Muchado — that’s the Shakespearean way of saying “Much ado about nothing”, which is what the general atmosphere in Washington lately.
It doesn’t matter. World events are crowding in, and the space is getting smaller every day. Meanwhile, please accept these offerings from my creative table:
This next video is a result of the workshop — I made a song about making a song for a Broadway play, and this is it:
I wasn’t altogether convinced this character was the right one for the song, but he did a bang-up job, exactly what I was looking for — a real character.
Golden Mornings is an idea that originally came as part of a dialogue piece, but here it is in full song form, perfect for your next off-Broadway musical.
These songs all start out as poems, and then the music bed is added later.
Harry Nilsson told me about songwriting, “Ya gotta have a hook”. His songwriting almost always started with a hook, like “put the lime in the coconut”.
What do you suppose the songs will be about, written by Martian colonists?
Here’s the original version — sort of — of Green Felt Below Me — I like the banjo.
The next video deals with farming on Mars — the tune is reminiscent of Harry Nilsson’s “Cuddly Toy”, at least on the first verse.
Did you ever wake up feeling guilty for feeling blue? Believe it or not, most people are saddled with a bunch of guilt over feeling bad, and the guilt makes it worse, which starts a down-cycle that might not stop for quite a while.
Then, of course, there’s the therapy session, where you decide not to feel guilty for feeling blue, and re-live one-by-one all the events where you felt guilty for feeling blue, and then of course, you discover that it’s not just feeling blue that you feel guilty about. NOW we can discuss your therapy session hourly fees.
Enough binge-watching!
See You At The Top!!!