Ride the Cosmic Elevator

How to Identify the God-State Effects:

  1. “Do you feel as though you instantly have access to an overwhelming amount of infinitely-extending higher knowledge, along with a flood of universal insights, as if you suddenly know everything all at once?”
  2. “Are you experiencing a sensation of melting into and merging with the universe, where you no longer feel separate from everything around you, extending outward to the boundary of the universe?”
  3. “Do you feel an overwhelming sense of joy, peace, or love, that seems to transcend everything, and fill your entire being with blissful euphoria?”
  4. “Are you suddenly in telepathic communication, a direct mental connection with everyone and every thing, including animals, and even inanimate objects, feeling as if you can communicate with anyone or anything, without words?”
  5. “Do you notice meaningful coincidences or patterns in events, as if everything is interconnected and happening for a reason?”
  6. “Do you see your life and the world from a vast, cosmic perspective, along with a feeling of joy, and a sense of humility or awe about this universe of yours?”
  7. “Are you feeling others’ emotions intensely, as if their joy, sorrow, or experiences are your own?”
  8. “Are you experiencing memories or visions that feel like they come from other lifetimes, spiritual realms, or non-human perspectives?”
  9. “Do you see colorful fields of energy or auras around people, animals, or objects, feeling like they reflect spiritual states or vibrations?”
  10. “Do you have a sense that you are being watched from somewhere, that you are being cared for and guided by a higher power, spirit, or unseen presence?”
  11. “Do you feel like you are floating, flying, or have no weight, as if your body is disconnected from normal physical laws?”
  12. “Are you experiencing an acute hyper-clarity awareness of the present moment, where everything feels incredibly vivid and full of complex and intricate meaning and significance?”
  13. “Have you had sudden realizations or understandings of Universal Truths about life, death, reality, or the divine, that feel vivid, profound and all-encompassing?”
  14. “Do you feel detached, like you are merely observing your life or experience, as if you are a witness to everything unfolding?”
  15. “Do you feel a deep sense of connection with nature, as though you can communicate or merge with plants, animals, or the earth itself?”
  16. “Are you seeing complex geometric patterns, fractals, or sacred shapes, feeling like they reveal a divine order or universal design?”
  17. “Do you feel that your thoughts have the power to directly influence or create reality, blurring the line between imagination and the physical world?”
  18. “Are you experiencing a sense of being a creator or a Divine Being, with a deep feeling of power and responsibility over your surroundings?”
  19. Are you feeling as if you’ve been tricked into waking up?”
  20. Are you feeling sad because it’s always your trip, and that there is no other trip?”
  21. “Do you feel that the universe is one big joke, and the joke is on you?”

Using These Questions

These questions can help someone identify what they are experiencing and can serve as a gentle guide to understanding their current state. By reflecting on these questions, they can become more aware of the nature of their heightened state, whether it’s a spiritual awakening, a profound psychedelic experience, or something else entirely.


Here are some more induction ideas to help guide yourself or someone else into the “God State” or a heightened state of awareness. These additional inductions are designed to creatively engage different senses, thought patterns, and emotional states to facilitate entry into an altered state of consciousness, and were intended to be used at workshops and seminars.

Additional Induction Ideas

  1. Heartbeat Synchronization
    “Close your eyes and place your hand on your heart. Feel your heartbeat. Now, imagine that your heartbeat is synchronizing with the heartbeat of the universe. Feel each beat echo through your body and out into the cosmos, creating a rhythm that connects you to all living things.”
  2. Mirror Meditation
    “Sit in front of a mirror, gaze softly at your reflection. As you breathe, let go of the need to recognize the face in the mirror. See your face shift, change, and morph, revealing different aspects of your deeper self, past lives, or archetypal images. Allow your mind to expand as your reflection becomes a portal to another dimension.”
  3. The Third Eye Focus
    “Close your eyes and focus on the space between your eyebrows, your third eye. Visualize a point of light there, glowing and pulsing with every breath. As you breathe in, feel this light grow brighter, expanding to fill your head with warmth. As you breathe out, feel the light connect you to the divine consciousness, opening a pathway to universal understanding.”
  4. Inner Temple Journey
    “Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking toward a magnificent temple. Each step brings you closer to its entrance. As you step inside, notice the details around you: the pillars, the light, the smell of incense. In the center of the temple, see a glowing figure—it is your highest self, your divine essence. Approach this figure, feel the merging of energies, and listen to any messages or wisdom that come to you in this state.”
  5. Galactic Expansion Exercise
    “Imagine yourself lying on the surface of a vast planet, feeling its energy beneath you. Now, expand your awareness outward, seeing the stars above, the galaxies beyond, and the vastness of the universe. Keep expanding until you feel your consciousness encompass the entire cosmos. Feel the boundless nature of your spirit, connected to all that exists.”
  6. Sacred Sound Chanting
    “Begin by chanting a simple mantra or sacred syllable, like ‘Om’ or ‘Ah.’ Feel the vibration of the sound in your body, resonating from your chest to your throat, and then to the crown of your head. As you chant, visualize the sound waves expanding outwards, connecting you to all beings who have ever chanted this sacred sound, merging your voice with the voice of the divine.”
  7. Scrying into Water
    “Fill a bowl with water and sit comfortably before it. Gaze into the water’s surface, focusing on the reflections and ripples. Let your vision blur slightly, allowing the water to become a window to other realms. Watch for images, symbols, or faces that emerge in the water. Let them speak to you, revealing hidden knowledge or guidance.”
  8. Journey Through Breath
    “Begin a deep breathing practice, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling slowly through your mouth. As you breathe, imagine that each inhale is a step upward on a golden staircase. With each exhale, feel yourself relax deeper into a state of peace. Continue climbing, step by step, until you reach a doorway of light at the top. Step through, into a space of infinite possibility.”
  9. Astral Projection Preparation
    “Lie down in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine a silver cord extending from the top of your head, connecting you to the stars above. Feel your body becoming lighter with each breath, as if you are gently lifting away from the earth. Focus on the silver cord, knowing it will guide you safely wherever you need to go. Allow your spirit to rise, exploring the dimensions beyond the physical world.”
  10. Elemental Connection Ritual
    “Choose an element—earth, water, fire, or air—and imagine becoming one with it. If you choose earth, feel your body heavy and solid, like a mountain. If you choose water, feel yourself flowing and adapting, like a river. For fire, feel the heat and passion, a flickering flame within. For air, imagine lightness, freedom, and the ability to move through space effortlessly. Allow yourself to fully embody this element, feeling its qualities and energies flow through you.”
  11. Sacred Movement Dance
    “Put on some rhythmic, meditative music and close your eyes. Begin moving slowly, allowing your body to follow the music without thought or restriction. Let your movements become a form of prayer or meditation, expressing the divine energy flowing through you. Dance as if the universe itself is moving you, feeling each motion as a conversation with the cosmos.”

Using These Inductions

These new induction ideas offer a variety of approaches to guide someone into a God State or heightened awareness, tapping into different senses, visualizations, and body-mind connections. They can be used as standalone exercises or combined with other practices to create a deeper, more expansive experience.


Here’s a series of actions, meditations, or practices that someone can use to help themselves “come down” from a previously induced God State or heightened state of consciousness. These exercises are designed to help them reconnect with their body, the present moment, and a sense of groundedness.

Practical Actions and Meditations to Come Down from the God-State:

  1. Grounding Touch
    Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Place your hands flat on the ground or on your thighs. Focus on the sensation of your hands touching the surface. Feel the texture, temperature, and pressure. Allow yourself to feel the solidness beneath you, imagining that your energy is flowing out through your hands and feet into the earth, grounding you firmly in the present moment.
  2. Anchoring Affirmations
    Repeat grounding affirmations to yourself, such as: “I am here, I am safe, I am in my body.” Say this repeatedly either aloud or silently, and let each repetition draw you back just a little bit at a time, into your physical presence, calming your mind and reaffirming your connection to the material world.
  3. Cold Water Splash
    Go to a clean sink or bathroom and splash cold water on your face and wrists. Feel the shock of the coldness bringing your awareness back to your body and the present moment. Imagine the water washing away any residual feelings of disorientation or elevation, refreshing and revitalizing you.
  4. Mindful Eating
    Eat a small, simple snack like a small piece of fruit, a tiny handful of nuts, or a single cracker. If you can’t eat, then drink a small sip of water and wait a few moments before trying again. Focus your attention on the taste, texture, and sensation of chewing and swallowing. Pay close attention to each bite, feeling the nourishment and grounding effects of the food as it enters your body, reconnecting you with the physical world.
  5. Weighted Blanket or Pressure
    If available, lie down under a weighted blanket or wrap yourself in a heavy quilt. Feel the pressure of the weight on your body, reminding you of your physical presence. Allow the sensation of heaviness to pull you back into your body, grounding you in a comforting embrace.
  6. Nature Connection
    Go outside, if possible, and find a patch of grass, a tree, or a garden. Touch the earth, a leaf, or a rock. Focus on the textures and sensations. Breathe in the fresh air deeply, filling your lungs. Feel the solidity and rootedness of nature, and imagine yourself as part of this grounded, living ecosystem.
  7. Tapping Technique (EFT)
    Use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping by lightly tapping different points on your body, such as your temples, chest, or the base of your neck, while repeating calming phrases like “I am calm, I am present.” This practice helps to rewire the nervous system and bring attention back to the physical body.
  8. Self-Massage or Body Awareness
    Gently massage your hands, feet, arms, and legs. Focus on the sensations of touch, applying gentle pressure to different parts of your body. As you massage, imagine each touch connecting you more deeply to your physical form, bringing you back to a sense of embodiment.
  9. Focus on Breath with Counting
    Take slow, deep breaths, and count each inhale and exhale. Inhale for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for six. Repeat this cycle several times, focusing entirely on the rhythm of your breathing and the counting. Let each breath bring you back into a state of calm and presence.
  10. Physical Movement or Exercise
    Engage in light physical activities like walking, stretching, or simple yoga poses, if you are able to move at all. Work to feel your muscles engage and release with each movement. Notice how your body moves, and let each step anchor you further into the present moment, helping to dissipate the heightened energy.
  11. Guided Visualization for Grounding
    Close your eyes and imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet deep into the earth. Feel these roots extending down through layers of soil and rock, anchoring you firmly to the ground. Imagine the energy from your heightened state being drawn down through these roots, dissipating safely into the earth, leaving you calm and grounded.
  12. Reciprocal or Shared Breathing with a Partner
    Sit with a trusted partner and synchronize your breathing. When you inhale, your partner exhales, creating a rhythm of shared breath. Feel the connection with another  being, letting it draw you out of the elevated state and back into the shared reality of the present moment. This can also be a method of induction — it can be used somewhat like a toggle switch, in which the same switch turns it off as turns it on, and vice-versa, or likewise.
  13. Listening to Grounding Sounds
    Listen to calming sounds like rain, ocean waves, or gentle drumming. Let the steady, repetitive rhythm anchor your mind, pulling your awareness back to the here and now. Use sound as a bridge between the elevated state and your grounded physical reality.
  14. Connecting with Loved Ones
    Reach out to a close friend or family member. Engage in a simple conversation, focusing on their voice and presence. Feel their grounding energy, and let the human connection help bring you back to a shared reality.

Additional Tips for Grounding

  • Hydrate: Drink water slowly, savoring each sip.
  • Focus on Body Sensations: Wiggle your toes, feel your heartbeat, or notice your breath.
  • Create a Grounding Ritual: Develop a personal ritual, such as lighting a candle or sitting on a specific chair, to symbolize grounding.

These actions and meditations can help someone transition back to a more grounded state after experiencing the expansive and often overwhelming sensations of the God State, and they have found use beyond that need, into the realm of the universal quest.


Here are some new grounding techniques to help someone reconnect with their physical reality and bring themselves down from a heightened state of consciousness, like the God State:

New Grounding Techniques

  1. Weighted Object Grounding Hold a small, heavy object, like a stone or a piece of metal. Focus on the weight of the object in your hand, the coolness or warmth, and its texture. Feel the gravity pulling it down, anchoring you to the earth. Imagine your heightened state being absorbed into the density of the object, grounding you firmly in the present.
  2. Feet on Earth Meditation If possible, go barefoot outside. Stand with your feet directly on the earth—grass, dirt, or sand. Feel the texture and temperature under your feet. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet into the ground, connecting you deeply to the earth. With each breath, feel the earth’s energy rising through your roots, grounding and balancing you.
  3. Salt Bath or Foot Soak Prepare a warm bath or a foot soak with Epsom salt or sea salt. As you soak, focus on the sensation of the water surrounding your body or feet. Feel the salt pulling out any residual energy from the heightened state, cleansing and purifying you. Imagine the water absorbing the excess energy, bringing you back to calm and centeredness.
  4. Gratitude Grounding Take a moment to write down five things you are grateful for in your immediate environment. Focus on the details—why you’re grateful, how these things make you feel, and the physical sensations associated with them. This exercise helps to anchor your awareness in the present moment by directing your thoughts toward positive, tangible realities.
  5. Grounding with Stones or Crystals Hold a grounding stone or crystal, such as hematite, black tourmaline, or smoky quartz, in your hand. Close your eyes and feel the stone’s energy merging with yours. Visualize the stone absorbing any excess energy and channeling it into the earth. Use this as a focal point to bring yourself back into a balanced, grounded state.
  6. Shaking or Vibrational Grounding Stand up and gently shake your body—starting from your hands, then your arms, shoulders, torso, and down to your legs. Shake off any residual energy from the heightened state. Imagine the vibrations moving through your body, releasing any tension or emotional charge into the ground beneath you. Continue shaking until you feel lighter and more connected to your body.
  7. Counting in Reverse Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Start counting backward from 100 in a calm, slow voice, either aloud or in your mind. Focus on each number, and if your mind wanders, gently bring it back to the counting. This exercise helps distract the mind from overwhelming thoughts and brings it back to a more logical, grounded state.
  8. Hot and Cold Sensory Reset Alternate between hot and cold sensations to reset your sensory system. Hold a warm cup of tea or place a warm cloth on your skin, then switch to holding an ice cube or dipping your fingers in cold water. Focus on the contrasting sensations and how they feel against your skin. This contrast helps to bring attention back to the body, calming the mind.
  9. Friction Grounding with Sand or Grains Fill a bowl with sand, rice, or small grains. Run your fingers through it slowly, feeling the texture, weight, and temperature. Notice the sensation of friction against your skin. This tactile engagement brings awareness back to your hands and the physical world, helping to anchor you in the present moment.
  10. Earthing Breath While sitting or standing, breathe deeply and visualize drawing energy up from the earth with each inhale and releasing any excess energy back into the earth with each exhale. Feel the connection between your body and the ground, imagining the earth absorbing any heightened or overwhelming energy, leaving you feeling stable and balanced.
  11. Gum Chewing or Sucking on Hard Candy
    Chew a piece of gum or suck on a hard candy. Focus on the taste and texture in your mouth. This simple action helps engage your sense of taste and can serve as a mindful distraction, bringing you back to the present moment and reducing feelings of disorientation. Of course, if you can’t manage the food thing yet, you can wait a while to use this method of ejection from the state.
  12. Listening to Natural Ambient Sounds
    Play ambient sounds of nature, such as a forest, ocean waves, or rain. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in these natural sounds, imagining you are in that environment. Let the sounds transport you to a calm, grounding place, allowing you to feel more centered and connected to the earth.

Integrating New Grounding Techniques

These techniques offer fresh and varied ways to help someone reconnect with their body and the present moment, especially after experiencing an elevated or disorienting state. By engaging different senses, physical sensations, and mental exercises, they can guide someone gently back to a state of balance and calm.

If you want to explore further, have me create for you a customized grounding routine, or have other specific, maybe unique, needs — let me know, but first, let’s board the bus!

See You At The Top!!!