Atlantis Hacks, Cheats & Codes

You enter a blackout state after Mortuary, and when you awaken from this deep, deep sleep, you find yourself on an island in an endless ocean. There is a tall metal building ahead of you, which seems to be your only option.

The land is unsettled, ravaged by earthquakes, but the worst is yet to come. You head toward the nearest building.

The metal-clad building seems harmless, at least for the moment. No birds fly, no animals roam the land, no insects, no flowers, no trees, no people. Everyone has gone deep underground, waiting for the final disaster to strike.

You will see an amulet on the left riser, and an American Book of the Dead on the right riser just on either side of the open door that leads into the nearby building. Be sure to take the amulet first, and wait for the acknowledgement from the Guide before turning to take the ABD.

When the acknowledgement has completed its cycle, go ahead and take the ABD, again waiting for the acknowledgement to complete its cycle before continuing on ahead. Waiting for each cycle to complete is how perfect timing is achieved to make a smooth, effective and elegant run.

As you walk through the building, a series of lifts will raise you to the higher levels. Be careful not to falter here — good timing will result in a smooth, easy walk. Bad timing will result in spills, falls and missed opportunities.

Note that at this time there is no obvious threat, but you are encouraged to get underground as quickly as possible, before the nukes actually hit the target, which is where you’re standing at the moment.

Be careful not to run too fast, or you’ll go right through the lift and into the water below, where you’ll have to make your way back up again through the front door and series of lifts.

Making each lift at the right time will mean that you learn to time your movement to coincide with the upward movement of the lifts. The platforms are designed to make this as easy as possible, so if you’re having trouble with the lifts, it’s you, not them.

You will easily reach the top level of the first building, the Hall of Records, although you won’t be able to access the records or files from this point. Ahead you’ll see several definite targets and a portal at the farthest point.

There is a metal bridge that connects the Hall of Records with the Hall of Mentation & Memory. You will find traversing it easy if you just keep moving straight ahead. Any movement to the sides can result in a fall and you’ll have to climb all the way up again from the ground level if you do manage to fall off this nice, wide bridge.

At the far end of the wide metal bridge, you’ll see the Hall of Mentation, and just ahead of that building, to the left and right, you’ll encounter a SuperBeacon on the left and a Matrix on the right, both of which can be picked up, but don’t pick up the second item until the acknowledgement is complete that you got the first one.

It is noteworthy that you can still fall off this platform, should you be so unwise as to wander off one or another of the sides. There is no reason to fall, yet some folks somehow manage to do exactly that. Take your time. Slow down before you get hurt.

As you near the Hall of Mentation, you will see on the right a tarot table with a reader standing nearby. Be sure to obtain a reading, which can be interpreted by a live coach.

Mentation is the act of intentional thinking, not the automatic flow of thoughts called “thinking” by modern humans. Mentation is conducted while open to higher influences, and is a concerted effort to take a Path of Logic through several different alternatives.

Within the Hall of Mentation are stored the maps and game files related to the Deep Self. These maps can be run and explored in order to open areas long closed or unused. When new realities emerge, they can be stored here for future incorporation in alternative universe patterns and plans.

Each “day” in the level has its own tarot reading and its own revelatory pathways and portals. It is important to miss NONE of them in your passage through each Bardo Station. Important Warning: Lessons Unlearned Will Be Repeated.

After your tarot reading, you can go through the portal at the back of the cove. Be aware that you are entering a deeply defended area, and that it’s best if you keep moving, but don’t get ahead of yourself. Keep your movement smooth and clean.

As you enter the Hall of Mentation, you will see a riser on which you will see a large switch, currently thrown to “RED”, which means the gateway is closed.

You will hit the switch, thus opening the gateway. Should you fail to pick up and wear your ammy, this gate will not open. Gateways and Portals only open when they are invoked and triggered. They don’t remain open when not in use, which is why many Earth Grid Portals seem to be empty rock faces and elaborately carved giant false doors.

Portals don’t remain open when not in use.

A guide will be asking you how you’re doing with this, and other questions. Feel totally free to respond however you like, in greater or lesser detail as you wish.

Be sure to wait until the Portal Doorway opens completely before venturing through the opening into the next space. You never know what you might run into.

Deep within the very center of the Hall of Mentation you will find yourself addressing a rather longish series of ramps and platforms rising into the far side of the hall.

It is vital that you keep moving, and even more important that you remain on the steel ramp without falling off, but if you do happen to fall off the extremely wide ramps onto the green rivet-studded floor below, you can walk back up the ramp again — no points are taken off for falling in these early levels, so just roll on, get back on the path and keep moving.

When you arrive at the highest ramp and platform, you’ll see a double line of Friendly Bardo Guides waiting to help you by chanting you through the portal.

Don’t dawdle around in here. They will eventually stop chanting. The whole point is to keep moving, don’t get hung up, don’t get attracted and drawn into things that look inviting and entertaining, yet don’t miss a single Checkpoint.

Every Checkpoint is carefully calculated to give you enough time to adjust to the previous Checkpoint’s requirements, yet not so long as to put it out of easy reach once the prior objective has been attained.

In short, you can’t activate Step 2 until you’ve completed Step 1, it’s as simple as that, and that’s pretty much the only Firm Objective Rule. Nothing Happens by Accident.

Make sure you don’t run past the final ammy in the Atlantis Set before moving on. You will need that amulet in the level that’s coming up, and you can’t leave this level without first obtaining that amulet, so be smart, get the amulet, THEN take the Portal.

Without the amulet, you can’t pass the Portal, so if you’re having trouble getting through it, you might have to find the ammy if it isn’t in your inventory (check by pressing the F6 button to view your inventory backpack) or repeat the level from scratch if you’ve managed to bung the thing up somehow and the RESET has slipped a cog.

The Portal Gateway takes you to a large lift or elevator floor that will descend deep into the bowels of Atlantis, hopefully before the nukes go off in airbursts above you. The air raid siren will signal the start of the attack, but by then you should be safely underwater. I do hope you brought some breathing gear or happen to have gills.

Your next stop will be WharfTown, after a short blackout into deep untroubled sleep. To monitor the results of this Bardo Action, consult the Organic Feedback Chart which has been prepared specifically for use by trained Bardo Coaches and no, you can’t get a chart at your local bookstore.

If you want access to the Student Store, you need to actually be on course. No sense reading the textbooks if you don’t intend to take the course, and as you know by now, it’s not just lecture and homework, there’s lab, too. Think about it — if you were willing to do all that to graduate high school and college, do you think you can at least do the same for your soul’s infinite and eternal journey???

See You At The Top!!!
