I Know How to Make This

“The Street of the Alchemists — signed & framed 8″x8” — $225.00

I know how to make this. In fact, I did. It’s one of over 100 images that were generated from my ever-changing, ever-adapting prompt.

I definitely qualify as a Prompt Engineer, and I’m hiring myself out at the usual fee — nothing — in order to get you up to speed on prompt engineering, which is the Heart & Soul of the AI GPT thingy, anyway.

Okay, so how do you do it?

That’s kind of like saying, “What is Chemistry?”. It’s a long answer, and not all of it is mental. You need a lot of lab to really understand and FEEL how to generate the right prompts out of your own mind.

Of course, you could do what I do — use your telepathic connections to tap into the general graphics bank of the Akashic Records, until it comes up with something you like or think you can sell, or both.

No matter how you generate the images, it’s the Gezertenplatz Factor that will determine your success or failure.

It’s not enough to know art. You must also learn what you like, and that’s the hardest part of learning how to survive in the artworld. I’ve done this gig since 1959, when I started painting professionally, meaning I sold my paintings from off the park fence for $25 and sometimes as much as $50 for a large oil painting, which figures out to about 15 cents an hour, not bad for an artist in 1959 — that’s a lunch at a Nedick’s,  if you drink water and not an Orange Julius, which cost an extra nickel.

Today, you have to sell a lot of paintings at those prices just to survive and, although many artists do just that, it’s a painful way to go about making and selling art.

Most artists, if not all artists, hate the selling part, and will gladly pay on Monday for a hamburger today on Wednesday, if only someone else will do the selling.

Selling is odious and repulsive to the creative mind, which tends to float unconnectedly in its own spheres, and the aforementioned “selling” should be avoided, hence the internet — zazzle, redbubble and an AI setup — which will, acting together, do the same thing as a professional art marketer, if you learn how to ask the right questions, and to know great art when you accidentally produce it, which brings us right back to where we started, asking the question: “How do you ask a good question?”.

So … are we ready to learn?

AI Robot Chesspieces on an ivory-inlaid tic-tac-toe board with drawer & pull.

This is the kind of thing that comes up if you tend to get technical and have a gaming purpose, but it took many dozens of failures to produce this one success.

It’s all very well to have an outstanding graphic, but like everything else, it’s not the thing itself, it’s what you do with it.

That means how you handle it, which in turn means to exploit it faithfully according to your ethics and higher sensibilities, not to mention consciousness.

Like I said, it’s all about how you use it, what you do with it and how well you do it. In this particular case, can you think of a use for this image?

It might not be on a product. Maybe it’s a click-bait button for one of your fishing lines? It could be a greeting card, or a 2″ button or a kitchen magnet. It could also be a cover for a rock album or a spoken word sci-fi novel, or a single song thumbnail sitting attractively on a download page on your website.

It can be used online, and can also be used as a CD cover or a book cover or a cover cover — the limits are all in your mind.

Gnorr Hamlet, the Shire — 8″x8″ signed and framed, $225.00

The above piece can be had in a metal print ready to hang with no framing needed, and is also available as a print on canvas, and several other forms of fine-art prints.

They are so well-produced and so inexpensive that it no longer pays to frame them myself, although I still have and maintain a full-service framing studio, just in case.

I can produce a piece just for you, that you can use to market items on zazzle and redbubble, plus use it on the internet for personal promotions, etc. My charge for that is a donation, your choice of any amount you like — it’s the thought that counts.

With a LOT of luck, I can make ten finished graphics in a night’s work. If I did that as a business, I should be making a few grand a week, don’t you think?

Combine that with AI chat prompt engineering skills, which are different from graphic prompting skills, and you’ve got a winner. You can be a powerful force on the internet with these skills, if properly applied.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Robot with friends, for use on Instagram.

Beauty’s in the Eyes of the Beholder, but it’s not always beauty that we want. Maybe it’s a message, maybe it’s an emotion, maybe it’s an illustration for a song or story or poem. In this case, it’s meant to cover a single-phrase motto — actually more or less a chant — “Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down!”, a modern translation into English of the popular ancient Roman phrase, “Illigitimati non-carborundum”.

The whole thing rests on the Gezertenplatz Effect, which means the Observer has to actually Observe, not just look.

I’ve thrown out hundreds of “almost” graphics because they weren’t GREAT graphics, which is what I can afford to demand, because I know how to milk these things out of the graphics software — it’s all about the base, meaning the fundamental impulse, which would be your well-written, well-considered, well-engineered prompt.

Paris at Night, March 18, 2023 — 8″x8″ signed & framed,  $225.00

Here’s an example of what was intended merely as a button, a thumbnail hotlink, or perhaps a cover for a story on my blog, which is what it is being used for now, that can also be used as a fine-art wall piece. It can be printed on paper, canvas, metal or wood.

If you wanted to specialize in a particular typicality of painting, such as Paris street scenes, or Fantasy Landscapes and such, I can accommodate by making and supplying you with the materials necessary to create a line of art and craft products bearing my original graphics, fully licensed to you and you alone, to produce for zazzle, redbubble and other product producers.

This is already up on Zazzle, and you’ll love what you see there!

I’ve been busy making and posting my latest output on zazzle and redbubble, and I’ll be glad to share with you the things I’ve made there — show up at one of our zoom meetings, and I’ll take you on a tour of my fine art collections.

So the fact is that even if you totally mastered the prompt engineering, without an artist’s eye, you’re going to miss the good ones, unless you put out absolutely everything that comes out, which guarantees that you fall under Sturgeon’s Law, “90% of Everything is Crud” which, as he pointed out to me at one of our book-signing events, “That doesn’t mean the other 10% is any better.”

Galaxy Science Fiction Ezine Cover for the April issue.

This is the cover for galaxyezine’s first new series issue. I plan to generate the stories and the illustrations completely through AI chat technology, but with more than a grain of Gezertenplatz oversight, meaning that I will heftily weigh in with editorial glee to create a product that has plenty of insight and artistic sense to carry it forward.

If you need graphics, just lemme know what you need, and I’ll try to come up with something for you, if & when time permits, or I’ll steer you in the right direction, which might be better for your development.

The images I’ve used so far are just a dozen out of hundreds I have ready for market right now, and more on the way, as ideas come to me.

It’s not just the ideas, it’s what’s produced from the SEED of the idea that makes things go right, toward the higher. If you want to catch a glimpse of my latest work:

click here

Okay, that’s it for the moment, on to breakfast and the morning zoom meeting.

See You At The Top!!!
