No Mas, Donaldo

You know it’s seldom that I complain, but it’s about Trump, darn it. Well, it’s just that he’s at it again. I know what you’re going to say. “Lass’im”, or “Let Him”, but it’s more than just Frankenstein the Younger — it’s about fine art.

As you may remember, I gave away the secret to Donald J. Trump’s mind, what there is of it. He can’t stand humiliation. No kid who ever grew up in New York City or its environs is easily trained out of the headspace, “Nobody says nothin’ about my mothuh.”

Well, this tendency of avoiding any form of rejection — which is what humiliation is — can lead Trump to some pretty bizarre places. He can’t admit a mistake or a verbal flub. There are dozens of examples.

So a constant stream of humiliation would drive him away, for sure. If everybody laughed whenever he appeared, he’d soon get the point.

He fears humor, doesn’t understand it — there’s only him and the suckers who support him. For instance, they buy his stock, not realizing that he intends to sell his stock and leave them holding the empty bag.

If you ever played an IPO in the stock market, you’d know the truth of what I say — that stock will rises, and then plunge, like they all do.

Actually, it’s a great way to siphon off some money support for the campaign/lawyer fees that are sitting quietly on the sidelines.

So in the end, humiliation works. Try it sometime.

And, if you’ve got the time, a very Bardo stroll in the subway, through Central Station and then down midtown Park Avenue.

See You At The Top!!!
