Video Tours & God State

The Video Tour as a Pathway to the God State:

The video tour is much, much more than just a collection of YouTube videos; it’s a curated journey designed to help participants explore, understand, and connect with the God State on multiple levels.

The God State, often described as a state of pure awareness, unity, or a profound sense of connection to the universe, can be difficult to grasp through words alone. The videos you select serve as portals, offering vivid and varied representations of this state through stories, imagery, teachings, and real-life examples.

  1. Visual and Experiential Learning: The God State is not just a concept; it’s an experience. Videos provide a sensory-rich way to engage with the ideas of the God State, blending visuals, sound, and narrative in a way that can evoke feelings, memories, and insights. This kind of learning helps participants to move beyond intellectual understanding and into a more experiential realm, where the God State can be felt, even momentarily, as they watch.
  2. Diverse Perspectives: Each video offers a different perspective on the God State, whether it’s through spiritual teachings, nature’s beauty, artistic expression, or moments of human connection. By showing the God State from various angles, participants can see how it manifests across cultures, contexts, and individual experiences, broadening their understanding of what the God State can look and feel like.
  3. Triggering Reflection and Dialogue: The videos are not just passive viewing experiences; they are catalysts for reflection and conversation. After watching, participants often find themselves inspired to question, discuss, and integrate what they’ve seen. This dialogue deepens the learning process, turning the God State from a distant ideal into something they are actively engaging with, both in the moment and in their daily lives.
  4. Creating a Shared Journey: Watching these videos as a group fosters a sense of community and shared experience. Participants are not exploring the God State in isolation but are part of a collective journey, supporting each other as they dive into these profound ideas together. This sense of togetherness amplifies the experience, creating a powerful group dynamic that enhances individual insights.
  5. A Bridge Between Theory and Practice: The videos serve as a bridge between the theoretical discussions of the God State and the practical, lived experience of it. They show how the God State can be reflected in everyday life, art, nature, and human connections, encouraging viewers to seek and recognize this state within themselves and their surroundings.

Through this carefully guided tour, participants are not just learning about the God State—they’re living it, piece by piece, as they watch, feel, and reflect together. This multimedia approach helps to make the abstract more concrete, guiding each viewer toward a personal understanding and experience of the God State.


Here’s a combined list of potential next video themes, with duplicates removed and refined to ensure each theme offers a unique perspective on the God State:

  1. Inner Silence and Stillness – Videos exploring meditation, mindfulness, and moments of profound inner peace.
  2. Unity and Connection – Stories of oneness with nature, human connection, and feeling part of something greater.
  3. Transcending the Self – Narratives about ego dissolution, spiritual awakening, and experiences beyond individual identity.
  4. Living in the Present Moment – Emphasizing the power of now with nature clips, slow living, and insights into mindfulness.
  5. Divine Creativity – Art, music, dance, and other creative expressions that connect with the higher self or a creative force.
  6. The Paradox of Existence – Themes like being everything and nothing, the illusion of time, and other mind-bending philosophical ideas.
  7. Compassion and Empathy – Acts of kindness, compassion, and empathy that reflect the God State in everyday life.
  8. Mystical Experiences – Content about mystical or near-death experiences where individuals describe encounters with the divine.
  9. Nature as Divine Reflection – Breathtaking landscapes, wildlife, and nature moments that evoke a sense of connection to the divine.
  10. Simplicity and Sacredness in Daily Life – Finding the God State in simple, everyday activities like cooking, gardening, and connecting with loved ones.
  11. Expressions of Inner Light – Videos that capture moments of joy, love, and inner radiance that hint at the God State within.
  12. Divine Challenges and Growth – Exploring how life’s challenges can serve as catalysts for deeper spiritual understanding and connection.
  13. Sacred Rituals and Traditions – Insights into how various cultures celebrate and connect with the divine through rituals and traditions.
  14. Nightwalks and walkthroughs – People moving about and doing things, going places, eating, talking, singing, dancing, but most of all, walking straight ahead.
  15. Just Plain Funny — videos that are funny, just plain funny and fun to watch.


Here are some next steps to keep the momentum going and make the most of your video tour sessions:

1. Specific Videos for Each Theme

  • I always aim for a mix of different types: short clips, lectures, personal stories, and artistic expressions, strange things, unusual things that you would ordinarily never learn about. Try to pick up the total theme of today’s tour.

2. Introductory Content for Each Theme

  • I let the viewers decide how to explain exactly how the theme of a video or group of videos relates to the God State and what we should pay attention to in the videos.

3. Group Reflection and Discussion

  • After each video or set of videos, the floor is open for discussion. I always encourage participants to share their thoughts, feelings, and any personal experiences related to the theme.

4. Interactive Elements

  • Interactive activities like guided meditations, journaling prompts, or simple exercises that connect the videos’ content to personal practice can be added, if time allows in the session. This helps participants internalize what they’ve just watched.

5. Feedback

  • Feedback is collected from viewers in the zoom space, discussing what themes resonate most, which videos they enjoyed, and any suggestions for future topics. Use of this feedback would be to refine future sessions.

6. Special Sessions

  • Special sessions on particularly impactful themes, or which feature the presence of one or more guest speakers, possibly live meditations, or group activities and discussion, in order to deepen the experience.

7. Resource Library

  • Create for yourself a shared resource library, of specific videos or video tours can be found — where participants can revisit the videos, explore additional content, or access related readings and tools that help reinforce the concepts discussed.

8. Progress and Engagement

  • I definitely keep track of participation and engagement levels. I note which themes generate the most discussion, or have the strongest emotional impact, which can guide me in future session planning.

9. Ongoing Exploration

  • I always encourage participants to continue exploring the God State beyond the sessions, by providing additional resources, such as books, articles, information sources, or other similar related videos that might be of interest.

10. Milestones

  • Acknowledge the progress your group is making together, whether it’s through small victories, personal insights shared, or just the continued commitment to exploring the God State.

These steps can help enhance the structure of your sessions, deepen engagement, and ensure that you get the most out of the video tours.

BardoTown Video Tour — enter here —

See You At The Top!!!
