Revenge is Mine!

With Bob & Ginny Heinlein at Bob’s birthday party, 1976.

Yes, you heard me right… vengeance is mine.

Of course, revenge is also theirs, but they struck the first blow, on behalf of the Hellish demon whose name shall forevermore be unspoken, unless they elect him again.

What IS my revenge?

“Why, Faustus, do you say I am out of Hell? Of all the inhabitants of Hell, none but Lucifer knows that Hell IS Hell.”

You can’t escape what you can’t see holding you in place. Learn to actually see what is before your very eyes.

Most folks, if you asked them, would say that this is Earth, some would say that this is just one plane below Heaven, and some would say that this IS Heaven, that the Kingdom is right before your eyes, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Magic is visible only to those who are actively L@@KING for the Magic, some would say…

And still others would say nothing at all, at it is to they them those to whom this missive is directed, otherwise, I’m preaching to the Choir, which is all the audience I ever expect.

In other words, you want to learn how to Immerse, and yet, as thoroughly immersed as you are, don’t Identify, don’t let yourself get sucked in, while playing the game to the fullest, and with the utmost respect for its reality.

Like most mantras, it helps somewhat if you know what the mantra is actually saying.

Hearing and memorizing the code: IMMERSE YET FREE is not enough — there is learning involved, until you can experience experientially, meaning  that if you touch a lighted match, you will hurt.

You must clearly understand fully the meaning of “immerse” and “yet free”, and that can take years out of your life.

My job is to help you with some shortcuts that give you a good grasp of the meaning, so you can use the Mantra effectively, to set yourself free from the mechanical world of the SIM and to awaken to the Waking Life.

To dis-identify is only part of the process. Total immersion must be present to win. Points of Merit, which is what makes it possible for you to ascend to the next level, are earned by a variety of associated activities, such as turning others on to the prospect of Waking Life instead of Mechanical Sleep, which is the fate of most members of the herd, and spending just a few moments of your day in the Waking State, until it eventually becomes a habit.

That’s when you’ll see it.

It — the Kingdom of Heaven — really IS right on the tip of your tongue, meaning just a hair’s breadth away from your eyeballs, and it has been there all the time.

Did you know that you can slip into a Higher Dimension in the blink of an eye, and back again without noticing a thing?

Don’t waste it. With luck and perseverance, you can train yourself to do that at Will. All you need is a daily practice, and — of course — the SECRET.

Normally, the Secret is free, and it should be free, but I have learned over the years that people do not truly deeply value what they do not pay for, so I’m asking a free-will donation of any amount for the Secret, which I’ll give you right here — I trust you to obey your conscience and your instincts to guide you.


Any time during the day or night you feel inclined to do so, intone the mantra “IMMERSE YET FREE” and take the opportunity to “charge” it up to full Power by self-invoking, which you already know how to do.

That’s it. That’s the whole SECRET.

With that SECRET, you can hook up directly with the entire Creation, which includes this universe.

You can help yourself get a better grip on the thing by using the various self-training methods I’ve devised for your use.

You’ve got it.

Now go share it.

Let’s take a little TRIP>>>>>>

See You At The Top!!!
