A Paradox Flies North

Experiences of Divine Paradoxes: the Cosmic and the Earthly

Living within the tension of divine paradoxes is not just a mental exercise, but a profound spiritual practice that can deeply transform how we navigate and handle our daily experiences.

These paradoxes, such as being at the same time  both fully cosmic, and fully engaged with earthly affairs, suggests a dance of opposites. The key is not to resolve the paradox, but to live within it consciously, finding balance in the interplay of seemingly opposing forces.

Practical Exercise: The Cosmic-Earthly Meditation

  1. Setting the Stage: Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Begin by sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, and taking several deep breaths to center yourself.
  2. Visualization: Imagine yourself as a vast cosmic being, stretching out into the stars, embodying the infinite expanse of the universe. Feel the boundless nature of your consciousness, untethered by time and space.
  3. Grounding into the Earth: Now, simultaneously bring your awareness to your body, rooted firmly on the Earth. Feel the weight of gravity, the texture of the ground beneath you, and the breath moving in and out of your lungs. Be present with your physicality, your human experiences, and the tasks of everyday life.
  4. Holding Both Realities: As you maintain awareness of both the cosmic and earthly aspects, observe how they coexist within you. You are both the expansive universe and the individual sitting here now. Let go of any urge to prioritize one over the other. Instead, practice holding both realities with equal presence.
  5. Reconciling the Opposites: As you meditate, allow thoughts, emotions, and sensations related to both aspects to surface. How does it feel to be cosmic while handling human responsibilities? Notice any resistance or harmony that arises. Gently remind yourself that both states are natural and interconnected.
  6. Daily Integration: After your meditation, choose one task that feels mundane—washing dishes, answering emails, or running errands. As you engage in this task, silently repeat to yourself: “I am cosmic in this moment.” Notice how this perspective shifts your experience, turning the ordinary into an opportunity to live the paradox.
  7. Reflection: After a week of practice, take time to journal your experiences. How has embracing this paradox affected your sense of presence, your decision-making, and your overall state of being?

Through these exercises, you may be able to cultivate a deeper acceptance of the dual nature of existence, learning not just to cope with paradox, but to thrive within it. This practice strengthens the connection between your spiritual self and your everyday actions, empowering you to embody the God State in all aspects of life, throughout your entire day.


Here’s a practical guide and tips for cultivating the Group God State, designed to help groups, communities, or teams tap into this powerful collective experience.

Connecting to the Divine Together

The God State is often considered an intensely personal journey, performed in a dark and lonely cave high in the mountains, but the true power of achieving the God State emerges, when shared collectively.

Whether in group meditations, meetings, or even informal gatherings, tapping into the God State as a group can amplify individual experiences and create a deeper sense of unity and purpose. This collective connection can transform how a group functions, enhancing cooperation, creativity, and shared vision.

Practical Tips for Cultivating the Group God State

  1. Creating a Sacred Space: Begin by setting the stage for your group gatherings. Designate a specific space or time where the group consistently meets, even if virtually on zoom, for instance. Participants should enter the space mindfully, leaving behind distractions and personal agendas, to focus intensely on the collective purpose of the group.
  2. Unified Intention Setting: At the start of each session, have the group set a collective intention. This can be as simple as a shared focus on peace, insight, or openness, whatever the group wants to set as an intention. This shared intention acts as a guiding thread that weaves individual energies into a unified field.
  3. Group Resonance Meditation: Begin each meeting with a short group meditation to synchronize energies. You can guide the group through a breathing exercise, encouraging everyone to breathe in unison. Visualize a shared light or energy connecting each person, forming a circle of presence. This brief practice helps align the group’s vibrations, creating a strong foundation for collective work. The very best version of this is for everyone to spend three minutes on their SuperBeacon.
  4. The Circle of Presence Exercise:
    • Step 1: Form a circle, either physically or by visualizing it if meeting online. Hold hands or simply place your hands palms up on your lap, feeling the connection with those next to you.
    • Step 2: As a facilitator, guide the group to focus briefly first on the breath, then slowly shift awareness to the heart center. Encourage each member to feel their connection with the group.
    • Step 3: Visualize the group as a singular unified being, with each member of the circle acting as a unique cell within a larger organism. Feel the energy flowing freely between all members, creating a sense of oneness.
  5. Group Problem-Solving in the God State: When working on tasks, discussions, or decision-making, remind the group to return to the God State whenever tension or disagreement arises. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and reconnect to the group’s shared intention. Approaching challenges from this higher state often reveals unexpected solutions and deepens mutual understanding.
  6. Rotating Leadership: Encourage rotating leadership or facilitation to ensure that the God State experience isn’t tied to one individual. Each session, a different group member can lead the meditation, intention setting, or sharing. This empowers everyone to take ownership of the collective energy.
  7. Silent Synchronization: Dedicate a few moments of each gathering to silence, allowing the group to connect beyond words. This can be particularly effective before making important decisions or starting new projects. This silence is not emptiness but a charged, collective awareness that fosters deeper alignment.
  8. Shared Reflection and Integration: At the end of each meeting, create a space for shared reflection. Invite group members to express what they felt or perceived during the session. Encourage them to notice how the collective God State influenced their thoughts, emotions, or creativity. This reinforces the group bond and validates each person’s experience as part of a larger whole.
  9. Daily Group Connection Practices: For groups that meet less frequently, encourage simple daily practices that keep the collective energy alive. This could include a shared morning affirmation, a group chat dedicated to insights, or even synchronized moments of silence at an agreed time each day.
  10. Challenge Together, Grow Together: Address challenges as a group, whether they are logistical, emotional, or spiritual. Acknowledge the difficulties of maintaining the God State, and view these as opportunities to deepen the collective practice. Strategies to overcome these challenges can include group breathwork, shared accountability, and open discussions about what’s working or not.

By consistently applying these practices, groups can create a powerful collective God State that enhances their connection, communication, and co-creation, even group-to-group connection. This unified state becomes a resource that not only supports individual growth but also empowers the group to function as a cohesive, conscious whole.


Experiencing the Edge of Creation

The paradox of time—existing within its linear flow while simultaneously touching the timeless—offers profound insights and transformative experiences. Many spiritual traditions speak of transcending time, yet the challenge is to balance this awareness with the demands of daily life. Diving deeper into this paradox involves exploring techniques that allow us to step out of the ordinary perception of time, experiencing the vast, still presence of timelessness while still functioning effectively within the temporal world. This balance enriches our lives, offering a direct sense of eternity that can be carried into everyday moments.

Practical Techniques for Experiencing Timelessness

  1. The Timeless Presence Meditation:
    • Step 1: Begin by sitting comfortably and closing your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. As you breathe, notice the sensation of the breath flowing in and out, anchoring you in the present moment.
    • Step 2: Shift your focus away from thoughts of past and future, bringing your awareness fully into the now. Imagine that time has slowed down, and each breath, each heartbeat, exists in a state of stillness.
    • Step 3: Visualize yourself in a vast, endless space—a place beyond time where nothing changes, yet everything is present. Allow yourself to rest in this space, feeling the absence of urgency or movement. There is no “before” or “after,” only a continuous, eternal now.
    • Step 4: Gently expand this feeling of timelessness outward, letting it touch the edges of your awareness. Practice holding this state as long as feels comfortable, allowing it to permeate your being. When you open your eyes, try to maintain a sense of this timeless presence, noticing how it influences your perception of your surroundings.
  2. The Time Observer Exercise:
    • This exercise helps cultivate a conscious awareness of time without being bound by it. Set aside 5-10 minutes during your day to simply observe the flow of time. Sit quietly and watch a clock or timer, paying attention to each passing second, minute, or hour.
    • Notice the mind’s reactions: Do you feel rushed, bored, or impatient? Do you feel compelled to fill the time? As you observe, remind yourself that while time moves forward, your awareness of it remains steady and unchanging. Practice being the observer—aware of time but not controlled by it. This detachment helps cultivate a sense of timelessness amidst the ticking clock.
  3. Timeless Moments in Daily Tasks:
    • Choose a routine task—like washing dishes, walking, or drinking a cup of tea—and approach it as if time does not exist. Let go of any sense of hurry or the need to “get it done.” Instead, immerse yourself completely in the experience, feeling each movement, each sensation, without reference to time.
    • This exercise invites you to touch the timeless within the everyday, transforming ordinary moments into experiences of deep presence. Over time, you’ll find it easier to access this state, even in the midst of a busy schedule.
  4. Journaling Beyond Time:
    • Use journaling as a tool to explore your perceptions of time and timelessness. Set aside time each week to write about moments when you felt truly present or outside of time—moments where time seemed to slow down or disappear altogether. Reflect on what these experiences have in common and how they impact your sense of self.
    • Consider writing from the perspective of your timeless self, imagining you are looking at your life from a place outside of linear time. What changes? What becomes more or less important? This practice helps reinforce the sense of timelessness as a natural part of your awareness.
  5. Anchoring Time and Timelessness:
    • Throughout the day, practice anchoring yourself in both time and timelessness simultaneously. For example, during a meeting or while completing a task, periodically bring your awareness back to the breath or the sensation of your body. Let this act as a reminder that while time moves forward, a part of you remains rooted in the unchanging present.
    • This dual awareness enhances your ability to function within time without being overwhelmed by it, allowing the timeless to inform your actions, decisions, and interactions with a calm, centered presence.
  6. Visualization of the Eternal Cycle:
    • Imagine a flowing river representing time’s movement, with each drop of water symbolizing a moment passing by. Now picture yourself standing on the riverbank, observing the flow without being swept away. You are the witness, unchanging, watching the endless cycle of time from a place of stillness.
    • This visualization can be especially helpful during stressful or rushed moments, offering a quick mental reset to reconnect with your timeless awareness.

Outcome: By engaging with these practices, you’ll develop a deeper, more intimate relationship with both time and timelessness. The experience of being “beyond time” becomes less abstract and more accessible, allowing you to bring a sense of eternity into everyday life. This state not only enhances personal peace but also opens up new creative and intuitive pathways, transforming how you engage with the world.


The God State in Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation are often seen as moments of magic—sudden flashes of insight, deep wells of inspiration, or seamless flows of expression. The God State, with its boundless nature and connection to higher consciousness, can serve as a powerful source of this creative energy. By aligning with the God State, artists, writers, inventors, and problem-solvers can access a deeper, more profound level of creativity that goes beyond the ordinary. This state allows one to draw from an infinite well of ideas, insights, and solutions, transforming creative blocks into expansive opportunities.

Practical Techniques for Using the God State in Creative Work

  1. Entering the Creative Flow: Meditation for Inspiration
    • Step 1: Begin with a simple meditation to quiet the mind. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths, allowing any tension to release. Focus on your breath and feel your mind settling into a state of calm and openness.
    • Step 2: Visualize yourself entering a vast, open space—a place of pure potential, where ideas, images, and solutions exist in their purest form. This is your personal creative sanctuary within the God State.
    • Step 3: As you rest in this space, set an intention for your creative work. It could be as broad as “I am open to new ideas” or specific, like “I am finding the perfect storyline.” Trust that the God State will meet your creative needs.
    • Step 4: Allow images, words, or sensations to arise naturally without forcing them. If nothing comes immediately, simply remain in the space of openness. Often, insights will emerge when you least expect them—during the meditation or later in the day.
  2. The Creative Channeling Exercise
    • This exercise helps you tap into the God State as a direct channel for inspiration. Set up your creative space, whether it’s a writing desk, an art studio, or a problem-solving environment.
    • Close your eyes, take a few breaths, and imagine yourself connecting with a higher, infinite source of inspiration. You might visualize this as a beam of light or a stream of energy flowing down through your crown and into your heart.
    • With each breath, feel this energy filling you, charging you with creative force. Open your eyes and begin your work, allowing your hands to move, words to flow, or ideas to unfold without overthinking. The key is to remain in a state of trust and receptivity, knowing that you are tapping into something beyond your usual thinking mind.
  3. Automatic Drawing or Writing from the God State
    • This practice is about letting go of conscious control and allowing the God State to express through you. Set aside a specific time for this exercise, and gather whatever tools you need—pen and paper, paints, a musical instrument, etc.
    • Enter a meditative state, connecting with your inner stillness. Then, without planning or judging, begin to write, draw, or play whatever comes through. Let your movements be guided by intuition, not by a need to make something specific.
    • Afterward, review what you’ve created with curiosity. Often, these spontaneous works will reveal new perspectives, ideas, or themes that can be further developed into more refined projects.
  4. Timeless Creativity: Working Outside Linear Time
    • To access the God State’s boundless inspiration, it’s helpful to release the concept of time. Set aside a block of time for your creative work and commit to working as if time does not exist.
    • Allow yourself to fully immerse in the task without watching the clock or worrying about deadlines. This practice frees your mind from temporal constraints and enhances your connection to the timeless flow of creativity.
    • If your thoughts drift to the past or future, gently bring yourself back to the present moment, reminding yourself that this creative moment is eternal and infinite.
  5. Creativity Through Dream Work
    • The God State often communicates through symbols, images, and metaphors, which can be accessed in the dream state. Before going to sleep, set an intention to receive creative guidance or solutions.
    • Keep a journal by your bedside and, upon waking, jot down any dreams, impressions, or even fleeting thoughts. Even seemingly unrelated imagery can hold the seeds of inspiration. This technique taps into the subconscious aspects of the God State, where many creative breakthroughs occur.
  6. Problem-Solving in the God State: The Inquiry Process
    • When faced with a complex problem, pause and bring yourself into a state of presence. Acknowledge the challenge without rushing to solve it.
    • Ask a question aloud or in your mind, such as, “What is the highest solution to this problem?” or “What am I not seeing here?” Then, release the need for an immediate answer.
    • Let go of the question and return to a calm, receptive state. The God State works best when it is not pressured. Solutions often arise spontaneously—whether during a walk, in the shower, or while engaged in a completely different task. Trust the timing and process.
  7. Group Creative God State Sessions
    • For collaborative creative efforts, gather with your team or creative partners and begin with a collective intention setting, as mentioned in the Group God State practices.
    • Spend a few minutes in silence or guided meditation, entering the God State together. Once connected, engage in brainstorming, creating, or problem-solving, allowing the collective energy to flow without over-structuring the session.
    • This group synergy can often unlock ideas that individuals might struggle to access alone, harnessing the God State’s expansive nature in a shared experience.

Outcome: By accessing the God State in your creative and problem-solving endeavors, you tap into a wellspring of limitless inspiration that is not bound by logic, linear thinking, or previous limitations. This state allows for greater fluidity, innovation, and expression, elevating your work beyond the ordinary and infusing it with a sense of the divine. Whether you’re an artist, writer, musician, or entrepreneur, the God State becomes a vital companion, guiding your creative journey with its infinite wisdom.


Challenges and Pitfalls: Navigating Obstacles on the Path to the God State

Maintaining the God State—an elevated state of consciousness characterized by presence, clarity, and a deep connection to higher awareness—can be profoundly transformative. However, this journey is not without its challenges. Distractions, self-doubt, societal pressures, and internal resistance can often pull us out of this state, making it feel elusive or difficult to sustain. Recognizing these pitfalls and equipping yourself with practical strategies can help you navigate the ups and downs of staying connected to the God State in everyday life.

Common Challenges and Practical Strategies for Overcoming Them

  1. Distractions: The Demands and Attractions of the Outer World
    • Challenge: In today’s fast-paced world, distractions are everywhere—phones buzzing with notifications, endless to-do lists, and the constant pull of external demands. These distractions can quickly pull you out of the God State, scattering your focus and fragmenting your presence.
    • Strategy: Mindful Micro-Pauses. Incorporate brief, intentional pauses throughout your day to reset and reconnect. Set a timer to remind yourself to stop for just a minute, take a few conscious breaths, and bring your awareness back to the present moment. This practice helps maintain a thread of the God State even amidst the chaos.
    • Environment Design: Create environments that support your connection to the God State. Reduce clutter, minimize noise, and designate specific “sacred” spaces where you can retreat, even if just for a moment, to realign with your higher state.
  2. Self-Doubt: Questioning Your Worthiness or Ability
    • Challenge: Self-doubt can be a powerful disruptor, making you question your worthiness or capability to access the God State. These doubts often stem from deep-seated beliefs that you are not enough or that the God State is reserved just for “special” people.
    • Strategy: Affirmations of Worthiness. Create a set of affirmations that resonate with the truth of your inherent worthiness, such as “I am enough as I am,” or “I am connected to the divine at all times.” Repeat these affirmations during meditation or whenever self-doubt arises.
    • The Witness Exercise: Practice observing your self-doubt without identifying with it. Imagine that your doubt is a cloud passing in the sky of your awareness—transient and insubstantial. Recognize that the God State is always accessible, regardless of these temporary thoughts.
  3. Societal Pressures: Conforming to External Expectations
    • Challenge: Societal norms, expectations, and pressures can act as barriers, making it feel difficult to maintain a higher state. Whether it’s the push to conform, the need to achieve, or the subtle judgments of others, these external forces can pull you away from your inner truth.
    • Strategy: Boundary Setting and Prioritization. Define clear boundaries for yourself, including time dedicated to your God State practices. Let go of obligations that don’t align with your values, and prioritize activities that nourish your connection to higher awareness.
    • Social Detox: Regularly evaluate your media consumption and social interactions. Reduce exposure to negative news, judgmental environments, or people who drain your energy. Instead, seek communities that support and uplift your journey, creating a network of positive reinforcement.
  4. Internal Resistance: Fear of Change or the Unknown
    • Challenge: Sometimes, the biggest obstacles are internal—fear of change, fear of losing control, or fear of facing uncomfortable truths. The God State can bring heightened awareness that reveals parts of ourselves we’d rather avoid, leading to resistance.
    • Strategy: Compassionate Self-Inquiry. Gently explore the roots of your resistance with curiosity rather than judgment. Ask yourself: “What am I afraid of seeing or feeling?” By bringing compassion to these hidden fears, you begin to dissolve the resistance and make space for the God State.
    • Incremental Exposure: Gradually expose yourself to the aspects of the God State that feel uncomfortable. If stillness feels intimidating, start with just a few minutes of meditation. If heightened awareness reveals challenging emotions, allow them to surface in small, manageable doses.
  5. Emotional Turbulence: Navigating Intense Emotions
    • Challenge: Strong emotions such as anger, sadness, or anxiety can pull you out of the God State, making it hard to maintain that elevated presence. Emotional reactivity often hijacks your awareness, leading you back into habitual patterns.
    • Strategy: Emotional Alchemy. Practice transforming intense emotions into higher states through conscious breathwork or movement. For example, when anger arises, instead of suppressing it, channel it into physical activity, like a brisk walk or expressive art. Use the energy of the emotion as a catalyst to propel you back into the God State.
    • Emotional Grounding: Develop grounding techniques that anchor you during emotional storms, such as placing your hands on your heart, feeling your feet on the ground, or using sensory cues like touch or sound. These anchors help you stay present without being swept away by emotional waves.
  6. The Fear of Losing the God State
    • Challenge: A common paradox is the fear of losing the God State itself, which ironically can pull you out of it. Worrying about staying in this elevated state can create a sense of pressure and performance anxiety.
    • Strategy: Letting Go of Perfection. Remind yourself that the God State is not a perfect, unbroken experience but a fluid state that you can always return to. Accept moments when you fall out of it as natural and part of the human journey. Each moment of reconnection strengthens your ability to maintain the state longer.
    • Reconnection Rituals: Develop simple rituals that help you reconnect whenever you feel disconnected. It could be lighting a candle, listening to a specific piece of music, or a quick breath practice. These rituals act as touchstones that bring you back to the God State with ease.
  7. Judgment from Others: External Criticism and Skepticism
    • Challenge: When others don’t understand or respect your commitment to the God State, their judgments or skepticism can be disheartening. Feeling misunderstood can make it challenging to stay true to your path.
    • Strategy: Shield of Inner Peace. Visualize a protective shield of light around you whenever you feel judged or criticized. This shield is not about blocking people out but about maintaining your inner peace amidst external negativity.
    • Silent Affirmation: In moments of criticism, silently affirm, “I honor my path.” By reaffirming your commitment internally, you strengthen your resolve without the need to defend or explain yourself externally.

Outcome: By recognizing and addressing these challenges with practical strategies, you create a supportive framework that helps you stay connected to the God State even when obstacles arise. This approach allows you to experience the God State as a resilient, adaptable presence in your life, navigating both the highs and lows with grace and inner strength.


Okay, time to board the Bardo bus for our video tour around Bardotown on this beautiful Autumn morning!

See You At The Top!!!
