You Can’t Know What They’re Going To Look Like!
Take a look at the Exotic & Ancient Bead Pendulae — or is it “pendulums”??? — I’ve been cooking up just for you, with mostly Roman and Persian stones and glass beads, and some Eastern and Western Asiatic material as well.
Of course, every single Pendulum I make from ancient materials is, by nature, unique. There will never be two Pendulae exactly the same.
In short, I can’t photograph every single one of these things — it’d take weeks and weeks of extra time, which I don’t want to spend on marketing, when I could be spending the same time on creative projects.
But there’s no way you can see the thing you’re going to get ahead of getting it in your hands, at your own home, in your own living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, guest room, garage, attic, basement or den.
Have I left out a room in your house? Take it as written that I included it in my list of rooms, even though I clearly did not.
But what do I mean, “you’ll never know what you’re going to get”??? Fair question. Okay, I’ll endeavor to explain:
For instance, I will certainly use many pieces from my collection of Roman Glass of varying age and quality, some of which are cobalt, but most not, being a sort of swampy-greenish-grey color that comes from melting unseparated sand to make glass, which is how it used to be done for Roman windows. Yes, they had windows. And doors. And indoor plumbing.
No idea how they make glass now. Probably with a 3D printer.
And if that’s the case, I’d like to put in my order for a set of Chartres Cathedral windows in miniature. Just kidding — I don’t do church buildings, except in virtual.
So my collection of Ancient Roman Carnelian beads will be very useful in this regard — they make great keystones for the pendulum “drops”, which are also called “deadweights”.
They might not be using transits to measure real estate anymore — generally, I see laser devices that do the same thing without all that bulky weight.
Because of the unique factor, it’s impossible to post all the items made as dowsing drops or Psychic Pendulae — I know it’s going to create a special Hell to continue to use the word “Pendulae” to describe many pendulums, but I think these items are, indeed, a special case, warranting the distinction and the use of the unusual Latinization.
There. I rest my case.
Now, about the Pendulae … I truly would love to photograph every single one of these beautiful and helpful devices, but there aren’t enough pixels to capture every single one of them in photo form.
So what do I do?
I fall back, of course, on the classical refuge of the failed businessperson — I teach it. Actually, the business is technically a success, but when you custom hand-create every item in your inventory, it sort of limits the output to slightly less than a million units a day.
What I mean is, there’s no room for expansion and development. You’re stuck with your own very limited output.
So it’s a matter of deciding which road you’re going to take — the Entrepreneurial Route, or a sell-out to the Big Package Stores like Wal-Mart and Shop-Rite.
Wow, it hardly seems like there’s much of a choice, huh? So if you’ve chosen the big shop route, you’ll definitely want to book a session with the Shark Tank, but if you’ve chosen the small shop route, you’ll end up doing classes and helping others to sell their products, along with making and selling your own products.
As you make things, you’ll be creating “How To” videos showing how you did it and how to sell it, doing your part to bring this message — with its powerful Blessings — out to the big world in The Cloud.
That’s the internet right now — loaded for bear, and looking for food. Make sure that you keep your hands on this side of the bars when feeding the animals in this particular zoo.
Oh, you hadn’t noticed the zoo-like atmosphere of late? You can see the keepers complaining while they’re sweeping out the elephant cages.
Ask them why don’t they just quit, and they’ll yelp back, “What?? And quit show business???”.
That reminds me of a story. That reminds me of a story. That reminds me of a story.
“What story?” you ask, as well you might.

It depends. What are you trying to sell? Every sale needs a story, whether that’s obvious or not. The story sells the item, particularly if it’s a collectible, such as a signed photo or a guitar pick from KISS.
The other thing that’s important is CONDITION. Some say that condition is everything. It certainly is a BIG factor in the pricing of collectibles, along with something they call “DESIRABILITY”, which determines how many people are in competition for it, and how much they’d be willing to pay when they go after the thing
In short, how much can you get for it?
In the case of Western Asiatic Glass beads, the average cost per bead will be somewhere between $25 per bead and $450 for some of the rare pieces.
Early Persian Glass from the Gilan Province in Iran will bring a much higher price than Islamic Glass from the same region.
Roman Glass can be amazingly powerful, attracting psychic forces through their very antiquity, but also their world-experience, meaning who owned it and where did they bring it when they traveled.
The item’s world-experience is often the Big Payoff, and sometimes that factor coincides with EXTREME RARITY, which brings the desirability way up there.
So how do you sell these things, if you can’t take the time to photo every one of them and post them on the internet for sale?
Well, you sell them wholesale and let others take the retail profit, of course. That way, you improve your circulation and distribution, while at the same time, working within the limits of a self-produced unique item.
We call it a “garage-built”, although I use a small office in my big old cow barn instead of a garage, which is now serving as an afternoon solarium and tea-room for myself and my guests, who attend on ZOOM, of course — I’ve been in quarantine since March 12th, and I’m recommending it for anyone who wants to take advantage of the collapse of human civilization in order to develop some meditation skills.
Look, when it comes to meditation, MOTIVATION is everything. Making amazing pendulae counts as deep meditation, when it’s done right, as a full Blessing Ceremony, which is the only way to do it.

So let’s get the first thing straight. You can’t possibly know in advance what each pendulum is going to look like, and here’s why:
If it’s worth making into a pendulum, it’s worth waiting to make the retail. Problem is, you can’t possibly take the time and make the effort to take photos AND make the pendulae, unless you’re making one Hell of an enormous profit on each sale, OR you don’t need more than a couple of bucks to see you through.
Don’t look for enormous profits in the Pendulum Biz. It just won’t happen. Most of your sales will maybe cover your expenses, but probably not.
In order to actually make enough money to be able to afford to make pendulae FOR A LIVING, you’ll have to sell quite a few of them, and due to the nature of the thing, you can’t make enough of them to pay the bills.
So how to fix this?
- You make pendulae and sell them WHOLESALE.
- Give ZOOM classes on how to make pendulae and send out a pendulum to each participant.
- Do promotional videos that display and offer your pendulae merch.
- Find a way to enlist others in your program.
That last point is important. Realistically, there’s no way you can photo and show every single item you make, and the more amazing it looks and feels, the less likely you’ll offer it wholesale or at a serious price reduction.
So what we’re left with are the dregs, the failures, the almost-was pendulae, the ones you’re willing to blow away at or below cost, just to get rid of them.
This is not how you build a market, so you need to SHARE the wealth, which means bringing in marketing partners, and that means your constituency, your group members and your channel or service subscribers.
The idea is that you need to expand your distribution, and that means recruiting folks to take photos and list the items.
That’s gonna cost ya.
Well, you’re asking someone to do work, and for this, they must be paid. You have no money, so you have to do the whole thing on TRUST and COOPERATION.
Good Luck there, pardner. This is Planet Trump, where everyone’s your enemy and nobody is your friend.
Meanwhile, your whole purpose for being here in the life stream is to bring relief from suffering and Blessings to all.
Like I said, Good Luck, but you’re welcome to try.
One of the ways you can try is to get some powerful Blessings circulating around, creating a magnetic force that brings people together rather than dividing them and making them afraid.
These Ancient Artifact Dowsing Pendulae are amazingly powerful. They literally swing by themselves, and have a mind of their own.
They cannot be altered by deliberate manipulation, meaning that they are impervious to cheating and will not respond to intentional moves.
Not only that, but they attract and pick up Higher Vibrations, and add that to the dowsing and healing aspects.
There’s more, but that’s certainly enough to get you started. There’s nothing like the FEEL and the EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE of holding and using an ancient artifact, actually in your hands.
You will FEEL the antiquity. If the drop is made of stone, it will begin its vibratory journey when it was carved, drilled or polished.
There is no way to accurately determine the age of a stone. It is many millions of years old. but by studying the forms and techniques used by the various ancient cultures, it is possible to guess which period and from which place something made of stone might have come.
It helps to have the original excavation records, and I do have some, along with a few Royal Items of Daily Use and Funerary Figurines, plus the bills of sale providing immaculate provenances.
In short, I’d like to sell those to someone who is interested in donating them to a museum. They do not belong in a private collection. They are important 18th dynasty royal pieces, found at Amarna during the 1935-36 season, and sold by the Egypt Exploration Society at auction to benefit the society, in 1936. Price of collection? $136,000.00, not a penny less.
Why sell it now?
No place to show it, probably ever. They need the care of a competent caretaker. I think the Brooklyn or the Met would love these pieces for their 18th dynasty collections, but that’s up to the donor.
Okay, so where were we??? Oh, yeah, pendulae.
So a Gemstone or Ancient Relic or Ancient Artifact is made into a pendulum, which can be used for dowsing, healing, divination, psychic sciences and of course, spirit contact and communication.
In short, these are real handy things to have around the house. The very best are the ancient relics, of course, followed by the ancient artifacts. What’s the difference?
A relic carries power. An artifact may or may not also carry power, in addition to being just plain old.
An ANCIENT item is 2,000 years old or more. An ANTIQUE item is 100 years old or slightly more.
Watch my videos for clues on how to make and price and sell them, and watch my SALE pages to get the best prices on ancient materials for your pendulae.
Naturally, I price my raw beads and stones at the lowest possible price, in order to make them super-available even to a busted budget.
I’m not forgetting the hostile environment out there. This pendulum business is calculated to bring you a couple extra bucks every day of the week, and if you combine that with the other lines of Home Generated Work I’ve recommended, you can make enough to get through the worst times ahead.
If you already have some ancient stuff lying around, let me know what it is, and I’ll be happy to help you figure out a project that will adequately use it to the fullest and highest possible application.
Oops. I didn’t mean to summon the Spirit of the Apps by invoking the word “application”, but I hardly know how to avoid it once in a great while.
Be clear about this — the pendulum on the app is not the pendulum in the hand.
Are the Pendulae beautiful?
They better be, huh?
Yeah, of course they are, or why bother to make and sell them? Not only beautiful, but also higher-vibrational, and powerful and feel-able in their psychic non-organic energetics and higher plane contact and ability to draw down power and direct energies to specific locations.
They break through the iron curtain, the Cloud of Unknowing, the filter of human consciousness, the limitation of the human mind and body.
That’s the thing. They carry automatically the regenerative powers that emanate commonly from ancient objects of daily use. Modern plastics don’t typically carry the same vibes, do they?
Hey. These beads WERE WORN BY SOMEBODY in ancient times.
Probably you.
See You At The Top!!!