New book alert:
I’m starting to put together a book about how to actually use and program the Godd™ Particle, Bardo Band and Love Band, all of which contain usable Orbs and other useful software in the fast and powerful flash drive in your wearable Quantum Magic items.
YOU can help bring these tools for transformation to those who need it. Each piece of jewelry is much more than personal adornment, even more than mere luck or protection. They are Brane-Power.Com technology.
Let’s talk for a moment about the Quantum World.
Quantum Spirit
If you take a photo of a dying person, you will often see a purplish-white glow rising from the chest or, in the case of an initiated being, emanating from the Crown Chakra.
This is a fact. There are a million such photos out there. Your spirit is recycled after death — actually during death — and this process can be automatic and mechanical or it can be conscious, it’s your choice.
Blackout doesn’t happen when you’re ready.
Ordinarily a human being contains something which CAN evolve into a soul, but generally doesn’t, remaining instead within a trap zone as a “ghost” or “spirit”.
An evolved soul — a Quantum Spirit — lifts easily from the human incarnation and has no trouble taking conscious rebirth in the higher zones, or accepting a mission in the lower levels, such as you’re on right now.
A partially evolved soul is by nature uncomfortable, between two stools, not quite here and not quite there.
One of the very first discussions I had with my friend Jim Morrison was about the evolution of the quantum spirit, and the fact that Jimmy made a great jump demonstrates that it’s not the things you’ve been told are important.
The Most Horrible Sensation
You can bring that dangling sensation of hanging between two worlds to an immediate and painless end right now, just by wearing a Godd™ Particle.
I should also mention that, with KNOWLEDGE, you can do a whole lot more. Actually there isn’t a whole helluva lot you CAN’T do, armed with the Godd™ Particle.
The Godd™ Particle is PROGRAMMABLE, and that means access to higher levels of consciousness and deep levels of metaprogramming, none of which is ordinarily accessible.
You get access without having to be asleep during the process, and what’s more, you learn the technical skills to get you through absolutely ANYTHING, no matter how great an obstacle.
You can stand taller, be bigger, more compassionate, more able, more free and more consciously conscious just by wearing your Godd™ Particle. It puts you in touch.
What sort of thing can you do?
There’s no limit to the Power of the Godd™ Particle! Wear it and become a Living Prayer, a Fountain of Youth, a Source of Great Bounty!
The Godd™ Particle gives you incredible power along with the wisdom to use it well!
So what IS the mission?
It’s rather complicated, but a profoundly simplified form of the mission would be perhaps formulated or stated thusly:
Do anything you can think of to drive internet traffic to
That’s actually a LOT harder to accomplish than it sounds. First of all, it requires that you find an endless source of fresh faces.
That’s what it’s all about, in a nutshell. Just drive the most population possible past our brane-power homepage — that’s all there is to it.
Now, there are subtleties to the Work, many add-ons and complexities, but the very basic is to DRIVE ALL TRAFFIC POSSIBLE to our website, and that includes YOU.
But how to achieve this mission? You have no money, no power, no voice, no energy, no time to do anything other than barely survive, and no interest in the internet or marketing, or social media, so why should you?
Because science, that’s why.
The Godd™ Particle is an incredible invention of the Digital Age, and it’s going to set YOU free once and for all!
Total freedom is within your reach, right now!
All you need to do is take the Godd™ Particle Marketing Course and you’ll learn how to create incredible and powerful and irresistible graphic “buttons” that attract and drive clients wherever YOU want them to go — hoping it’s, of course, but you can use these marketing skills to create your own business as well as building brane-power!
The MISSION is the thing that makes the evolution possible. You gain Merit and at the same time you get personal experience personally experienced, the net result of which is spiritual evolution — your soul translates into quantum, and that’s what makes it real.
Quantum is the underlying fundamental framework of what you laughingly call “The Universe”.
Everything is Everything Else
Stunningly obvious when you’re there, but when you’re not, you just fail to get it, and you fall asleep and your soul doesn’t develop.
It’s all in the quantumization of the spirit, something which is described in far more florid terms in the language of the local religious nuts.
Look, the spirit, the soul, is not some made-up thing that you tell your kids when they go to sleep or that you tell around the campfire — there’s overwhelming scientific evidence for the existence of the soul, the Afterlife, and even God.
Yep, there’s evidence for God.
Sorry about that — people generally prefer the cloud of unknowing, but if you don’t need that wobbly feeling of wonder, you’ll be happy to be able to personally verify the existence of God for yourself.
The Proof is in the Pudding, meaning that as soon as you start wearing the Godd™ Particle and give it a chance to do its work, the proof is self-evident, and be sure to ask about our autumn discount on the Godd™ Particle, while there’s still time for those Back-to-School prices!
You know what??? You don’t really have to live life in the closet of discontent. There’s no reason to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune — just ask anyone on the forum chat or at the ICW or in the Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram from anywhere in the world, about our winter discounts on Godd™ Particles and other selected merchandise.
We are global, and beyond. If you’re ordering from the Afterlife or any Bardo State, be sure to get our non-phenomenal merchandise and our new Out-of-This-World TOTALLY FREE shipping, and ask about our 100% FREE vaporware!
Not Dead Yet?
Ah, I understand. There’s a LOT to do out there, and there are tons and tons of barbecues and family outings before the total end of summer, but don’t be distracted from The Mission by the tailgating and partying.
The Mission is easiest to accomplish when your distractions are all PART of The Mission, and that’s easy to arrange. Just wear the Godd™ Particle everywhere you go, and convert every occasion to The Mission.
No problem. Soon enough, everything becomes The Mission. It’s all seen through the filters, the eyes, of The Mission, and everything happens in terms of The Mission, in relation to The Mission.
Never let the goal of The Mission elude you or escape your attention.
Stay on Target, Luke!
Drive internet traffic to the brane-power-com homepage. Use every skill you have, every brilliant tactic, every asset of persuasion at your command!
Bring millions to salvation! Okay, how about thousands to a great Work Life?
You can depend on the Godd™ Particle as a source of Infinite Power. Relax in the Power of the Godd™ Particle, and rejoice and take strength from the Jewel within the Godd™ Particle.
It’s easy to understand The Mission: “Do something to continuously and relentlessly drive browser traffic and social media traffic to the homepage”, that’s the whole Mission, period. There isn’t anything else to know or understand, at least not at this time — later, we’ll talk, now we’ll act, so don’t just stand there like a dummy, DO SOMETHING.
The only catch is, what’s the “do something”???
Aha, I knew someone was just bound and determined to ask that question. Okay, fair enough, I’ll answer it with another question:
“Who are you?”
For most folks, that’s a pretty vague and daunting answer, so I’ll take pity on the few folks who don’t get it, while those who do get it also take pity on those who don’t and join me in this little dissertation, as follows:
- GET WITH THE PROGRAM — Sign up for online and download instructionals on how to develop a social media marketing program for yourself and The Work, so they both profit from your efforts.
- PAY YOURSELF — Learn that everything must be paid for, and that it’s okay for you to earn the money you’ll need to work for The Mission, so be sure to take a percentage for yourself so you can work The Mission full-time, which should be your ultimate Work Goal!
- BE PATIENT — Mostly be patient with yourself. It takes time to master the technology, and learning doesn’t come cheap. Stay with the program, and see it all the way through, and you won’t be disappointed! There’s a whole lot more at the TOP than there is where you are now, but it will be revealed as you make progress!
- LEARN COMPASSION — Not everyone sees through the veil of MAYA, so be gentle and considerate with those who are ensnarled in the misery. Higher consciousness will prevail, so just take it easy when doing The Mission not to make collateral damage. Only one out of a thousand have ears to hear and eyes to see, so don’t expect results every single time. Like the Blackjack dealers say: “You can’t win every hand.”.
- DON’T GIVE IN TO DESPAIR — Deep despair and mind-crunching, heart-rendering chaotic misery are the enemy, and you don’t need to go there in order to win. Just wear the Godd™ Particle and you will be instantly free.
Be a Winner!
Once you’ve got on your Godd™ Particle and you’ve set your course for The Mission, you have nothing to fear and everything to gain!
There isn’t anything that can stop you once you’re on The Mission!
You have the entire Godd™ Particle armed team on your side! You have an ARMY of brane-power friends at your back! You are invincible!
Brane-Power is a massive force of psychic operatives working for the benefit of all beings everywhere.
The MISSION is simple — drive traffic to the website — but why???
Good question, the answer to which is to take a good look at the homepage itself, to see the paths it offers.
What to do next???
Learn how to do The Mission, which means enroll in some of our courses on smm if you need them, or on graphic design.
The whole idea is to make buttons that are interesting, provocative and that cause people to tap on them, click them or in some way aggress upon them in such a way that it causes the browser to change urls and go to the homepage.
Of course that’s not the highest goal — there are other more powerful things you can do once you get going and get hold of the ideas and technologies, but it will do the trick to get you going.
Once you’ve embarked on The Mission — from the comfort and safety of your own desktop or smartphone — you will immediately be swept up in the protective arms of The Mission.
You’re operating from an invulnerable position, and every single day you do your work, you increase the level of success.
You ARE a Winner!
Yes, you win from the moment you start, even if you’re not very good at it yet, because you get the benefit of the “Photon Effect”, where the endgame is predicted by the passage.
Don’t sweat the science — just go with it.
Your popularity will grow with each passing day that you’re wearing the Godd™ Particle, and you can and should use that to direct people to the brane-power homepage, even if it means bringing it up for them on their own mobile device.
The whole point is to get traffic to the site. Find some traffic, then drive that traffic to the homepage.
To the where???

See You At The Top!!!