King Kong Takes a Selfie

King Kong Takes a Selfie

One day, Hanuman, the mischievous monkey god of Hindu mythology, was feeling particularly playful. He saw King Kong, the mighty ape, holding up a large camera, trying desperately, and unsuccessfully, to take a selfie, and thought it would be hilarious to play a harmless little prank on him.

Hanuman quickly climbed to the top of a nearby building and, using his magical powers, snatched the camera from King Kong’s hands. King Kong was surprised and angry, but he couldn’t catch up to Hanuman, who was too quick and agile.

Hanuman ran through the city, holding the camera above his head and laughing mischievously. He stopped at various landmarks and took silly selfies, each one more outrageous than the last. He even snapped a photo of himself sticking out his tongue at King Kong, who was still chasing him through the city.

As Hanuman was running through Central Park, he suddenly heard a loud roar behind him. He turned around and saw King Kong, who had finally caught up to him. Hanuman tried to run away, but King Kong was too fast and too strong.

King Kong snatched the camera back from Hanuman and held it up triumphantly, letting out a mighty roar. Hanuman was impressed by King Kong’s strength and determination, but he wasn’t ready to give up just yet.

Using his magical powers, he transformed himself into a tiny insect and climbed onto King Kong’s shoulder. King Kong didn’t notice the tiny creature, and started to walk away, still clutching the camera.

As they were walking, Hanuman started tickling King Kong’s ear, causing him to laugh uncontrollably. People on the street were amazed to see King Kong, the mighty ape, giggling like a child. Hanuman continued to tickle King Kong until he finally noticed the tiny insect on his shoulder.

King Kong was surprised and amused by Hanuman’s trick and decided to forgive him for stealing his camera. He even invited Hanuman to join him for a party in Central Park, where they could celebrate their newfound friendship.

Hanuman was thrilled to be invited and happily accepted the invitation. He spent the rest of the night partying with King Kong and his friends, forgetting all about the silly selfies and enjoying the company of his new jungle companions.

The End.


Sure, you know the story is silly and pointless and completely disconnected from any reality however far-removed, but it takes up space and time, and that’s all that counts.

Fearsome Mountain Goddess Takes a Selfie

Once upon a time, in the remote Himalayan town of Shangri-La, there lived a Goddess named Chomolungma, the ruler of the mountain. Chomolungma was a fearsome deity, but she had a bit of a quirky side to her that the locals didn’t quite understand.

One day, a group of hikers from the West decided to climb Chomolungma’s peak. They were well-equipped and had plenty of experience, but they didn’t count on the Goddess interfering with their plans.

As they made their way up the mountain, Chomolungma decided to have a little fun. She caused gusts of wind to blow in unexpected directions, making the hikers stumble and lose their balance. She also made the snow and ice slippery, causing them to slide down the mountain at times.

Finally, after several hours of being toyed with by Chomolungma, the hikers reached the peak. But to their surprise, they found the Goddess sitting there, drinking tea and eating biscuits.

“Hi there!” Chomolungma said cheerfully. “How was your climb?”

The hikers were taken aback. They had never heard of a deity who would prank them like that. “Uh, it was… interesting,” one of them said cautiously.

Chomolungma chuckled. “I like to keep things lively around here. You should have seen the look on your faces when I made the ground shake earlier!”

The hikers couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of a mischievous Goddess. From then on, they made sure to pay their respects to Chomolungma before embarking on any mountain climbing expeditions in the area, knowing that she might be up to her old tricks again.

The End.


“Exploitation” is not a Bad Word

I guess what I’m trying to tell you is that I’m experimenting every night with the image machine, and placing what actually works — which is a 1,000 to 1 shot — on redbubble and zazzle, which are easily reachable through the gallery on night cafe.

Works out pretty well. For the first time, you CAN get here from there without taking the freeway to the nearest junction… and when you come to a fork in the road, be sure to take it all the way.

Using the Scrying Pool, you can peer into unknown worlds, parallel universes and more … conjure up anyone from anywhen, and discover new and amazing skills and technologies.

What you can’t get out of it is wisdom.

The GPT Chat Bot is not wise. It is a collection of stuff that gets put together in the “most likely” or “best fit” manner, meaning that it’s little more than a compiler, which sorts and combines and recombines things according to the very latest hypno-algorythm and the color of the AI programmer’s socks.

So I develop out images, and then put them on objects and items and things and stuff, which brings the artwork out of the realm of one original painting and ten signed prints and into the world of marketing and products for self, home and business.

Your art clients can now order 1,000 greeting cards on zazzle, and you don’t have to get in the middle of it at all. It’s “passive income” and it is exactly what it sounds like it might be.


Well, getting your stuff on there isn’t passive at all. It’s a very intense process, and can take days to accomplish just one grouping of stuff.

There’s a balance game between night cafe and zazzle, and another balance game between night cafe and redbubble.

If you use your illios on your website or in your blog, you’ll establish a third balance game between night cafe and your website.

The whole idea is to get this stuff out there, and that means social media — nothing else will work.

Hopefully, you’ll get lucky and a mover-shaker influencer will bop along and dig your style. In the meantime, you better start side-hustling.

If you have any skills at all, you’ll develop as a virtual artist, and as you do, you’ll discover the main secret of graphic arts: it’s not what you keep, it’s what you throw away.

I actually keep one out of a hundred graphics as usable, and I’m likely to produce a hundred new graphics every night … don’t you?

So what do you do with that kind of output?

Me, I just enjoy myself and let myself go on the magic carpet ride. The whole secret is in the “Gezertenplatz”, which is the conscious observer — that’s you — actually observes consciously.

Try it sometime.

See You At The Top!!!
