
I have 60 works on paper, mostly ink and/or charcoal, at $450 retail.

Loakdgin? Goabbk.


I sorta wanted ta leave it at “goabbk kmbbobn”, but I can’t resist mentioning the totally unzipped crazy wacko rumor going around the social media platforms that immigrants kill and eat family pets like dogs, cats, horses, armadillos — any pet is fair game for this theory.

Believe me, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard  something like this, and it was always about one or another minority, generally immigrants, but it’s just not true.

First of all, people all over the world eat dogs, bred for the purpose, and other animals are game for the table, including turtles.

That story about immigrants eating household pets is such an old herring, it shouldn’t be sold as an edible herb, but it’s all over the internet, posted as a “known truth”.

Total absurdities are taken as gospel by many folks, and they never question the source.

The thing is, when a friend of mine bought a nearby farm which he turned into a giant ashram right down the road apiece from here, they were one day suddenly accused of stealing and eating their neighbor’s chickens — which said chickens actually turned up a while later, not dead in the slightest.

The people who opened this ashram up were leadership, not newbies, and their behavior and general conduct were exemplary — which means good — in every respect.

They pointed out that they don’t eat chickens, not even on a bet, so instead of accepting this, the organically persistently suspicious and fearful neighbors assumed they had sold them to prevent being caught with them.

As I said, the chickens had gotten loose, is all that happened, but the accusations hurt, or at least, they certainly don’t help.

Eventually, those neighbor folks got used to them furriners comin’ and goin’, and they get along just fine, now. At least, it’s been peaceful the past 35 years, give or take a month.

So while the world is crumbling under our very asses, let’s get our tour going now:

See You At The Top!!!
