People are always asking “What’s new?”, when they really should be asking “What’s old?” — what I mean is, the old stuff keeps coming back, kind of like deja-vu all over again.
I had in mind creating a sort of shooting gallery in the GoDD™ Game Engine, like a single room with thousands of zombies, all attacking more or less at once.
Then I thought, “who has time to kill a thousand zombies?” and let the idea go, in favor of another idea: what if I just wrote my daily blog and forgot about making a contribution toward society — something that explodes, and just typing out some dissertation or other on some subject or other, and that’s what I’m doing.
So, really, I haven’t much to say on any subject at the moment, so I think I’ll just sit very still and stop typing for a few moments.
There. That’s better. Now how about some higher dimensional entertainment?
Really, as degraded as this culture has become through the Trump years and beyond, I never thought I would see and hear farting on TV, but there it is.
What a funny and ironic idea, to have a drag queen read Ted Cruz’s book. More of that should happen.
Johnny Cash appears a whole lot in AI spinoffs like this one. Another popular voice is Frank Sinatra.
that’s it, gotta go to breakfast and zoom…
See You At The Top!!!