I don’t want to be a stickler, but actually, it’s not “Halloween”, it’s “Hallowe’en”, short for “All Hallows Evening”, when the ghosts of the dead came forth from their graves, the day before “All Saints Day”, November 1st. It is all so complicated.
It’s like Saint Nicholas was a son of a bitch and a mean man who left lumps of coal on Christmas Eve, and Christmas was a time when gangs of vandals roamed through the streets unopposed.
Aren’t humans fun?
Anyway, I’ve been writing socially relevant songs tonight, and I came up with seven that I thought would be all right, but it’s very subjective — not that your opinion is worth much, either, at least not on that issue.
I’ve been unleashing my videos at a fairly constant rate — I took a single night’s vacation from songwriting to critic — I listened to the songs I’ve been listing. All of them.
That’s a lot of videos. According to my software, I created 500 videos, but I’m not sure of the time-frame, but it’s probably a few months since I’ve had this video software.
That’s a lot of videos, but most of them don’t make it to market, meaning I self-edit those videos out of the line if they don’t measure up.
I don’t mean slightly. A video has to fall quite far outside the bounds to be rejected, but unavoidably, some are, and that’s that.
There’s only so much room on my hard drive, but don’t worry about me — I’ll be okay.
Well, maybe I won’t. Anyhow, here I am to tell the tale, and tell the tale I will.
Seven songs, each one about something totally different from the others, but all of them, except the Dawali Song, are performed in hip-hop funk style, which I hope meets your approval.
Again, if it doesn’t meet or exceed your expectations, go ahead and say so — I can take a lot of rejection.
It comes from sales. In sales, you get a lot of rejections for every acceptance, and you have to learn to let it bounce off you without harm.
A lot of depression comes from that sort of rejection that happens naturally when you interact with the public.
One solution is to never interact with the pubic. As a matter of fact, I recommend that course, but if it’s impossible, try to minimize your connection.
Keep all your friends strictly online and the friendships will last a lot longer and go better than if you actually show up face to face.
Well, if you’ve got a cell phone in hand, you won’t talk to each other anyway, as long as you have bars and can text.
Today I’m not posting my latest videos. Instead, I’m posting some fun videos that I think you might enjoy that I showed at the zoom meeting yesterday.
I’ve put them up on youtube. It helps if you watch on youtube, so the view counts, and it also helps if you like and subscribe.
Time to climb aboard the Bardo Bus for our daily video excursion!
See You At The Top!!!