Fashions Really Sell

Vintage Fashions and Handpainted Tattoo-Fashions

Fashions really sell, but YOU have to sell them, they don’t sell themselves. If you don’t have a fashion name, you’ll have to sell your merch another way than through celebrity.

There’s only one way to sell fashions, and that’s through celebrity.

Okay, so let’s make ourselves a celebrity, and then we can sell the clothing. Becoming a celebrity online is easy. You just say you’re a celebrity and you are. It’s that frigging simple.

Okay, but what line of celebrity fashions are you going to start with?

How about we start with Tattoo-Fashions, which is my own line of fashion gear, and for the sake of the exercise, let’s suppose that you bought Tattoo-Fashions from me, including a very large and high-ticketed inventory and a very established and functional website with some traffic, but it hasn’t been promoted since BC, Before Covid:


  1. Online Sales: Given your interest in new technologies, consider setting up an online store or listing these garments on popular e-commerce platforms like Etsy, eBay, or even creating your own website. High-quality images and detailed descriptions will help attract potential buyers.
  2. Targeted Marketing: Use social media platforms to reach out to fashion enthusiasts, especially those interested in unique and artistic clothing. Consider using platforms like Instagram and Pinterest to showcase these garments visually.
  3. Collaborate with Influencers: Collaborate with fashion influencers who align with your style. They can help promote your garments to their followers, potentially increasing visibility and sales.
  4. Local Art and Craft Fairs: If you’re open to offline sales, consider participating in local art and craft fairs. These events can expose your creations to a broader audience.
  5. Networking: Leverage your connections in the art and fashion industry to spread the word about your garments. Attend relevant industry events and connect with potential buyers and collaborators.
  6. Price Competitively: Research the prices of similar artistic garments to ensure your pricing is competitive and fair.
  7. Provide Customization Options: Offer customization services, allowing buyers to request specific designs or alterations to make the garments even more unique.
  8. Highlight the Artistic Value: Emphasize the artistic aspect of these garments in your marketing. Explain the inspiration behind each piece and the creative process.
  9. Collect Feedback: Listen to feedback from potential buyers and adjust your designs or marketing strategies accordingly.

Remember, building a brand and a strong online presence may take some time, so be patient and persistent. If you have any specific questions or need more information on selling these garments, feel free to ask!

So here’s a quick tour of the website:

click here to go there

Okay, time for breakfast & meeting.

See You At The Top!!!
