You’re feeling punk and tired and discouraged and thoroughly miserable, and you want to crawl right back into bed, but you don’t — you get out your INFLUENCE DECK and find the nearest table.
Okay, now you’ve laid out a ten-card reading of your INFLUENCE DECK, and the HOTKEY comes out “Lesbos” — so what do you want to do now?
At least crawling back under the covers is not the foremost thing on your mind at the moment — you’re staring at the LESBOS card.
So, LESBOS is your “Hot Card”, and there you are — you’re sitting there at your Daily Reading, and wondering what’s going on, what kind of influence is this, coming from your own past life in Lesbos?
Is this why you have a strange pain in your right side? Maybe it’s the root cause of your depression? It might be that feeling of guilt and inadequacy you’ve been binging on for the past few weeks.
It’s all so mysterious.
Well, the obvious First Step is to ACTUALLY LOOK at the Lesbos Card, or at least consider the small Greek island of Lesbos, from which we get our word “Lesbian”, from the colony headed by the poet Sappho.
Somewhere in that heap of livin’ called Ancient Lesbos, you once had a very familiar home, hearth and family, and some kind of job, business or craft from which you made a living — about which, we’ll talk at length — sometime soon.
In the meantime, we don’t have to have the details in order to run the Orb and clear ourselves from that Past Life Influence.
We don’t even need to conjure up a picture of life in Ancient Lesbos, although that sure would help matters.
What’s needed is a map that covers all possible landfalls, and that’s what I’m developing in the Extreme Levels.
You’ve isolated the “Lesbos” card as today’s Source of External Influence, and now it’s just a matter of running it out, which means getting into the Orb and running your Avatar through the Orb — you ought to know the route by now.
I intentionally made the decor, particularly walls and ceilings, out of huge sheets of pure gold, for a number of profound esoteric reasons, but mainly because I didn’t want to “date” the Influence Orb by restricting it to just one culture — hence, a multi-culture level called the “INFLUENCE ORB” — which works effectively for all the targets you will find in your LEVEL 1 INFLUENCE DECK.
You might want to run the “CROSSING CARD” or the “FINAL OUTCOME” — they both produce results, but the results of each are quite different.
Sometimes you have to determine which INFLUENCE is the dominant, and there are ways to discover that, which every COACH should know.
I say “should know” — I make every effort, but cannot guarantee that the lesson stuck, but hey, listen, when you become a PLS COACH and turn PRO ORB RUNNER, we’ll talk about other more exotic decks with deeper levels of metaprogramming, and other types of card layouts and probes.
So — can you have a special Orb for each of all 30 target cards?
Why not? Because it isn’t needed — there’s no reason to use a different Orb every time you run out a PAST LIFE INFLUENCE.
The INFLUENCE ORB works perfectly well to untangle you from the PAST LIFE INFLUECES coming at you today, regardless of their time zone or other origin.
In fact, under some circumstances, you might not want to run the INFLUENCE ORB — maybe you get the feeling your Avatar needs “LOVE3 EXTREME ORB, or there might be another Orb that seems worthy of running for your Past Life Avatar.
The way the Orb is hooked up to the Ammy and Pendant will determine how it runs. It’s easy to master, once you get the secret. Again, it’s not that big a deal, but you wouldn’t intuit it necessarily for yourself.
The specialized and systematic running of Orbs and connecting the dots with Past Life Influences remains the province of advanced training and coaching, but it is something to consider.
At some point, you will experience very advanced INFLUENCE DECKS with targets that have their very own Orbs, because they are so unique — but that’s for later.
Let’s concentrate now on what’s available to you TODAY.
First of all, you need an INFLUENCE DECK. Secondly, you need an INFLUENCE ORB. Thirdly, you need an INFLUENCE AMMY.
Want extra power? Add an INFLUENCE PENDANT into the mix, and keep it in your Power Base & Candle.
That’s all there is to it, and you’re ready to run.
You eventually learn to tune yourself into the needs of your Avatar — most of the time, you’ll want to run the INFLUENCE ORB hand-in-hand with the INFLUENCE DECK –that’s the way they were designed, to intertwine and intermingle in quantum flex phasing.
It makes things easy to understand. But that’s how it ALWAYS works.
Quantum Entanglement is always at the root of any real magic, because magic is a form of communication.
For example, in PK arts — moving things with mind alone — the object is to CONTACT something from a distance, without physical means.
No problem, if you know how.
I have a course that teaches how to gain the amount of confidence and emotional control that you need to actively move an object with your mind.
Not at all hard, if you are Clear of Mind and Pure of Heart.
If not, you’re in for a tough grind.
One of my side tasks is to help reduce the amount of suffering of living beings, particularly humans.
The only way to do that is to outgrow the seductions of Planet Earth. Incredibly easy to accomplish, if you really want it, but DO you???
Hunger for “things” makes suffering.
The hilarious point is that those things, when you get right down to it, aren’t even really there.
The visible universe is not as palpable as you might think it is. For one thing, you never actually TOUCH anything, nor does anything actually TOUCH you, although you have sensations that tell you that something or other happened.
But it didn’t — it’s ALL illusion, not just some of it, and I’m here to tell you how to handle it.
Are you ready for enlightenment? I certainly hope so, because that’s just the first step in a long process of grinding down the rough spots on your soul.
Is there a fast track to Buddhahood? Yeah, there sure is, but are you willing to walk the walk?
You will note that running these new Orbs is a PALPABLE experience. That’s what everyone is reporting, and I’m not at all surprised — they were intended to have a powerful “Gut Effect”, and they do.
That means a visceral experience for your clients when you decide to go pro and become a coach.
When will that be?
It will happen when you come to understand that it’s not in the learning that learning happens, but in the teaching.
Until you teach a thing, you have no idea how much or little you actually know — and you might be surprised to grasp the enormity of your ignorance.
That can be remedied with cosmic consciousness and access to the Akashic Records, which is no problem when you have tools like the Orbs and the Decks, the Ammies and the SuperBeacon and Matrix array.
With a full rig, you’re in for some serious adventures.
Keep in mind that all my Extreme Orbs have the same warning on the opening screen and on the cover inserts of disks — “It’s Not a Game”.
Please take that seriously. It really ISN’T a game, and should not be taken lightly or done casually.

It’s not a game.
Orbs are magical operations that are carried out by YOU in the sub-microscopic world of quantum electronics.
They are equally as effective as any physical magical operation, and have the advantage of being enacted in the quantum world, thus ensuring their survival — in the quantum world, there is no entropy.
Nothing there to wear you down. Nothing actually makes contact with anything else, and reality is only one pixel deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.
Depression isn’t always physical, and it doesn’t always come from the present lifetime. There are root-causes for a lot of things that bother us today — things that are coming to us from thousands or tens of thousands or even millions of years in the past.
If you’re reading this, you can count on it being in the billions of years of experience with life, death, the universe and everything.
You don’t have to keep on suffering. There is an answer, but you’re going to have to stop waiting around for someone else to take action — it’s up to you.
So pick up the phone right now — you probably already have one in your hand, if you eat, sleep and work with it always in your grasp, as so many people do today.
My Orbs are not toys. The levels are not games, although they are built in a computer game environment.
The quantum world has its own existence, apart from the organic world, and it is possible to reach within it and to get in contact with your selves and former selves in many different worlds, in many different time zones, and in many different dimensions.
Sometimes your past self needs encouragement.
Through your action of running the Orb, you impart a sense of “completeness” and uplifting of the spirit in the face of constant adversity.
Once in a while, we all get discouraged.
When that happens, it pays to have friends upstairs. I’m making Orbs that contact BANDS of angels, SCORES of healing entities and more.
There isn’t anywhere you can’t go, anything you can’t do.
The secret is not to be doing it for yourself — that sort of enterprise is doomed to failure.
Working for the benefit of all beings everywhere, you will be given every opportunity to serve in that capacity, and the more dependable and reliant you are, the better.
There’s no competition.
It’s not a game. There’s nothing like what I make — actual magical operations conducted in cyberspace, spellcasting without a license, if you will.
Spellcasting has a bad reputation — I suspect that most folks today don’t have a clue that the word “reputation” has a meaning very similar to “rap” — but the bad reputation of the word “spellcasting” comes from rivalry between Christians and everybody else, especially pagans.
Pagans are automatically de-humanized so they can be ground down, a typical ploy of a threatened and very reduced in power formerly dominant world religion.
When you sit down at a restaurant and the waitress asks you for your order, do you immediately blurt out, “Dominican” or “Franciscan”???
If so, you’re a victim of Past Life Halitosis, and you need The Cure immediately, if not sooner.
There is no cure for Past Life Halitosis.
Anyone who tries to sell you one is selling something else. Be wary of imitations, especially when the original is already an imitation!
What does all that gibberish mean, anyway?
I dunno, was hoping you’d tell me.
See You At The Top!!!