How Many Were There???

Here’s the thing — I’ve been expecting for many years a disappointing direction in the governance of various places around the world, including here, and I’m braced for it.

My problem is, bracing does no good against downright cruelty. So my advice to you is to forget about bracing and just keep your guard up, always lead with the left, and 8 ounce gloves are requiring by gaming commission rules.

Gosh, I sure hope everyone’s playing by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules. I know I am.

This nightwalk is ‘way too long, but it’s excellent for the exercises, if you just use a short bit of it, not the whole thing!

Here are the exercise bits for this and other nightwalks, even those taken in daylight. In the Bardos, every walk is a nightwalk.

  • How many shops are closed?
  • How many cell phones did you see?
  • How many people actively using their cellphone?
  • How many women wearing shorts?
  • How many men wearing shorts?
  • How many men were wearing suits or sports jackets?
  • How many women were wearing dresses?
  • How many shopping bags did you see?
  • Which way were you walking in this video? Uptown, downdown, crosstown?
  • How many subway trains did you hear through the air gratings?
  • How many conversations did you hear — even a tiny fragment counts as “one”.
  • How many bicycles did you see?
  • How many people were wearing hats?
  • How many couples holding hands did you see?
  • How many couples NOT holding hands did you see?
  • How many street food vendors did you see?
  • What kinds of foods were they mostly selling?
  • How many people did you see actually running?
  • How many languages did you hear on this nightwalk?
  • How many very obese people did you see?
  • How many children did you see?
  • Where were most people going?
  • How many were going shopping?
  • How many were going home?
  • How many were going to work?
  • How many were going to dinner?

There are more, but those are plenty for a first try.

See You At The Top!!!
