Higher Consciousness Worries

Higher Consciousness Mantra Triggers:

  • I am seeing my most recent lifetime projected on the screen for my review.
  • It appears that the wide bubble of an imaginary hologram is a self-illuminated imaginary character that hallucinates the cosmos.
  • I feel funny and faint, what’s happening to me?
  • Are you saying that I’ve achieved emotional stability in the waking state only because I happen to have a couple of plush toy teddy bears, an iPhone, and a fuzzy plush toy named “Captain Walrus”?
  • You mean that I’m you know who?
  • There’s no one else to do it, so tag, I’m “it”.
  • Everything is tingling.
  • Everything is blending.
  • Everything is everything else. It’s all one.
  • There is no you, there is no me.
  • Reality is whatever you bump into.
  • You don’t have to do anything or go anywhere. You can just be here.
  • It’s all one thing. All phenomena is illusion.
  • You can’t change what is, but you can learn to like it.
  • While you’re asleep, you could do me a favor.
  • I know that all phenomena is illusion, including me.
  • I’m the one doing all this.
  • This is as dead as I get.
  • Why is it always my trip? Why can’t it ever be your trip?
  • I haven’t been paying much attention to the time.
  • So here we are again at the Magic Theater.
  • Gosh, did you implant a web cam into my forehead or something?
  • I keep dying every breath I take.
  • Something terrible is going to happen.
  • Oh no! Not this again.
  • I’m trembling, which must mean I’m afraid.
  • It’s hard to walk. I can’t stand up, but I can’t sit or lie down either.
  • It’s always the same room. It’s always the same day.
  • I feel like everything is expanding and contracting at the same time.
  • I can’t believe how exhausted I am. I have to rest, can’t seem to catch my breath.
  •  I have to keep moving.
  • I can’t detect a difference between spaces.
  • My face feels as if it’s sagging.
  • The sound is getting higher.
  • I’m afraid I’m going to panic.
  • It’s happening again.
  • Everything is tingling.
  • Everything is blending.
  • Everything is everything else.
  • You seem so old.
  • I can’t maintain.
  • It’s all falling apart.
  • I think I’m going to pass out.
  • I want to be small again.
  • I want to go inside and hide.
  • I can’t hold on any longer. I can’t maintain. I’m going to lose it.
  • I need some rest. I can’t go on anymore. It’s going on and on, and it will never stop.
  • My teeth are chattering, my hands are icy cold and sweating.
  • There are so many worlds to go to.
  • Oh no, not this again. It’s happening again. I’m blacking out.
  • every so often that creepy, scary chill comes over me from the back of the neck and I remember that everything in Norton Street is projected like a video from the computer chip that is my very essence.
  • You’ve all been laughing at me all this time.


Those are just a few “trigger commands” that have the potential to reawaken the God State, which is the goal of all religions and practices, although we don’t go as far as to recommend eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a human sacrifice, like some people in a variety of doomsday cults do every Sunday plus Christmas and July 4th.

One of the more effective triggers is: “Every so often, I wish I could play something other than solitaire endlessly alone, forever and ever.”

The source for the material in this blog is “Norton Street”, a play intended for you to perform either onstage or in zoom, containing all manner of triggering statements that are sure to send you to the moon. Here’s what some folks have said about “Norton Street”, the play:

“A mind-bending, hilarious, and deeply existential journey that leaves you questioning everything. ‘Norton Street’ is like a cosmic fun house mirror reflecting our deepest fears and absurdities.”

“Watching ‘Norton Street’ felt like peering into the human psyche through a kaleidoscope. It’s witty, surreal, and brilliantly captures the paradox of existence. Can’t wait for more!”

“A unique blend of humor and philosophy, ‘Norton Street’ takes you on a wild ride through the labyrinth of consciousness. It’s thought-provoking, funny, and unlike anything I’ve seen before!”

“The play is a masterpiece of existential comedy. It’s the kind of script that lingers in your mind long after the curtain falls. Each line feels like it’s reaching out to the cosmos.”

“Absolutely loved the blend of surrealism and stark reality in ‘Norton Street.’ It’s clever, absurd, and at times, deeply touching. A must-watch for anyone seeking more than just entertainment.”


The whole idea is sounding those words in the play out loud. That’s the whole thing — that’s exactly what makes it work, like a mantra or a koan. Give it a chance. This really works.


Here are some promotional ideas to help get “Norton Street”, which is downloadable and also available in script-style 8 1/2″ x 11″ printed form, in front of more people and generate excitement:

1. Social Media Teasers and Clips

  • Short Clips: Share engaging snippets of funny, dramatic, or thought-provoking moments from the play. These can be 15-30 seconds long and highlight the unique dialogue and atmosphere.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: Post videos or images showing the making of the play, rehearsals, actor interviews, and insights into the set design. This gives fans a glimpse into the creative process.
  • Character Spotlights: Introduce the characters of Bornless, Mike, Crystal, and Audrey with short character profiles and memorable lines from the play.

2. Audience Reactions and Reviews

  • Reaction Videos: Encourage audience members to film their reactions right after seeing the play or watching the video. These can be edited into a montage of audience feedback.
  • Quotes and Comments: Use some of the fictional commentaries I provided, along with real quotes from early viewers or participants, to create eye-catching graphics for social media.

3. Interactive Promotions

  • Virtual Watch Parties: Host online screenings of the play on platforms like YouTube Live, Facebook, or Zoom, followed by a Q&A session with the cast and creators.
  • Live Readings: Organize live readings of select scenes with the actors, allowing the audience to experience the energy of the performance in real time.
  • Audience Participation: Create a space for fans to share their interpretations or experiences of the play, maybe asking them how they would react if they found themselves on Norton Street.

4. Digital Content

  • Animated Short Clips: Create animated versions of some key scenes or lines to visually capture the surreal humor and existential themes.
  • Podcast Features: Get featured on podcasts that discuss theater, philosophy, or indie productions. Talk about the inspirations behind “Norton Street” and what makes it unique.

5. Merchandise and Collectibles

  • Limited-Edition Merchandise: Offer themed items like “Norton Street” T-shirts, mugs, or posters featuring iconic lines and art from the play.
  • Digital Collectibles: Create NFTs of specific scenes, art, or dialogue snippets for fans interested in unique, digital keepsakes.

6. Influencer Collaborations

  • Theater and Comedy Influencers: Partner with influencers who have a passion for indie theater, existential themes, or comedic content to help spread the word.

7. Email Campaigns and Newsletters

  • Exclusive Content: Offer subscribers access to exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, or commentary tracks to keep them engaged and invested in the play’s journey.

8. Contests and Giveaways

  • Script Read-Along: Host a contest where fans can win a chance to read along with the cast or even play a small part in an online scene.
  • Art or Meme Contest: Encourage fans to create art, memes, or video edits based on the play’s themes for a chance to win tickets or merchandise.

These strategies aim to build community, engage viewers, and create buzz around “Norton Street.”!

This video was produced 16 years ago, and has managed to get 3.1K viewers, under the name “Norton Str33t”, to differentiate it from the thousands of ordinary Norton Street postings. Maybe your postings can improve on that modest number.

https://www.idhhb.com/worklines/nortonstreet/ — this is a copy-and-paste url that will get you to where you can order the script and find out more about this stuff, like there’s a DVD and there’s a script — just press the “script” button on the bottom, there, see it? Or maybe I better post the exact url you need: https://www.idhhb.com/worklines/nortonstreet/nortonstreet-play-script.html — that’s where you want to get the script and find out even more about this stuff.

NOTE: This really works. Don’t order it, unless you don’t mind that it really works.

And now, please board the magical mystery tour bus here in beautiful Bardotown.

See You At The Top!!!
