Autogaff or Teamgaff?

Buddha Takes a Selfie — available on my merch sites on a variety of items.

It’s that time again — middle of the night — when I start typing and pasting and things like that, and this is definitely that sort of time, so that’s what I’m up to.

Time flow is different tonight — an hour goes whizzing by like a minute. Or did I just black out for an hour? Never mind, it’s a moot point. Where the Hell am I going at this time of night?

I’m having trouble with insomnia, so I was advised to count sheep. I did. I counted 36,000 sheep. I was still wide awake, so I sheared them. Still couldn’t drift off, so I carded the wool and spun it, and made 36,000 coats, then I stayed awake the whole rest of the night, worrying — where was I going to get linings at that time of night?

Well, it’s time to see what the rest of the world has been up to, and if possible, find some provocative videos as we proceed through the menage of the evening. Menage? Look it up on google, where we get all our objective information these days.

Of course, when we revert to stone-age cultures, which is soon, there won’t be any google, or in fact any other scientific tool, during the Rise of the Neanderthals, coming soon at a theater near you.

I’ve posted an example of how Morse Code can be spoken with rhythm and accent. Here it is:

I started strictly alphabetic, and then wandered around in the middle. It’s not intended for you to chant — this is what the letters sound like when they’re transmitted verbally or by code key.

Now get a Morse code practice oscillator — you can find hundreds of them for sale — and you can hear how it sounds when it’s sent on a CW radio. That’s “continuous wave”, unlike human voice transmission, and makes a sort of “beep beep” effect, like you hear in the movies.

Sending is a lot easier than receiving.

See You At The Top!!!
