A brand-new posting…

Yep, here it is, a new group of fun and interesting videos, compiled in “video tour” format for your enjoyment. At the top, you’ll see actual combat footage of me in team fortress, along with all our in-game friends.  This video is not recent, but I have played just a bit of TF2 a week ago, to make sure it’s all in working order, and it is.

I had planned an excursion today that would take us beyond the barriers of space and time, but it developed more into a rip-roaring ride into reality of the Third Kind.

By this time, you’ll no doubt be ready to begin the tour, so let us hence:

Here’s my evidence in this London Walkabout for the existence of video Bardo Walk Videos, the proof of which you’ll find at around 16:46 minutes into the film.

See You At The Top!!!
