To the Beat of a Different Drum

I still don’t know how to make the “stanza” thing happen in a blog, so I’m separating the lines of the following poem with commas. I hope you don’t mind:

I sneezed a sneeze into the air, It fell to Earth I know not where, but hard and cold were the looks of those, in whose vicinity I snoze.

How can you keep on going, when the government throws everything in your way, and the future looks grim and dismal?

Okay, first of all, what’s on your mind? What I mean is, what’s bothering you the most at the moment?

Write that down. What’s the next most worrisome piece of news?

Then the next and the next most bothersome things.

Okay, that’s enough to serve the purpose. Now, we’re going to construct our daily poem from that, and post the result on our poetry page. So how do we go about this?

For a complete answer to that, come to our morning meeting, which I just joined myself. If you don’t know how, call or text to find out how.

See You At The Top!!!
