Thursday August 1

So here I am, and it’s deja-vu all over again! Last night, Trump left a one-hour scheduled question and answer session, and left in a huff after only 32 minutes in the tank with the lions. Trump 0, Lions 1 — and that crumpled heap is bound to try again.

Meanwhile, I don’t intend to allow any distractions to keep me from my secret weekly quest, which is so secret I haven’t told anyone. Well, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

Okay, this week’s secret quest is to find out once and for all who makes the best croissant in Paris. My second secret quest is to locate the origin of all those baguettes they make there.

Come to think of it, I already know which croissant is the best — Mamiche. And the origin of the baguettes is, of course, KFC of Paris.