Saturday ICW

So here I am, sitting in the middle of some 55 million of THEM, and only a handful of US, and I’m just waiting for the shoe to drop.

On the other hand, people are pretty enthusiastic about Kamela Harris — I wonder how long it will be before the shine wears off…???

Not my problem. I gave up worrying about the outcome of human conflict sometime during the latter half of the Peloponnesian Wars, back before there were cellphones and iPads.

I’m staring at a necklace I made some years ago — it features shaman teeth dated 4,500 BC, and is absolutely not for sale. I mention it only because there are a million ways to make a bead, and I think I have at least one example of each type, and my bead collection is taking over the house, like my cats.

Yes, cats. I live on a farm, so we have cats. There really is no other way to keep the mouse population down.

Unlike Jesus — who was both unmarried and childless — I do have children and I have cats, so I guess I’m the one that only gets me one vote.

I’ll be showing the linked-silver and gemstone “Legacy” necklaces I made tonight — live, at our Saturday morning workshop — including a few that might be offered for sale.

See You At The Top!!!
