Badge of Honor

A Very Special Badge

This badge is worn by UFO drivers. “ChutvIp jengva” is Klingon for “New Galactic Federation”. In Romulan, it’s “tal’ekhovhik rrhizha”, and in Vulcan — you probably already know this — it comes out “Sukh’ulpana t’Keth.”

A Little Verse: “POTUS”–

Oh, the President is in his cell, Working hard, but he can’t rebel, No Oval Office, no White House, Just a cell, and it’s quiet as a mouse.

No press conferences, no speeches grand, Just a barred window, and iron hand, No executive orders to sign, Just time to think, and to opine.

But even in a prison cell, The POTUS can still give ’em hell, He’ll tweet away, as best he can, With a smuggled phone in his hand.

He’ll still make deals, and cut some slack, And order in some fast-food snacks, He’ll make the best of a bad situation, And still run the nation, with some imagination.

So let’s not count him out just yet, The President in his prison set, He may be down, but not defeated, And still capable of getting things completed.

My Very First NFT Coin!

This is the first NFT Coin I have made. I hope you like it. My NFTs are available on, but I haven’t put up any coins yet. Follow me for future details.

When Albert Einstein visited my secret mountaintop laboratory, he tried out my Time Machine, which is why he vanished so suddenly.

My Fedbadge is carried all over the universe.

If you were a fedcop, you’d be carrying one of these. Possession by any unauthorized persons means the lockup, and that means the Prison Planet of Zug-Thoria.

Can you guess what famous singer this is supposed to be?

How about this late-night tv host?

And this one???

Just goes to show what you can do with these tools. The limit is only your imagination. If anyone thinks of it, you might send these three folks the link to this blog, and share it with everyone you know — that’s how it’s done.

Here’s a photo of the History Module, within which Planet Earth seems to reside. You can see where the students hook up to modulate into the Planetary SIM.

Chagall never painted this — it’s got laptops and cellphones and what-all in there. The whole idea is to create an “out-of-time” scenario, like Socrates taking a selfie, or a shot of a UFO parked at the Washington Memorial.

The idea is to create promptings for really unusual things, then put them on pop culture products and turn them loose on an unsuspecting population.

One very popular idea could be to create portraits of contemporary people in the style of some famous artist, only make sure they’re very, very dead before you use their names and styles.

So I’ll end this blog with a shot of Jimmy Fallon standing next to my latest model Time Machine, which costs less than $4.8 Billion dollars to complete.

Meanwhile, Barbara has been using her GODD skills to create Egypt 3, which will be available soon.

I did the basic sketch and island architecture, and she did all the rest, including the skybox, all the intricate buildings, and all the mechanicals, meaning all the effects that we built into it.

The total number of hours runs into the hundreds, make no mistake, but the end product is well worth the effort and energy.

Well, that’s it for the moment. On the way to breakfast shortly. Do your very best to ignore the boisterous shadow-show that’s being put on by Uncle Donald’s Circus. Ignore it, and eventually, given enough time, it will go away.

Keep on your path, stay with the program, and focus on your work.

See You At The Top!!!
