-of-mouth: Ask your existing clients to invite friends or refer others. You can offer them a discount for every successful referral.

Tip: Make sure your promotional materials clearly state the benefits participants will receive from attending your workshop.

6. Prepare Materials and Resources

Make sure all your materials are ready well in advance of the workshop. You’ll need handouts, slides (if virtual), worksheets, or any tools you want participants to use.

  • Materials to prepare:
    • Printouts or downloadable PDFs summarizing key points
    • Journals or worksheets for participants to reflect on their experiences
    • Any props or tools for demonstrations (e.g., CQR amulets or meditative aids)
    • Technical equipment: For online workshops, ensure you have a strong internet connection, proper lighting, and audio.

Tip: You can offer participants a bonus item, like a guided meditation recording or discount code for future sessions, as a way to thank them for attending.

7. Gather Feedback and Testimonials

At the end of the workshop, ask participants for feedback on what they enjoyed and how they benefited. This will not only help you improve future workshops but also provide valuable testimonials to market future events.

  • How to gather feedback:
    • Create a simple feedback form using Google Forms or SurveyMonkey.
    • Ask for written or video testimonials and permission to share them on your website or social media.
    • Offer a small incentive, like a discount on future workshops, in exchange for feedback.

Tip: Positive feedback and testimonials can boost credibility and attract more participants to future workshops.

8. Follow Up with Participants

Building long-term relationships is essential for creating repeat business. After the workshop, follow up with participants to check in on their progress and offer additional support.

  • How to follow up:
    • Send a thank-you email with any additional resources or materials from the workshop.
    • Offer them a discount or special rate on future sessions or workshops.
    • Keep them engaged by sending regular newsletters or updates on upcoming events.

Tip: Personalized follow-up shows participants you care about their progress and keeps them connected to your work.


“Start Helping Others Right Out of the Box!”

No certification required. The SuperBeacon is designed for instant use—empower yourself and start transforming lives today.

For a training that can be applied instantly and doesn’t require extensive study or complex tools, we can focus on a few simple, actionable guidelines that get a practitioner started right away. Here’s a streamlined training plan that allows someone to jump in and start practicing with the SuperBeacon quickly:

Instant SuperBeacon Practitioner Training: 5 Simple Guidelines

1. Setting Up and Understanding the SuperBeacon

  • Keep It Simple: The SuperBeacon doesn’t need a lot of explanation to start using it. Focus on a straightforward approach:
    • Setup: Turn on the SuperBeacon and let the client sit comfortably in front of it.
    • Guiding Words: Explain briefly that the SuperBeacon helps align their energy field and connect them with a higher state of consciousness.
    • Mantra or Intention: Have the client set an intention or use a simple mantra, like ‘I am open to receiving healing and clarity.’ You can also use ‘Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha’ for transcending blockages.

By focusing on just setting the intention and relaxing into the experience, the session becomes immediately accessible to both the practitioner and the client.

2. Guiding the Client into a Relaxed State

  • Quick Relaxation Technique: Begin the session by guiding the client through a simple breathing exercise to help them relax and become present.
    • Example: Ask them to take three deep breaths, slowly in and out, focusing on releasing tension with each exhale.
    • Follow up with a short visualization: “Imagine a warm, calming light surrounding you. With each breath, you feel more relaxed and open to the SuperBeacon’s energy.”

This relaxation sets the stage for the session, and it’s something you can quickly teach without needing deep expertise.

3. Using a Simple Structure for Every Session

You don’t need complex processes—just follow a three-step structure:

  • Step 1: Setting the Intention (2-3 minutes)
    • Ask the client to share their goal for the session. It could be emotional clarity, overcoming a challenge, or simply feeling more balanced. If they’re unsure, you can suggest a general intention like, “I seek guidance and clarity in my life.”
  • Step 2: SuperBeacon Activation (10-20 minutes)
    • Let the client sit quietly with the SuperBeacon for 10-20 minutes. During this time, they can either repeat their intention silently or focus on their breath.
    • If you want to add more structure, suggest they focus on a mantra (like the ones mentioned) or visualize themselves moving through a door of light, leading to peace or answers.
  • Step 3: Reflection and Next Steps (5-10 minutes)
    • After the session, spend a few minutes asking the client how they feel and if any thoughts or sensations came up.
    • Offer simple feedback: “Great, let’s focus on maintaining this clarity as you move forward. Maybe keep a journal of anything that arises in the next few days.”

By sticking to this structure, practitioners can lead effective sessions without a lot of upfront training or preparation.

4. Simple Techniques for Common Goals

  • For Stress Relief: Ask the client to set an intention like, “I release all stress and tension from my mind and body.” Guide them into a deep breathing pattern, letting the SuperBeacon work on calming their energy field.
  • For Clarity: Use a mantra like, “I am open to seeing clearly.” The client can focus on this mantra while receiving the energy.
  • For Prosperity: Encourage the client to focus on a positive affirmation like, “I am worthy of abundance and success.”

These simple techniques align the client’s energy with their goal and make the session focused and powerful without being complicated.

5. Instant Marketing Tip: Attracting Clients

  • Quick Start Offer: Create a “First Session Free” or “Intro Session at 50% Off” to attract new clients. This allows people to experience a session without committing to a full price, lowering the barrier to entry.
  • Simple Word-of-Mouth: Ask your first few clients to refer friends or family members, and offer them a discount for each referral. Word-of-mouth spreads fast when people have a good experience.
  • Social Media Sharing: Take a short, non-intrusive video clip of the setup or share a simple post explaining how a session works in three easy steps. Social media is a quick and effective way to generate curiosity.


Bonus: Self-Session for Practitioners

Before working with clients, practitioners can use the same three-step session on themselves:

  • Set an intention (e.g., “I am open to guidance and insight on how to help others.”)
  • Activate the SuperBeacon and spend 10-20 minutes relaxing with it.
  • Reflect on your experience and any insights gained.

This will familiarize the practitioner with the process, and they can immediately translate that into working with clients.


SuperBeacon Practitioners, can use a variety of strategies to attract their own clients. The key is helping them understand how to reach the right people, build trust, and offer value in a way that resonates with potential clients. Here’s a breakdown of where your students can find clients and how to build a solid client base:

1. Personal Networks

  • Friends and Family: Encourage your students to start by offering sessions to friends, family, or people they already know. This is a great way to practice their skills and get their first testimonials.
  • Word of Mouth: As they work with people they know, satisfied clients will naturally refer them to others. A referral program can help incentivize this: “Refer a friend, and you both get 20% off your next session.”

2. Social Media Platforms

Social media is a powerful tool for attracting clients without needing a big marketing budget. Here’s how your students can leverage it:

  • Facebook Groups: Encourage them to join spiritual or wellness-oriented Facebook groups where they can offer advice, answer questions, and subtly mention their SuperBeacon services. Many people looking for alternative healing are active in these types of groups.
  • Instagram: Instagram is great for posting testimonials, session highlights, and educational content about the SuperBeacon and personal transformation. Encourage them to use hashtags like #energyhealing, #spiritualgrowth, and #personaldevelopment to reach more people.
  • TikTok: For students who are comfortable with video content, TikTok is a great platform to reach a younger audience. Short, informative, or inspirational clips about energy healing, personal breakthroughs, or the benefits of SuperBeacon sessions can go viral.

3. Local Communities

  • Wellness Centers and Studios: Suggest your students reach out to local wellness centers, yoga studios, or meditation groups. They could offer a free SuperBeacon demonstration or workshop to attract potential clients.
  • Community Events: Attending local wellness fairs, farmer’s markets, or spiritual events can be an excellent way to meet potential clients face-to-face. Offering mini SuperBeacon sessions at these events allows people to experience the benefits firsthand.
  • Flyers and Business Cards: Encourage your students to create simple flyers and leave them in places their target audience frequents—cafes, holistic stores, or community boards at yoga centers.

4. Website and Blog

  • Personal Website: Having a simple website where potential clients can learn about the practitioner, book sessions, and read testimonials is essential. Many clients prefer researching practitioners online before committing to a session.
  • Blogging: Writing short, informative blog posts about energy healing, the benefits of the SuperBeacon, or personal growth can attract clients through search engines. Over time, this helps build credibility and trust.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Teach your students basic SEO strategies so their website appears in search results when people look for terms like “energy healer” or “personal transformation coach” in their area.

5. Online Directories

  • Holistic Healer Directories: There are several online directories for healers, wellness coaches, and energy workers. Suggest that your students list themselves in these directories (e.g., Healing Arts Alliance, Holistic Health Directory, or Wellness Universe).
  • Google My Business: If they are offering in-person sessions, setting up a Google My Business profile helps them appear in local search results when people are looking for energy healers or wellness practitioners nearby.

6. Partnerships with Complementary Practitioners

Encourage your students to reach out to other practitioners in related fields for collaborations:

  • Yoga Instructors: They can offer SuperBeacon sessions as a complement to yoga or mindfulness classes.
  • Reiki or Massage Therapists: Clients who are already interested in energy work are likely to be open to trying SuperBeacon sessions.
  • Life Coaches: Life coaches often have clients who are seeking transformation, and SuperBeacon sessions can be presented as a powerful tool to support that process.

Partnerships or co-hosted workshops can expose them to a wider audience that already trusts the collaborator.

7. Local Meetups and Groups

  • Spiritual Meetup Groups: Websites like offer opportunities for practitioners to create or join spiritual, wellness, or personal development groups. Hosting a group centered on energy healing, meditation, or personal transformation can attract clients.
  • Offer Free or Donation-Based Workshops: Encourage students to host local or online workshops where they introduce people to the SuperBeacon. Even a short, donation-based session can turn attendees into clients.

8. Testimonials and Case Studies

  • Gather Testimonials: As they work with early clients, it’s crucial to collect testimonials that reflect the positive changes people experience. Testimonials build trust and attract new clients who see proof that the sessions work.
  • Case Studies: Encourage them to write case studies or success stories that detail a client’s journey and the breakthroughs they achieved. Sharing these on their website or social media provides potential clients with a clear sense of the benefits.

9. Offer Client Packages and Subscriptions

  • Multi-Session Packages: Encourage students to offer packages of multiple sessions at a slight discount (e.g., “Buy 4 sessions, get 1 free”). This keeps clients coming back and allows them to see deeper results over time.
  • Monthly Subscription Model: For clients who want ongoing support, a subscription model (e.g., 2 sessions per month) can create consistent income for the practitioner and help clients stay committed to their growth.

10. Online Ads and Promotions

  • Facebook/Instagram Ads: If your students have a bit of budget, they can run simple Facebook or Instagram ads targeting people interested in spirituality, personal growth, or energy healing. Ads can promote their free intro sessions or workshops.
  • Google Ads: Running Google ads for specific keywords like “energy healer near me” or “emotional healing sessions” can attract clients actively searching for these services.


Guiding Your Students to Build a Client Base:

  1. Start with Personal Networks: Reach out to friends, family, and acquaintances to offer initial sessions.
  2. Leverage Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to post engaging content and attract new clients.
  3. Engage in Local Communities: Attend wellness fairs, partner with local yoga studios, or host free workshops.
  4. Build an Online Presence: Create a simple website, get listed in online directories, and use basic SEO strategies to attract clients online.
  5. Offer Packages: Encourage clients to commit to long-term work with session packages or subscriptions.
  6. Partner with Other Practitioners: Form connections with life coaches, yoga teachers, and other healers to cross-promote services.

These methods allow your students to start attracting clients quickly and build a sustainable practice.


Okay, enough for the moment, time to board the Bardo bus for today’s video tour!

Did you see the Hungry Ghost in there? It’s there.

See You At The Top!!!
