Real is What You Bump Into…

My personal best joke file for standups is now available in paperback.

On May 26, 1969, Mata was asked by a student, “What is real?” and she said right back at him, “Whatever you bump into”. It’s worth taking that seriously.

In this dawning age of incessant brainless chatter, there are no reliable facts. You can suppose that one fact is true, another false, but you have no objective measure against which to hold those words of truth or lies, who knows which???

So you’re stuck in a Post-Trump Post-Truth Universe in which ALL facts are suspect and, moreover, you’re stuck inside there with no mirror, no yardstick, no testing device by which to separate the real facts from the fake facts, and there is nobody to tell you what to do — at least, nobody you can innately trust.

I mentioned, several decades ago, that “trust” is the main issue in Donovan’s Brain, meaning the so-called “mind” of Trump. It’s about his father. He trusts no one and is suspicious of everyone, like your dictators typically tend to do, which is why they have so many “purges”, in some of which, the ousted are kicked out by reason of death.

When he feels comfortable enough with his power structure, Trump will eliminate all of the judges who put him in total power, to their total surprise.

The same thing will happen to anyone who puts him in power, because they might betray him at a later date.

Meanwhile, if you want a stick by which to measure facts, I have for your consideration the concept of learning to live in a slippery world like that, rather than trying to “dig down to the truth” of anything, which won’t work, I’m telling you right now.

In order to make this work, you have to do at least two things:

First of all, don’t give a damn how it turns out. Remember –“the same thing happens no matter who’s in charge”.

Find the humor in everything. Keep the mindset of the professional standup comic — everything is to be treated with sarcasm, cynicism and a touch of the sardonic.

So the best way to determine what is the truth is to don’t even try. At some point, you’ll see the joke, and the joke will definitely set you free.

Here are some perhaps helpful videos:

See You At The Top!!!
