How to Drive Traffic to Your Website!

If you’ve been following my progress with the AI material, you’ll appreciate what I’ve crafted up for your amusement and possible enrichment, in the way of graphics and uses for the said graphics in your online activities.

Here are some ACTION STEPS you can follow in order to create and place a short video on YouTube, to promote your sales or LANDING page on your website:

  1. Create a short and engaging video that highlights the benefits of your product or service. The video should be visually appealing, and it should clearly communicate the value proposition of your offering.
  2. Include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the video that encourages viewers to visit your website. This could be a simple message like “Visit our website to learn more” or a more specific CTA like “Click the link in the description to buy now.”
  3. Upload the video to your YouTube channel and optimize it for search. This includes adding relevant keywords to the video title and description, as well as using tags that describe the content of the video.
  4. Share the video on your social media channels and other relevant online platforms. This will help to increase the reach of your video and drive more traffic to your website.
  5. Embed the video on your sales page. This will allow visitors to your website to watch the video without leaving your site, and it will also help to increase engagement and conversion rates.
  6. Monitor the performance of your video and make adjustments as needed. This could include updating the video title and description, optimizing the CTA, or making changes to the content of the video itself.

By following these steps, you can use a short video on YouTube to drive more traffic to your sales page and increase your conversion rates.



These holy folks taking selfies are a big sensation! Take a look at some of the ones I’ve posted on redbubble also — there are more of them there.

Shots of cats, dogs, babies, horses, fish and turtles can be easily crafted up, but again, the whole point is the amount of discernment YOU put onto these images. Out of 10 possible on a subject, I end up with exactly 1.

It’s really hard to get something just right, but this cat sure did do a good thing with all my various products on zazzle. I think the cutest thing on that page is the 20″ pillow. I like pillows…and cushions.

The whole idea of a kitten reading the ABD came to me as I was working on another image entirely. These flashes of insight have to be jotted down right away, or I’ll lose them.

Of course the ever-popular full-color button/badge that came out of the sixties is probably the most selected of all the items except maybe the magnet — it’s really popular.

So these are just a few of the many items that I’m offering on zazzle today. Prices start at around $3. Everything on zazzle is priced so you can resell it, but be sure to buy when there’s a 20% or more sale — they have supersales all the time!

Having a great day, no matter what happens, is a mindset that requires practice and intention. Here are some tips to help you have a great day no matter what happens:

  1. Start your day with a positive attitude: Begin your day with gratitude and positivity. Take a few minutes in the morning to reflect on what you’re grateful for and set a positive intention for your day.
  2. Focus on what you can control: Rather than worrying about things that are out of your control, focus on what you can control. This could be your attitude, your response to situations, or your actions.
  3. Take care of yourself: Self-care is important for your overall well-being. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This could include exercise, healthy eating, practicing mindfulness, or spending time with loved ones.
  4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help you stay present and focused on the moment. Try to be mindful of your thoughts and emotions throughout the day, and take time to practice mindfulness meditation.
  5. Learn from challenges: Instead of getting discouraged by challenges, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. Take a step back, assess the situation, and look for ways to improve and overcome the challenge.

Remember, having a great day no matter what happens is not about avoiding challenges or negative situations. It’s about cultivating a positive mindset and being resilient in the face of adversity. With practice and intention, you can learn to have a great day no matter what happens.

See You At The Top!!!
