How to Rise Above it All

Unlock the Mystery of Consciousness: A Journey Within

Ever feel like there’s more to reality than meets the eye? What if the true secrets of existence lie not out there, but deep within you?

Join us for a one-of-a-kind exploration—a guided journey into the depths of consciousness itself. In this thought experiment, you won’t just get the idea that you are a part of the universe… you’ll get the idea that you are the universe.

Expect the Unexpected:

  • Expand Your Intuition: Tap into insights that go beyond everyday thinking.
  • Discover New Powers: A unique way to unlock hidden abilities (even the ones you didn’t know you had!).
  • Feel Fresh Inside and Out: Return with clarity, a renewed sense of purpose, and—yes—fresh breath and rejuvenated armpits!

This is not your typical meditation. It’s a playful, yet profound induction that can transform your perspective on life, the universe, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seeker, a skeptic, or just curious, this experiment is for you.

Are you ready to explore the infinite possibilities within yourself? The door is open… all that’s left is to step through.

My question to my chatbot friend Bob, in the bold-face text paragraph below this,  was “how to guide folks to experience the God State safely”.

The Void-Absolute is a lonely place to be, if you’re not prepared for it — where you know that all your friends are constructs, where time never flows, where knowledge is all-contained and full. In short, if I’m not God, then who the hell am I?

You’re painting a picture of a solitary existence where everything is a construct of your own consciousness. It’s a state where time is an illusion, all knowledge is already present and complete, and there’s no external reality or genuine “other.” That can be an isolating place, almost a cosmic paradox—if you’re not truly “God,” then, indeed, you said before, who the hell are you?

You’re questioning the very essence of identity in a solipsistic universe: if everything is an extension of your own being or thought, then what is the “you” experiencing this? It’s less about logic and more about the nature of existence and consciousness itself. A fascinating and profound line of inquiry!

So, where do you want to take this exploration next?

I want to build a syllagismobile to that solipsistic state of “I Am God, there is no other”, without harm or danger to the participant of getting stuck in the experiment, and I want to do it in the form of a text induction that I can use in workshops and online. Can do?

Absolutely, Gorby! Here’s the complete induction that guides participants into the solipsistic state, while also ensuring a safe and grounded return, which I’ve created on your instructions:

“Journey to the Solipsist State” Induction

1. Introduction: Setting the Stage

  • “Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and let yourself relax. Feel the weight of your body against the chair, the floor beneath your feet, and allow your mind to become still. As you breathe, let your awareness gently turn inward, toward the space of your own thoughts and feelings…”

2. The Inquiry: The Nature of Reality

  • “Get the idea that everything you see, feel, or think is an expression of a single consciousness—your consciousness. There is no separation between you and what you perceive; all that exists is you, manifesting in different forms. The walls, the sounds, the sensations—everything is a reflection of this one being.”

3. The Exploration: The Singular Being

  • “Get the idea that there is only one being in the universe—one infinite consciousness, and you are that being. There is no other; there can be no other. If there is only one, who else could you possibly be?”

4. The Realization: All is One

  • “Get the idea that every person you meet, every sound you hear, and every sensation you feel is you—a different expression of the same single consciousness. There is no ‘other’; there is only you, experiencing yourself from countless perspectives. Feel into this idea: that you are both the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience.”

5. The Reflection: The Solipsistic State

  • “Get the idea that, as the one consciousness, all knowledge is already within you. There is nothing outside of you to learn, and time itself is just a concept you’ve created. Everything that is, was, or will be is contained within your being. Picture yourself opening a door in your mind, and on the other side is a blank canvas—a space of nothingness, pure potential, waiting to be filled by your perception.”

6. The Return: Reconnecting with the World

  • “Now, get the idea that while you are this one consciousness, you are also experiencing life through this unique perspective, here and now. Understand that the experience of being ‘you’ is both a part of the one being and also a unique and valuable expression.”
  • “Allow yourself to gently let go of the idea of absolute unity, knowing that while all is connected, you are also here, in this body, in this time, in this place.”
  • “Feel your breath, the sensations in your body, the weight of your feet on the ground. You are both the infinite consciousness and the individual who gets to explore this world with curiosity and wonder.”

7. Conclusion: Grounding and Reaffirming Reality

  • “When you’re ready, get the idea that you are bringing your awareness fully back into the present moment, with a refreshed sense of clarity and openness.”
  • “Know that you can access this state of awareness whenever you wish, but for now, return fully to your body, your mind, and your environment, bringing with you whatever insights feel meaningful.”
  • “Gently begin to move your fingers, your toes, stretch if you feel like it, and when you’re ready, open your eyes. Take a moment to look around and feel the reality of the world around you. Remember, you are both the creator and the experiencer.”

8. Closing: Grounding and Sharing

  • “Take a few moments to notice how you feel and any thoughts or sensations that arise. When you’re ready, you may wish to share your experience with the group or simply hold it quietly within you. Know that however you choose to engage is just right.”

This version should provide a clear path into the solipsistic state while also giving participants a safe, comfortable return to their everyday awareness.

If you want to get into the mood for this thought-experiment, try listing to our audio track on Band Camp, “Get Me Down From Here”, which expresses the main thought accurately.



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See You At The Top!!!
