The Cosmic Key

If you’ve been trying to get into the God-State, whether you succeeded or failed, one thing you did not have to your advantage was a quick device that would get you there instantly, into what is sometimes called “The World Next Door”, because the Kingdom is literally a hair’s breadth away.

I have such a button, also called the Great Key, and I’ll give it to you right now. You need to build a conceptual picture, using feelings, sensations and thoughts that creates a link that goes directly to the God State without fear.

Literally, it’s an “on-off” switch, and you can use it to jump back and forth with ease.

The Cosmic Key: Instant Access to the God State

What if everything you’ve ever questioned about reality—those strange sensations, the looping moments, the dissolving boundaries between you and the universe—could be neatly tied together? What if the overwhelming feeling of being watched, the sense that time itself is stuck on repeat, or the sudden realization that the entire universe is alive, weren’t random experiences, but signals from something far greater?

These experiences aren’t just chaotic moments of disorientation—they’re signs. Indicators that you are on the verge of tapping into a higher state of awareness.

We call it the God State, a space where you no longer question the boundaries of time, space, or even your identity. It’s where every strange sensation transforms from a confusing reality shift into an opportunity to see the universe from a cosmic perspective.

But how do you access this God State at will? How do you harness all these intense, often overwhelming moments, and transform them into something useful? That’s where the Cosmic Key comes in.

The Cosmic Key: Unleash the God State Instantly

After gathering years of experiences from individuals who’ve touched the God State—people who have felt the buzzing energy of the universe, who have watched time stand still, who have floated weightlessly in space—we’ve created a simple but profound tool: the Cosmic Key.

This key is not a physical object, but a method, a mantra, and a technique rolled into one. It’s designed to help you:

  • Access the God State instantly whenever you need it, bypassing the usual hurdles of meditation or lengthy practices.
  • Reframe disorienting sensations like time loops, shifting faces, and glowing lights into powerful gateways to higher consciousness.
  • Ground yourself in the vastness of the cosmos, using humor and lightness as your anchor, with the playful phrase “Oh, no, not this again!” guiding you back to your center.

Imagine: with the Cosmic Key, you’ll no longer fear losing control or being overwhelmed by the strange and the surreal. Instead, you’ll welcome these experiences as part of your cosmic toolkit—a collection of signals designed to help you break free of conventional reality and see the universe in its purest form.

Making the Mix or “Bundle”

First, we have to build up a group of thoughts, sensations and feelings, which we gather under one canopy, or Bundle, “The Key”, which consists of a powerful mantra, “Oh, no, not this again!” which will eventually invoke the entire set of feelings, sensations and thoughts described in the induction below. One phrase unlocks all these at once, after you have self-entrained to automatically make the connections. Repetition is the most important factor.

In the following induction, I indicated in boldface where we are in the process, but you aren’t expected to read those in as part of the induction. They’re just in there for your guidance and orientation throughout the induction process, as a way of keeping track of where you are in the induction, like stage instructions.


God-State Induction: “Oh, No, Not This Again!”

[Introduction: Deepening Relaxation]
Take a deep breath in… and as you exhale, let your body relax. Feel your muscles softening, your mind letting go of any tension, allowing yourself to sink deeper into this moment. With every breath, you can feel yourself becoming more and more at ease.

Your eyelids feel heavy… almost as though they want to close on their own. And as you struggle to remain awake and alert, you feel a sense of peacefulness wash over you. You’re drifting into a space where the boundaries between the familiar and the unknown start to blur, where the lines between waking and dreaming fade. You are deeply relaxed.

[Stage 1: Perceptual Shifts]
Now imagine that you’re in a place where communication happens without words. You start to sense other people’s thoughts. You wonder if they can hear yours, too. It’s as if your mind is an open book, with thoughts flowing freely between you and the world around you. Do you know what I know right now? The idea is strange, but familiar… Oh, no, not this again.

Time itself starts to feel… wrong. It’s as if the moment you’re in is repeating over and over, like an old record stuck on a loop. You can’t quite tell if time is speeding up or slowing down, or if it’s stopped altogether. And as this feeling dawns on you, it’s hard not to think… Oh, no, not this again.

Look closely at the faces around you, even your own reflection. They start to shift, morph, changing from one face to another. The boundaries between identities blur, and you start to wonder who or what you’re looking at. And of course, you can only sigh, Oh, no, not this again.

[Stage 2: Physical and Environmental Shifts]
You begin to notice faint glowing lights around objects, or perhaps around people. A gentle aura surrounds everything, pulsing with life. This glow is both beautiful and surreal. And once again, you smile to yourself, Oh, no, not this again.

The room you’re in feels like the only place that exists. It’s as if the universe has shrunk to this very space, with nothing beyond these walls. The idea that there’s a world outside this room feels impossible. As this sensation deepens, you can’t help but think… Oh, no, not this again.

The phone rings and you have a conversation, but you know there’s no one on the other end. Oh, no, not this again!

You hear whispers now, conversations drifting through the air, but there’s no one there. It’s as if you’re hearing echoes from another world, another time, and you realize… Oh, no, not this again.

[Stage 3: Body and Time Distortions]
Your body feels different. It’s shifting, dissolving, almost melting into the space around you. One moment, you feel solid, and the next, you feel like a mist, barely there. The boundaries between your body and the environment have disappeared. As you sink deeper into this strange sensation, you think… Oh, no, not this again.

Objects around you seem to be changing too—melting, warping, shifting in size and shape. It’s like they’re made of liquid, flowing in ways that don’t make sense. And as you watch the world shift around you, a familiar thought comes to mind… Oh, no, not this again.

Everything feels alive now. Even inanimate objects seem to pulse with energy, like they’re just as conscious as you are. The universe itself feels alive, like it’s breathing along with you. And as you recognize this, you think… Oh, no, not this again.

[Stage 4: Paranoia and Cosmic Sensations]
Suddenly, everything is buzzing. There’s a hum of energy in the air, vibrating through everything around you—even your own body. It’s as though the universe itself is humming with life. And as the buzz fills the space, you can’t help but think… Oh, no, not this again.

A sudden wave of heat hits you. It’s unbearably hot, like the air around you has become a furnace. You’re sweating, but no one else seems to notice. The heat is overwhelming, and once again, you think… Oh, no, not this again.

Then, it’s the opposite. The air turns freezing cold. Your body shivers, even though everything around you remains unchanged. The chill is deep, and it makes you feel strangely alone in the cold… Oh, no, not this again.

As you drift further, you look up and realize… you’re in space. Floating among the stars, the vast emptiness of the universe stretches around you. The ceiling disappears, and you’re weightless, surrounded by the infinite void. A quiet voice inside you says… Oh, no, not this again.

[Stage 5: Control and Release]
Now, it feels like everything is out of your control. You can feel reality slipping away, no longer something you can grasp. You’re losing control, and the sensation is overwhelming. And as you feel this, the thought comes again… Oh, no, not this again.

You find yourself wondering, “Why is it always me? Why am I the one experiencing all of this? Why do I have to be in charge?” It’s as though the entire trip, this whole journey, is yours to navigate… and you can’t help but sigh… Oh, no, not this again.

[Stage 6: Resolution]
But now, as the experience deepens, you realize something important. These sensations, these shifts, are not random. They are part of something larger, something profound. The God State. The universe unfolding within you and around you. You are at the edge of creation itself. And as you realize this, a smile forms… Oh, no, not this again.

Take a deep breath in… and as you exhale, feel yourself reconnecting with the present moment. Grounded, centered, aware. You can always return here, to this awareness. And when the sensations arise again, or whenever you wish to visit the God State, you can simply smile and say… Oh, no, not this again.


Why the Cosmic Key Works

  1. It Bundles All Experiences into One Trigger Phrase:
    Instead of treating the mind-bending sensations of the God State as random, the Cosmic Key teaches you to recognize them as connected. Telepathic communication, body morphing, time warps—they’re not separate events. They’re part of a greater, cohesive whole.
  2. It Uses Humor to Ground You:
    The phrase “Oh, no, not this again!” does more than just make you laugh—it anchors you. By lightening the intensity of the moment, you remain in control. It’s an instant reminder that you’ve been here before, and you can navigate it again with ease.
  3. It Transforms Fear into Power:
    The Cosmic Key gives you the ability to turn disorienting or paranoid sensations into entry points for the God State. Instead of fearing the unknown, you’ll welcome it with open arms, knowing that these moments are the doorways to something far greater.
  4. It’s Instant:
    Unlike traditional methods that require time, patience, and practice, the Cosmic Key is an immediate trigger. It’s designed to give you control of your state instantly, on the spot — whether you’re in the middle of a daily task, or entering into deep meditation.


The God State: Why It’s More Than Just a Spiritual Concept

Imagine a state of mind where the boundaries between you and the universe fade, where time seems to stop or expand, and where you can see beyond the surface of reality. Sounds impossible? Maybe even a bit “out there”? But before you dismiss it, let’s break it down in a way that makes sense even to the most skeptical of minds.

It’s Not Mysticism—It’s Mental Mastery

The God State is often misunderstood as something mystical or unattainable, but at its core, it’s about mastering your own mind. Think of it as accessing the highest level of awareness, where you gain insight into how your thoughts, emotions, and perceptions shape your experience of reality.

We already know that the brain is capable of extraordinary things—neuroscience tells us that most of us are only tapping into a fraction of our cognitive potential. The God State is like flipping a switch, allowing you to access a more expansive mode of thinking, where limitations fall away and possibilities open up.

Reality Isn’t as Solid as You Think

Modern physics has shown us that reality is far more flexible than we ever imagined. Quantum mechanics, for example, reveals that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, and that our observation influences their behavior. In a similar way, the God State allows you to perceive reality as something fluid and responsive to your mind’s input.

In this state, you become acutely aware of the connection between your thoughts and your surroundings. You start to notice that time can feel elastic, that space can stretch, and that your mind has far more influence over how you experience the world than you ever realized.

More Awareness = More Control

At its heart, the God State isn’t about surrendering to some abstract spiritual ideal—it’s about gaining control over your mind and environment. When you enter this state, you can:

  • Navigate complex situations with clarity and ease, as if time itself slows down and you can see all the angles.
  • Overcome stress and anxiety by transcending the mental loops that normally trap you.
  • Access deep insights into problems or decisions, as though your mind is processing on a higher level.

Skeptical? Consider this: Athletes, artists, and high-level performers often describe being in “the zone,” a mental state where everything flows effortlessly, and time seems to slow down. That’s a glimpse of what the God State is like—only it’s not limited to a performance; it can become your everyday experience.

It’s a Tool for the Modern World

The world we live in is faster, more complex, and more overwhelming than ever before. We’re constantly bombarded by information, decisions, and stresses. The God State offers a practical escape—a way to step outside the chaos and regain control over how you engage with reality.

This isn’t about meditating on a mountaintop or detaching from life. It’s about enhancing your life by unlocking a state where you’re more present, more aware, and more in command. It’s like having a secret switch that lets you pause, reset, and re-enter the flow of life with heightened clarity and power.

Immediate, Measurable Benefits

Still skeptical? Consider the immediate, measurable benefits of achieving the God State:

  • Increased focus: Your mind operates on a higher level, allowing you to concentrate deeply and effectively, cutting through distractions.
  • Reduced stress: By seeing time and events from a broader perspective, you can handle stress with a calm, clear mind.
  • Enhanced creativity: When you’re in the God State, your brain connects ideas in new and innovative ways, helping you solve problems and think outside the box.

Accessing the God State is Simpler Than You Think

You don’t need to believe in anything mystical or subscribe to any complex philosophy to access the God State. It’s already within you—it’s just a matter of recognizing the signs and using simple techniques to enter that space.

One of the key tools is humor. That’s right—humor. With a simple mantra like “Oh no, not this again!” you can instantly diffuse the intensity of the moment and regain your footing, using humor as a bridge to higher awareness. This playful approach allows you to navigate the complexities of reality without getting overwhelmed.

Curious? Give It a Try

You don’t need to take anyone’s word for it—just try it for yourself. What’s the worst that could happen? You might just find that there’s more to your mind, more to reality, and more to life than you previously thought. The God State isn’t a myth or a mystery—it’s a tool for modern life, a way to unlock your brain’s full potential and see the world with new eyes.


Step Into the God State with Confidence

With the Cosmic Key, you no longer have to wait for the right moment to experience cosmic awareness. You don’t need elaborate rituals, long hours of practice, or confusing techniques. The power is now in your hands—literally.

The universe has been waiting for you to unlock its secrets. The Cosmic Key is your instant pass into The God State. Are you ready to turn the key, and step into a new level of awareness?


We’re talking about altered states, not faith. Science meets the mind in the God State.

  • “Master Your Reality: The Ultimate Journey into the God State”
  • “The Cosmic Mind Hack: Unlocking the Secrets of Consciousness”
  • “Reality Unbound: How to Access the God State and Rewrite Your World”
  • “The God State Blueprint: Take Control of Your Mind and Everything Else”
  • “Beyond the Mind: Harnessing the Power of the God State”
  • “Break Reality: Your Guide to the God State and Total Awareness”
  • “Hack the Universe: The Guide to God-Level Consciousness”
  • “The God State Formula: Rewire Your Brain, Redefine Reality”
  • “Unleash the God State: Reclaim Your Power, Control Your World”
  • “Own the Universe: The Ultimate Path to God Consciousness”


and now, it’s time to board our Bardo Bus for today’s thrilling adventure!

See You At The Top!!!
